100 mio. BC

75 mio. BC

5 mio. BC

50-100 th. BC

4327 BC

739 BC

238 BC

250 AD


430 (459)
























Sept. 1, 749

Sept. 2

Sept. 5

Sept. 6

Sept. 9


Sept. 10

Sept. 14

Apr. 6, 750

Apr. 18

May 6

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

May 12

750 - 753

May 5, 753

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 7, 756

May 8


760 - 770

Oct. 12, 761


Nov. 2, 762

Nov. 3

Nov. 4

Nov. 7


Nov. 9

Nov. 14

Nov. 21

Dec. 13

Dec. 18

Dec. 19

Dec. 20

Dec. 23

Dec. 24

May 3, 763

Sept. 9




Aug. still

764 - 766


May 7

May 12

May 15

May 16

May 17

May 18

May 19

May 20

May 26

May 27

May, June 767





Apr. 8

Apr. 9 - 10

May 8

Sept. 7



May 7, 784


Existance of the first Kaio-sama

15th generation Rou Kaioshin is sealed into Z sword

Bibidi creates Majin Buu, gets killed by East Kaioshin. Buu kills all the other Kaioshins and absorbs the Dai Kaioshin.

Annin becomes the guardian of Furnance of eight

Garlic's ancestors settle on Earth

Jadoushin becomes the princess of the Serpent path

The Legendary Super Saiyajin starts his universe destruction rampage

Uranai Baba starts her fortune telling business

King Enma makes it to the end of Snake way to recieve training from King Kaio. Climatic changes on Namek occur, Piccolo is sent to Earth as a kid.

Kamesennin (Tao Bai Bai) is born

The old Kami chooses Piccolo to be the next on the throne. Garlic fights Kami for not choosing him, and loses. Piccolo pursues all the evil out of him, thus creating Piccolo Daimaho.

Dabura watcches Earth

The first Saiyajins begin to settle on planet Plant

Muten Roshi starts looking at pron magazines

Muten Roshi finds DB #3, the first ever Tenkaichi Budokai occurs.

SonGohan sr. is born

Kami tells his story to mr. Popo

Pilaf is born

War between Saiyajins and Tsufurujins. Sayiajins conquer planet Plant, renaming it to planet Vegeta. They adopt the technology of Tsufurujins.

RR General Blue is born

Tao Bai Bai becomes a professional assassin

Saiyajins sign a trety with Freezer, King Vegeta marries.

Vegeta is born

Bulma, Yamcha, Tenshinhan are born. The cueernt king of Earth takes the throne.

Freezer za?ne izkori�?ati Saiyajine

Krillin is born

Kakarotto is born and sent to Earth, Bardock has a vision of Kakarotto fighting Freezer. King Vegeta is killed when trying to revolt against Freezer. Freezer destroys planet Vegeta. ChiChi is born.

SonGoku hits himself over the head and forgets everything

Ox-king an ChiChi trapped on Frypan mountain

Oolong is born, Krillin start training. Baby creates dr. Miyu.

Yamcha meets Puar

Roshi's Phoenix dies, Roshi finds a lost turtle

Bulma starts her quest for the Dragonballs

Bulma meets SonGoku

They meet Roshi and get DB #3

SonGoku stops Oolong's terrorising villagers, gets DB #&

First battle with Yamcha, drawn

SonGoku beats Yamcha. Roshi destroys Frypan mountain, they get DB #7. Mai and Shao steal all but DB #4. SonGoku and friends caught in Pilaf's castle. Pilaf summons Shenlong, Oolong wishes for a woman's panties. SonGoku turns Oozaru, destroys the castle. (WHAT A BUSY DAY!)

Krillin and Songoku rescue Lunch and become Roshi's students

The training begins

The training gets tougher (40 kilogram shells)

Captain Silver starts searching for the DB's

Roshi, Krillin and Songoku leave for the Budokai. They meet Yamcha and Bulma

The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai begins. Jackie Chun wins it, SonGoku is the runner-up. SonGoku, Pilaf and the Silver unit of the RR Army fight for the #5 and #6 DB's, Silver wins them. SonGoku ad ChiChi meet again, SonGoku gets rid of the Silver unit, including Captain Silver.

SonGoku comes to General White's Muscle tower. He beats Sergeant Metallic, Master Sergeant Purple and Buyon. #8 becomes his friend, kills General White.

Bulma fixes SonGoku's radar, General Blue chases after them. SonGoku defeats him. Then he defeats General Yellow and the Yellow unit at the Karin tower. Blue is killed by Tao Bai Bai at the RR HQ, Tao Bai Bai goes to the Karin tower, beats SonGoku who starts climbing. Tao bai Bai forgets the #4 DB.

SonGoku makes it to the top and begins the chase after the Holy Water

SonGoku makes it, ready to face Tao Bai Bai again. Kills him, attacks the RR HQ. Assistant Black kills Commander Red, Captain Violet plunders the RR vault, SonGoku destroys the RR army and kills Black. Goes to Uranai Baba to find the last DB, summons Shenlong and revives Upa's father.

