Dragonball Z is a much longer series than Dragonball...actually almost twice as long. As far as I know, it was created in 1985. It is also more action oriented and has more Sagas: Saiyajin, Freezer, Androids, Cell Game and Majin Buu. Altogether there are 291 episodes. Quite a lot, don't you think? Now let's start.


About 4 years have passed since Chichi and SonGoku got married. They already have a son, SonGohan, named after SonGoku's foster grandfather. They are living as peacefully as they can (with ChiChi around it's not that easy! She changed a lot, I couldn't believe it!). At the Kame House, nothing changed, except that Lunch went chasing after Tenshinhan. Krillin still lives there with Roshi. Bulma come to visit, but whe she's asked about Yamcha, she is furious. Her charachter didn't change one bit. SonGoku and SonGohan make their way on the Nimbus to the Kame House (ChiChi is never happy when they do that), and what a coincidence, just then Ox-King visits her daughter. But something else is going on. A weird capsule from outher space lands and makes quite a hole. Out steps a guy with killer hair and a tail, and when a farmer shoots at him, he catches the bullet and kills the man. Just after that, he says something about his brother Kakarotto, and reads a strong power wave from his scouter. It is Piccolo, who wants toget rid of the stranger, but he is too weak. Just then, the alien reads another power surge and flys off saying "Kakarotto, have you forgotten your mission and the pride of Saiyajins!?". At the Kame House, a wonderful reunion is going on. SonGohan is introduced to the company, but then, the one who arrived shorlty before, shows up. He explains he is Radditz, a Saiyajin from planet Vegeta. SonGoku is his younger bro Kakarotto, but it seems that he had forgotten his mission to destroy Earth. He did, in an accident when he hit himself over the head and nearly died. But still, SonGoku refuses to cooperate with his brother who gives him one in the stomach (and Krill gets one too) and a choice: Kill 100 people and join Radditz or die. And to make things worse, Radditz took SonGohan hostage. ChiChi, meanwhile got all her mother-like concerns and her father tried to calm her. At the Kame House, they tried to make a plan to defeat Radditz, but then Piccolo drops in and offers an alliance. SonGoku accepts, and so with Piccolo they go after Radditz. But they can't do anything about him, he is too strong. And after SonGoku screwed up a perfect chance and let go off Radditz's seemed like curtains for SonGoku and Piccolo. But then, Radditz reads a power level of 710, from SonGohan who is gettng very angry. When Radditz is about to give SonGoku the final blow, SonGohan headbutts him and weakens him. SonGoku grabs the chance (and Radditz) telling Piccolo to do something. And Piccolo does his Makankosappo and kills both. And we get the first bloody scene in DBZ! Before death, Radditz tells Piccolo that he has no chance, that warriors even stronger will come. Piccolo tells about the Dragonballs and that they can revive SonGoku anyway, but Radditz's scouter immediatelly transmits the message. Radditz dies. Just then, Bulma, Krillin and Roshi arrive, SonGoku is nearly dead. And when he dies, his body disappears, Piccolo realises that Kami-sama has a plan. And he does! He brings SonGoku to King Enma and suggests he should go over the Snake Way to King Kaio and train there. So, SonGoku makes himself on his way. It will be long. On Earth, Piccolo takes SonGohan to train. ChiChi and Ox-King find out about SonGoku's death. And on a distant planet, two of the remaining Saiyajins, the prince Vegeta and his comrade Nappa, get into their capsules and up on their way to Earth. In the "next dimension", SonGoku had quite some trouble with the Snake Way (once fell off, but luckily he could get back on) and in our dimension, Piccolo trained SonGohan and believe it or not, he began to get converted from evil to good. When SonGoku made it to Kaio's planetoid, he first experienced the tremendous gravity. But King Kaio realised SonGoku was strong, so he decided to teach him the Kaio Ken and the Genki Dama. At Kami's lookout, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Chaozu, Krillin and Yajirobi were training...well, Yajirobi was more interested in eating anyway. They experienced the shattering power of the Saiyajins and realised it will be hard to win. On Kaio's planetoid, SonGoku had trouble with Kaio's sense of humour AND the funny exercises. He had to catch Kaio's pet monkey and hit his pet insect Gregory with a mallet. And he had trouble with it, A LOT. But when he managed to do it, He was ready to learn the Kaio Ken and the Genki