by: Diana Sue Lindley

I want so much to please You, Lord,
In all I do and say,
In all my ways acknowledge You,
Today and every day.

You've blessed me in so many ways,
Too numerous to tell,
That just the mention of Your name
Reminds me all is well.

You've walked with me through valleys dim;
Together we've climbed the hills,
And all along the rocky roads,
You walk beside me still.

Through all the storms, You've sheltered me;
In my hunger, I was fed.
You've come to be my resting place
At the end of daily tread.

I know that I could ne'er repay
The blessings You impart,
Bur, too, I know that all You ask
Is the offering of my heart...

So, for today and every day,
I trust my life will show
How much I want to please You,
For Lord, I love You so.

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