by: Grace E. Easley

Folks say the age of miracles
Has long since passed us by,
And "faith that moveth mountains",
Just a bit "old hat" to try.
Somehow they've stopped believing
In the things they cannot see,
'Til their boats fill up like Peter's,
On the sea of Galilee.

Folks say the age of miracles
Was over long ago.
That all the wonders Jesus wrought,
Are not for us to know.
And just like doubting Thomas,
Clinging to his pride,
The world today still wants to touch
The wound in Jesus' side.

But I believe in miracles,
I know that it is true,
There i a very special one,
God has reserved for you.
He loved us then, He loves us now,
The very thought is sweet,
To know the age of miracles, never obsolete.

Poem Index 2

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