Dama. On Earth, SohGohan is trained by Piccolo. And, they start to become friends. Meanwhile, the remaining Saiyajins, Nappa and Vegeta make a little detour and destroy planet Arlia. After some more training, the time for the Saiya-Jins to come was there. WHAT A TIME TO MISCALCULATE THE TIME, EH MISTER KAIO? He realised SonGoku would be on Earth 1 day too late because of a mistake he made in his calculations. Anyway, through telepathy, SonGoku told Roshi to revive him. But the Saiyajins were already on Earth, and destroyed a big city first thing they got there. Then, they flew off to the desert where Piccolo and SonGohan were, then Krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha and Chaozu dropped in too. But Yajirobi decided to make some cash by giving the press the info about the Saiyajins. And he did! Anyway, in the desert it was more interesting. Vegeta told Nappa to plant those Saibamen and so 6 of them popped up out of the ground, and so it was 6 vs 6. The first Saibaman was quickly killed by Tenshinhan (well, actually just knocked down, but Vegeta had finished him off). The next one was killed by Yamcha. But the third one did a kamikaze attack on him and so, Yamcha was killed. Bulma & Co. were watching the thing on TV, and you can imagine what the atmosphere there was like after Yamcha's death. Anyway, the fact pissed Krillin off A LOT and so Krill was quickly finished with the 3 remaining Saibamen. Looks like Nappa will have to act. Meanwhile, SonGoku made it to the Earth, got 2 Senzu beans from Karin, and made his way on his Nimbus cloud. But he was late, the battle against Nappa already began. And it was tough. No attacks worked. Chaozu did a kamikaze attack on Nappa, but he only got himself killed. Nappa didn't have a single scratch. And, because of the friendship, Tenshinhan engages Nappa in battle. Alone. Not good, Nappa ripped off his hand. With his last strength, Tenshinhan launched his final Kihoho, but even that couldn't harm Nappa. Tenshinhan was a goner now as well. As Nappa was about to finish off SonGohan, Piccolo and Krillin, Vegeta stopped him,saying he would grant a 3 hour break in which Kakarotto should pop up. So, the three remaining defenders of the Earth tried to make a plan. Krillin would distract Nappa, Piccolo would grab his tail and SonGohan would HURT him. It didn't work. After some more fighting, Nappa launched a KI blast at SonGohan, but Piccolo intercepted it, sacrificing his life to save SonGohan. That meant Kami was gone too, and there were no more Dragonballs. Then, finally, SonGoku arrived. He gave Krillin and SonGohan the Senzu beans, and then engaged Nappa. And Nappa was the weaker one. So, he wanted to be mean and attack Krillin and SonGohan, BUT SonGoku used the Kaio Ken technique and knocked him down. Vegeta got VERY angry about Nappa's defeat and he just killed him. So, Vegeta and SonGoku had to face each other. SonGoku told his son and Krillin to get out of there, and flew off with Vegeta to fight somewhere else. The battle was great, Vegeta was the stronger one, until SonGoku tried the triple Kaio Ken, even though he promised Kaio not to go further than double. With the triple Kaio Ken, SonGoku was equal to Vegeta, and his Kamehameha and Vegeta's Final Flash neutralised each other. So Vegeta flew off in hope of finding a Moon. But he couldn't find any because Piccolo had destroyed it while training SonGohan. So, Vegeta had to go for a Power Ball, and he went Oozaru, crushing SonGoku while he was attempting to do a Genki Dama. Krillin and SonGohan flew back, trying to cut off Vegeta's tail, but Krillin and his Kienzan missed. But then, Yajirobi dropped in and cut off Vegeta's tail and Vegeta got VERY angry about it, but he had another thing coming, namely the Genki Dama. However, SonGoku was too weak to blast Vegeta with a Genki Dama, so he gave it to Krillin, who MISSED! But SonGohan directed it directly into Vegeta. VOLL ERWISCHT! Direct hit! Vegeta was blasted away, but after a while, he fell back down and slowly regained his counsciousness. But then SonGohan went Oozaru, Vegeta cut off his tail, but SonGohan fell directly on Vegeta. Krillin took Yajirobi's sword, and went for Vegeta to finish him off, but SonGoku stopped him and let Vegeta go. So, Vegeta escaped, SonGoku and SonGohan were transferred to a hospital. And Krilllin suggested going to Namek and search for the Dragonballs there (Vegeta mentioned the Namekian DB's while Nappa was fighting). Bulma agreed. SonGohan told Krillin and Bulma he'd go with them, and naturally ChiChi got all full of speeches, but SonGohan told her "SHUT THE HELL UP!" and you can imagine how ChiChi reacted to THAT. So, LET'S GO TO NAMEK!!!!


