by: Grace E. Easley

I looked for God this morning as
Dew glistened on the grass.
I stood beside the cross roads where
I thought He'd surely pass.
I strolled among the shadows of
A forest green with pine,
Through fragrant country gardens where
The morning glories twine.

I looked for God this afternoon,
Upon a sunny hill,
'Neath skies of blue and down beside
A rustic watermill.
Upon the banks of narrow streams,
That wind their merry way
Past fertile fields of clover where
The happy children play.

I looked for God this evening
As I was homeward bound,
Along a yellow gravel road
That took me back to town.
The wasted hours weighed upon
My shoulders heavily,
My footsteps dragged because God had
Not shown Himself to me.

And then a cool breeze fanned my face,
And through my tears the bright
Fluorescent glow of tiny stars,
That blazed across the night
And in my soul a blessed peace,
For suddenly I knew,
One cannot walk with beauty, Lord,
And not discover You.

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