by: Anna Lee Edwards Mclpin

When I recall the yesterdays
The rubble, storm and strife;
I thank my precious Lord again
For giving me new life.

There was a time of darkness and
I'd surely lost my way.
My life was empty, meaningless;
I could not even pray.

Rejection heightened feelings of
My lack of self-esteem;
Failure ate my peace of mind,
Destroyed my every dream.

The mornings that I wakened to
Held nothing more than dread;
My hope for happiness dissolved,
I wished that I were dead.

But then, one single word "forgive"
Was spoken from His throne,
And in my spirit beamed a light...
He beckoned, "Child, come home."

I died to self that He might live
Within the heart of me:
I chose the certain route to peace.
My Shepherd, now is He.

I'm walking in His victory,
A child of Christ, my King.
In Him I find fulfillment and To Him mypraise I sing!

Poem Index 2

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