The company wanted to go to Namek with Nappa's space pod, but Bulma pushed the WRONG button and blew the thing up. And, of course, blamed everyone else for it, just like she usually does. Just then, Mr. Popo showed up, saying they could use the space ship that Kami came to Earth with. Only one only works if the pilot spekas the language of Namek. So, the blast off had to be delayed for a couple of days so Bulma could learn it. But, then, the big day was there. ChiChi and Ox-King came with SonGohan and thanks to ChiChi, SonGohan was made fun of quite a lot before he got angry. Anyway, the ship was ready to blast off, and they were fast! Anyway, SonGoku escaped from the hospital to train for the rematch with Vegeta, but was too weak and had to be brought back to the hospital. Meanwhile, Bulma, Krillin and SonGohan encountered some weird kids, saved their space ship and then landed on a planet they thought to be Namek. And found all 7 Dragonballs just to find that the whole thing was an illusion. After some trouble with two native inhabitants they escaped and flew towards real Namek. Vegeta arrived to the base on Freezer Planet #79, and was healed. Then, his rival Kiwi told him that Freezer was already off to Namek and Vegeta departed in haste, and Kiwi after him. On Namek, just then Bulma, Krillin and SonGohan landed, they saw Vegeta's capsule fly over them and that already made them shake in fear, but then when they saw another capsule like that and din't know who was in it...anyway, SonGohan and Krillin did some scouting and found a village where Freezer with his bodyguards Dodoria and Zarbon was terrorizing the villlage chief and two kids. Then, a couple of Namek warriors flew in and defeated Freezer's entire army except for his bodyguards. The village chief blew up their scouters so they couldn't read the power levels anymore. Meanwhile, Vegeta killed Kiwi with ease (and blew off Zarbon's scouter coz his power level was too high for it). Anyway, as Dodoria disposed of the Namek warriors (and Freezer got his 5th Dragonball), he went after the kid, but then SonGohan had enough and blasted off in anger, and Dodoria got quite a kick over his face. Krillin then helped save the kid and they flew off, and Dodoria after them. It was quite dangerous until Krillin used a Taiyoken to blind Dodoria so the three could flee. Dissapointed, Dodoria made himself on his way back. But hey, someone shot him off the sky! Guess who was it? Naturally, Vegeta! Dodoria was all bossy at first, telling vegeta to hand over his scouter. Well, he could have said "Hand over the scouter and step on it!" coz that's just what Vegeta did. Stepped on the scouter, ruining it. Then, he started to beat up Dodoria who told him about planet Vegeta. It was not a meteor what destroyed it, no, it was Freezer in person. Vegeta got so angry he just finished off Dodoria and started looking for the Dragonballs. SonGohan and Krillin brought Dende (that's the name of the Namekian kid) to where Bulma set up a house. After a meal, Dende suggested going to the Great Elder who would help them. SonGohan stayed with Bulma, and Krillin went with Dende. Nail and the Elder were expecting them. And the Elder gave Krillin a Dragonball, and powered him up. SonGoku (who finally got some Senzu beans) visited dr. Briefs and blasted off in the space capsule he built for him to train. SonGoku took off despite dr. Briefs's warning that he failed to install the stereo. And soon, guess who spoke to him? Yes, that's right, it was King Kaio, telling him that Piccolo, Chaozu, Tenshinhan and Yamcha were on his planetoid to train. And told SonGoku to stay out of Freezer's way, but I wonder if he expected him to obey that....if he did, he isn't mr. Knowall. Meanwhile, Vegeta found a Dragonball and hid it, and soon encountered Zarbon who beat the hell out of him, Vegeta barely survived. But in Freezer's HQ, he outsmatrted Zarbon and Freezer and stole all the Dragonballs. Freezer's anger was great and he gave Zarbon only 1 hour to retrieve the Dragonballs and kill Vegeta. He also ordered to call the Ginyu Force with new scouters. SonGohan and Bulma