SonGoku trains all around the world, meets Tenshinhan and Chaozu

Songoku swims to the Papaya-isles where the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai is being held

The Budokai begins. Tenshinhan wins it, SonGoku is runner-up. Krillin is killed.

20 of King of the Earth's rule, Piccolo Daimaho takes over the world

SonGoku kills Piccolo Daimaho, starts training in Kami's lookout

The 23rd Tenkaichi budokai begins. SonGoku wins it, beating Piccolo. The preparations for SonGoku and ChiChi's wedding begin and are interrupted by fire.

The flames are removed, SonGoku and ChiChi get married

SonGohan is born

Dr. Miyu begins gathering energy to resurrect Baby

Radditz arrives, is killed, SonGoku as well

Piccolo trains SonGohan, SonGoku runs the Snake Way to King Kaio's planetoid. He trains there, learns the Kaio Ken and the Genki Dama. Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Krillin, Chaozu and Yajirobi train at Kami's lookout.

SonGoku is wished back, but needs time to make it back on the Snake Way

Vegeta and Nappa arrive. Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Chaozu and Piccolo are killed. SonGoku finally drops in, defeats Nappa. Vegeta kills Nappa and fights SonGoku, loses. SonGoku convinces Krillin to let Vegeta live. Dr. Gero starts collecting blood samples from the strongest fighters of the Earth.

SonGoku, SonGohan, Krillin are brought to hospital

SonGohan and Krillin leave hospital

The repairs on the spaceship Piccolo came in are finished

Bulma, Krillin, SonGohan take off to Namek

Vegeta lands on Freezer's planet #79

Vegeta is healed, blasts off to Namek

They all land about the same time. Vegeta kills Kiwi. SonGoku blasts off to Namek as well. Dende takes Krillin to Saichiouru-sama. Tenshinhan, Chaozu, Yamcha and Piccolo make it to Kaio's planetoid.

Zarbon beats Vegeta, nearly killing him, heals him (Freezer's order)

Vegeta is healed, kills Zarbon. Freezer orders the Ginyu Force to come ASAP. SonGohan takes Vegeta's DB.

SonGoku finishes training at 100 G's. SonGohan goes to Saichiouru-sama, Vegeta follows. The Ginyu Force arrives, Vegeta alleis with SonGohan and Krillin.

Vegeta kills Guldo. SonGoku arrives, defeats Rikoom and Barta, Vegeta kills them. Vegeta kills Jeeze, Ginyu does his body swap with SonGoku and then the frog. Then Bulma and then the frog again. Piccolo is wished to Namek and merges with Nail. Freezer kills Vegeta, SonGoku attacks Freezer, nearly killing him with the Genki Dama. Freezer kills krillin, SonGoku goes SSJ. Everyone killed by Freezer and his people is revived, everyone on Nammek is wished to Earth. SonGoku defeats Freezer, planet Namek explodes, SonGoku survives.

Krillin and Yamcha are revived

Tenshinhan and Chaozu are revived. New Namek is wished.

Garlic Jr. escapes from the Dead Zone. SonGohan sends him back there.

Freezer is a cyborg. Cell arrives in Trunks's time machine, goes underground.

Freezer and King Cold arrive, Trunks kills them

Trunks tells his story, everyone goes to train.

Everyone trains, Vegeta finally goes SSJ. Trunks is born.

SonGoten is born

The 24th Tenkaichi Budokai occurs, mr. Satan wins it

The Androids arrive, Piccolo fuses with Kami-sama, SonGoku suffers his heart disease. Cell of this timeline is killed when Krillin and Trunks destroy dr. Gero's underground lab. SonGoku is cured by Trunks's medicine.

Vegeta and Trunks enter the Room of Spirit and Time

Cell reaches his second and his perfect form. SonGoku and SonGohan train in the Room of Spirit and Time.

Cell announces the Cell Game. Piccolo trains in the Room of Spirit and Time.

Vegeta trains in the Room of Spirit and Time again.

Dende becomes the new Kami. Cell destroys the Royal Army. Trunks trains again.

Trunks finishes training

The Cell Game begins. SonGoku sacrifices himself. SonGohan goes SSJ2, kills Cell.

Trunks returns to his timeline, SonGoku is buried

SonGoku participates in the Annoyoichi Budokai

Krillin and #18 get married

Marron is born

Kaioshin and Kibito journey to Earth, in search of Buu's sphere

SonGohan completes the first grade on Orange Star High School, meets Videl. The Great Saiyaman appears.

Videl discovers SonGohan is the Great Saiyaman

SonGohan teaches Videl how to fly. The South Kaio observes SonGoku.

Piccolo, SonGohan, Gotenks are absorbed by Buu. Buu blows up the Earth, Polunga restores it. All the good people are revived. Buu is destroyed with a Super Genki Dama.

Shenlong erases everyone's memories on Buu

Pan is born

Bra is born

The 28th Tenkaichi Budokai occurs. SonGoku leaves with Ubuu.

Dragonball GT occurs.

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