found Vegeta's Dragonball on the radar and SonGohan went to get it. Krillin returned with the Dragonball he got from Saichiouru-sama and with Bulma, he waited for SonGohan. But someone else dropped in! "Oh shit, it's Vegeta!", that's what Krillin and Bulma said. And shortly after, Zarbon came chasing after Vegeta, but this time Vegeta killed him easily, even though Zarbon went into his beast from. Then, Vegeta took Krillin's Dragonball (well, Krill had absolutely no chance against the prince of the Saiyajins, so he gave him the Dragonball). SonGoku encountered some major trouble in his training room, flying through a electromanetic radiation wave caused his gravity machine to go to 100 G's and that nearly got Songoku killed, his life was saved by a Senzu bean, but consequently, he got a lot stronger. On Namek, Songohan was flying back with Vegeta's Dragonball, when he ran into the prine of Saiyajins. He quickly hid the Dragonball so that vegeta didn't suspect a thing...until he went searching for the Dragonball and couldn't find it. In fury, he blasted off, chasing after SonGohan, who with Krillin, was on his way to Saichiouru-sama's house to have his powers awakened as well. Just as SonGohan passed the procedure, Vegeta dropped in too, but at the same time, they all sensed 5 mighty enegry waves, and Vegeta didn't take long to realise it was Freezer's special commando squad, the Ginyu Force. Whether he liked it or not, his best option was to ally himself with Krillin and SonGohan. Temporarily, of course, or so he thought. So, the three went and picked up the Dragonball Bulma was taking care of, and Bulma was like "What the...was that Vegeta...?", and when she called Earth, Roshi was also like "Man there must be something really terrible coming if they allied...". Anyway, Vegeta led the two to where he hid the other 6 DB's, but one sec after that, the Ginyu Force was there too, after performing some ridiculous "introduction dance" for Freezer. Captain Ginyu took the Dragonballs, while the other 4 squad members should take care of Vegeta, Krillin and SonGohan. Guldo decided to fight first, and he caused some confusion with his time stopping skills, but soon he was out of breath so he resorted to more drastic methods. He paralysed Krillin and SonGohan, but as he was about to finish them with a tree he personally spiked into some major dart, he lost his head (literally), thanks to Vegeta. But, the weird being that Guldo was, his head kept talking even after it was off it's proper place, but was soon silenced by Vegeta, as well. However, there the fun ended. Rikoom faced the three warriors, and gave them a capital case of beating. Vegeta nearly got killed, but SonGohan and Krillin saved him and as Rikoom decided to make a disaster area out of those two, SonGoku's spaceship finally landed on Namek. SonGoku immediately hurried to the battlefield, and gave Krillin, SonGohan and Vegeta Senzu beans (and Krillin started with his famous "get on everyone's nerves speech" because vegeta was healed as well). But, then he shut up quite quickly as SonGoku defeated Rikoom with a single blow. And Vegeta started wondering if SonGoku was maybe a Super Saiyajin (Vegeta's full of this SSJ stuff until he dies!) So, Barta and Jeeze decided to attack together, but they couldn't achieve anything either. After SonGoku knocked down Barta, Jeeze escaped, coz not even his Crusher Ball could even touch SonGoku. Anyway, Jeeze flew off to get Cap'n Ginyu, and Vegeta did away with the two that were knocked down. Soon, the 2 remaining Ginyu Force members returned, and SonGoku old his son and Krillin to get the Dragonballs, and asked Vegeta to fight with him so they would ahve a 2 on 2 combat. But, Vegeta decided to rather follow the two in search of the Dragonballs. So, SonGoku had to face Ginyu alone, and after a lot of trouble the Ginyu squad commander had with the Saiyajin, things took an interesting turn. Ginyu pulled a trick and swapped bodies with SonGoku, and flew off with Jeeze (who was ordered to just watch). Back at Freezer's spaceship, where Krillin and SonGohan realised they can't summon the Dragon without a password and Vegeta was hiding to snatch his wish for immortality, Ginyu and Jeeze caused a lot of confusion. Krillin actually thought Ginyu was SonGoku, but SonGohan didn't fall for the trick. And just before Vegeta jumped in, Songoku appeared too, in Ginyu's body. Anyway, since Ginyu didn't have full control over SonGoku's power, Vegeta could give him quite a beating-up and so Ginyu decided to swap bodies again, but now SonGoku stepped in line so those two got their original bodies back. SonGoku tried to finish Ginyu, but was too weak (yep, Vegeta beat the hell out of his body) and missed. But, as Ginyu tried the final body-swap, SonGoku threw a frog at him and the result was like this: one Ginyu who acts like a frog and one frog who's trying to act like Ginyu but since frogs can't speak and so on...that's eside the point now. I guess you all were wondering where Freezer was all this time. Well, he also found out he couldn't summon the Dragon without the password, so he flew off to Saichiouru-sama to get it. The Namekian Elder sent Dende to help summoning the Dragon, and just after that, Freezer flew in. So, Nail challenged the tyrant in hopes of being able to delay Freezer long enough for the others to summon the Dragon. Freezer realised that a bit too late, so he couldn't take time to kill Nail and flew back hastily. In the meantime, Vegeta decided to be a nice guy for a while and so he put SonGoku into some machine that would heal his wounds, and then gave Krillin and SonGohan some Saiyajin-type battlesuits which they both found very practical. And then, Vegeta decided he should rest a bit before the showdown. So, when Dende came, SonGohan and Krillin decided to sneak away to summon the Dragon, and so they did and Polunga told them they had 3 wishes. And then, Piccolo contacted them via Kaio and demanded to be revived. Well, and until he explained that would mean Kami's comeback and the comeback of the Earth's Dragonballs too, the others were very mad at him. But, after the explanation they decided to do what he asked and let him be revived and then immediately wished to Namek. But now, Vegeta woke up and got pretty angry at the fact that the Dragon got summoned without him knowing, and when he arrived and demanded immortality, Saichiouru-sama died and the Dragon was gone. Just before Vegeta could get angry at the others for what happened, the terror of the Universe flew in. Freezer h�chstpers�nlich. And so the three had another common foe, and Vegeta decided not to break his alliance. So, they all engaged Freezer who really didn't seem strong enough to fight back...until he transformed into his Form 2. Then, troubles began. Freezer rammed one of his horns through Krillin's chest, nearly killing him. SonGohan got very angry, so Freezer took quite a lot of blasting before the young man got tired. And then, things looked bad again. But, in the meantime Piccolo arrived on Namek and saw the severely injured Nail lieing on the ground. And after some convinving and pondering, he decided to accept Nail's offer to merge with him and get his powers too. So, Freezer had another thing coming. His Form 2 was not strong enough to get finished with Piccolo, so he had to go one form ahead into Form 3. Meanwhile, Dende found the nearly dead Krillin and healed him so that he was ready for action again. But, even in From 3, he couldn't prevail, so he started his final transformation that takes quite some time! During that time, Vegeta convinced Krillin to nearly finish him off because when he gets healed he'll also get more strength if he's close to death. It took some time to convince Dende to heal Vegeta, but when he did, Freezer was in his final form, and ready to attack again. First, he killed Dende since he saw what he can do, and then decided to finish off the others. Vegeta, thinking he's way stronger than Freezer, challenged the tyrant, not knowing that this was going to be his final battle (first final battle, actually...LOL). In the beginning it did seem as if Vegeta won the upper hand, but then Freezer easily defended against Vegeta's strongest attack and even the prince of Saiyajins realised he had no chance. But, he still decided to keep fighting till death. And that was pretty soon, but then, SonGoku was healed and so he woke up and flew off to the place of action. And it was about thime because Vegeta was knocked down severely injured and it was obvious he wouldn't make it. And, since he also knew that, he did something VERY out of charachter. He decided to put aside the fact that he still hated Kakarotto (still calling him so. That name flipped a switch in Freezer's brain so the space tyrant figured SonGoku was a Saiyajin as well) and told him everything about how Freezer took control of the Saiyajins who were forced to work for him, then how his father, King Vegeta tried to revolt and was killed in his attempt, and finally, how Freezer destroyed planet Vegeta, killing everyone (including SonGoku's father Bardock) except for the 4 Saiyajins who were off the planet (Kakarotto, Radditz, Nappa and Vegeta). The remaining Saiyajins were still under Freezer's control (except for SonGoku, who was on Earth and Freezer didn't know he existed) until their trip to Earth and now, to Namek. After telling his story, Vegeta begged SonGoku to avenge him, their fathers and their race and finish off Freezer once and for all. SonGoku gave his word and was pretty pissed at Freezer by now. But when Freezer decided things got too boring and too soapy, and passed Vegeta another final blow, SonGoku was really mad (but not quite enough...yet). He told him to leave Vegeta alone since he was no longer a threat, Vegeta told SonGoku to be a bit less nice because being nice the biggest mistake one can make when fighting against a villain who is so dangerous, and Freezer just blasted Vegeta again, this time killing him. So, the life of one proud Saiyajin warrior has come to an end. Not for very long, though. But now, Freezer had a tougher opponent who was actually matched with him in the beginning. But then Freezer just went to 50% of his power and SonGoku was totally overwhelmed and got quite a beating. Just as he wanted to give up, he got a telepathic message from Vegeta and that reminded him he did give his word. And after he realised what would happen ot Earth if he lost now, SonGoku decided he had no choice and went for a 20X Kaio Ken and blasted Freezer with a Kamehameha. Luckily, the Kaio Ken didn't harm SonGoku (remember if you overdo it it can kill you!) but unfortunatelly, Freezer didn't have a single scratch either. So, the last resort SonGoku had after some more pounding was the Genki Dama, but it was risky-he needed much more energy to finish Freezer and naturally that takes a lot more time. But he successfully decieved Freezer for a while and the tyrant thought SonGoku was just fooling around to buy some time to recover, until he saw a reflection of the Genki Dama in the water. Realising it could get nasty for him if he let SonGoku finish his attack, Freezer tried to attack him but then Piccolo flew in as a bodyguard, to buy enough time for SonGoku to finish the Genki Dama. But he got knocked down too quickly and just as it looked as curtains, SonGohan and Krillin also dropped in. Freezer got very annoyed by the whole thing and so he just decided to finish off the entire planet. But as he started with his Death Ball attack, SonGoku's Genki Dama was finished and Freezer was in quite some trouble. He took a direct hit, there wasa big explosion that made a huge crater and everyone got swept away by the blast wave. But, it looked like Freezer was finished once and for all. Kaio was doing a little happy dance on his planetois and Tenshinhan, Yamcha and Chaozu were very happy too, but not for long. Freezer returned, he was badly hurt, but unfortunatelly not dead.And he was pretty pissed off too. First he blasted Piccolo, and then he killed Krillin. But, that was finally too much for SonGoku's nerves, the whole thing made him so furious that he managed to become a Super Saiyajin. So, Freezer's worst nightmare, namely the Legendary Super Saiyajin was standing before him. And, Freezer had another thing coming.
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