Dragonball is the first series. As a Manga, it was out in 1981 (wow, it's older than I am!), as an Anime it came out 3 years later. It has 153 episodes altogether, and there are three Sagas: Pilaf, Red Ribbon and Piccolo. Probably not hard to guess who were the leading villains in each Saga. Now for the summaries.


          The story begins in a remote house in the mountains, we meet a young boy, who is already very strong. His name is SonGoku. As he goes fishing, a girl in a car almost crashes into him. She shoots him down (violence preview before the real action started, eh?). Anyway, SonGoku was not nearly dead, and ruined her car. She introdices herself as Bulma, saying that she was looking for the Dragonballs to call the Eternal Dragon Shenlong and make a wish. She wanted a boyfriend. SonGoku had the #4 Dragonball, but refused to hand it over, so she invited him to come with her and he accepted. But BUlma was not the only one after the Dragonballs. So was Emperor Pilaf. He wanted to take over the world. He send Shao and Mai out to get the Dragonballs while he'd sit on his rear and do nothing. But for now, SonGoku and Bulma had more luck. Soon, they found a lost turtle and helped her to the sea. Next day,the turtle brought Roshi who gave SonGoku the Nimbus Cloud, a cloud that a person with a pure heart can ride. As Roshi wanted to show how it's done, he fell through! But SonGoku jumped on it and did some maneuvering. Bulma got another Dragonball (after Roshi convinced her to show him her panties so that she will get the Dragonball and the turtle said "Now I know why you fell through..."). The Dragon Radar (Bulma's invention that locates the Dragonballs) then brought them to a village, where a guy named Oolong was scaring the people, and once in a while, he kidnapped their daughters. He could change into anything he wanted, but he could only remain in that state for 5 minutes. Now that SonGoku was there, he couldn't do anything ih his 5 minutes and as they went by, Oolong fled. But SonGoku caught him and reveled his true form-he's a pig. The people forced him to show his hideout, and he did, and returned their daughters. As a reward, Bulma and SonGoku got a Dragonball. And Oolong became their friend now. And they went on, through the wasteland where the notorius Desert Bandit, AKA Yamcha (and his cat-best friend Puar) attacked them to steal the Dragonballz. BUT his problem was, he was afraid of girls, so when he met Bulma he fled coz he was scared. Later, he attacked again, and now SonGoku knocked his tooth out (one of the rare events where the teeth are not back after 10 seconds), and Yamcha fled because of the terrible loss. Yamcha was not the opnly one trying to steal the Dragonballs. So were Mai and Shao, but they kept failing and Pilaf kept punishing them with his gadgets, but as clumsy as he is, it often turned against him (for example, when he wanted to electrocut them, he was holding his fork up and you probably know what happened to him as well)! Oolong meanwhile screwed up with Bulma's clothes so she was forced to wear a bunny suit then, for a while. She did complain a lot but...still better than no clothes. LOL. Anyway, Yamcha and Puar followed them (to steal the Dragonballz later, but...), and so they went on, to the Fry-pan mountain, where Ox-King (ChiChi's father) lived. The whole mountain was on fire, so Ox-King (after seeing SonGoku's stick and realising he knew his grandfather, and becoming friends with SonGoku) asked SonGoku to get Roshi who can put the fire out. And take his daughter, ChiChi (who had quite some problems with Yamcha at that time) with him. When SonGoku met her, it was love on the first sight for her (she's really cute and funny then!). Anyway, they went to Roshi's Kame house and brought him back to Fry-pan mountain. And Roshi did a Kamehameha, and put out the fire (BY CRUSHING THE MOUNTAIN!). SonGoku asked Roshi to teach him the Kamehameha, but Roshi replied that he had to train 50 years to be able to use it. But SonGoku made it in his first try! Rosi was all surprised, naturally. Bulma got another Dragonball and ChiChi (who is a really cute girl for now) asked SonGoku to marry her, and as dumb as he is (yes, he might be strong, but his IQ is about zero point zero zero), he thought "marriage" was some food, and said "Yes, sure". One couple determined, looks so. Then they made it to a village where a "Rabbit Gang" was terrorizing the people, and because of her outfit, everyone was afraid of Bulma. With the help of Yamcha, SonGoku disposed of the gang and Boss Rabbit. Anyway, Yamcha tried to steal the Dragonballz later, BUT he was too late, someone was there first! In some robots, they stole the Dragonballz and fled into some castle. They were Shao and Mai, the servants of Emperor Pilaf the Incompetent (I made the Incompetent part up). Pilaf was looking for the Dragonballz to take over the world. Of course, our company followed the thieves, but in the end they ended up locked in a dungeon, with Pilaf calling for Shenlong on the other side of the wall. But before Pilaf could wish for the world domination, SonGoku made a hole in the wall (with a Kamehameha), Oolong and Puar (who is even better at transforming than Oolong) transformed into bats and flew out the hole, and Oolong told Shenlong to give him a pait of panties, worn by a beautiful woman. And he got them! Pilaf was all pissed off now, who wouldn't be, his plan for the world domination was ruined! So, he ordered Shao and Mai to put the company into a dungeon with a glass top and steel wals (ya know, metals absorb mostly all of the heat that comes thought the top, so, once about midday, things would be REALLY HOT for the company). Yamcha and SonGoku tried to break the walls and knock them down, but no success. But then, SonGoku told them about a monster that comes out at the full Moon and because of which his grandfather SonGohan forbade him to look at it. SonGoku also says that the monster killed his grandfather. Of course, everyone realises that it was SonGoku who accidentally killed SonGohan when he transformed into a monster, looking at the full Moon. Bulma also realised that there was no other way but let SonGoku transform, so she did a very clever thing. She said "SonGoku, whatever you do, don't look at the Moon, it's right up there" and pointed at the Moon. SonGoku naturally looked up and he went Oozaru (a giant wereape-thing)! He demolished the entire castle and would kill his friends if Puar didn't transform into scissors and cut his tail off. He was back to normal, naked. He didn't remember a thing, so the friends decided not to tell him that he was the one who killed his grandfather. Since after a wish, the Dragonballz scatter all over the world and transform into normal stones for one year, they decided to give it up. Yamcha, Bulma, Oolong and Puar went their way and SonGoku went to Kamesennin to train.


          As SonGoku arrived to the island mf Kamesennin (Roshi), Krillin showed up as well. And Roshi agreed to train them if they bring a cute nice girl to serve him. So, after some searching, Krillin and SonGoku found Lunch and saved her from the police. Lunch is a friendly, nice and sweet blue-haired lady who wouldn't hurt a fly. And so they brought her back to Roshi. But then, they all found out about Lunch's "little" problem-she sneezes and changer sher hair colour (blue->blonde) and her mood, now she was more of a psycho killer bitch who instantly fired some rounds from her UZI. Luckily she transforms back if she sneezes again (so that from now on, they try to make her sneeze, but LATER, her psycho form will be useful, hehe). SonGoku and Krillin trained every day, all day, running, digging, carrying milk and such. And then, the big day was there. Kamesennin decided to take his two students to Papaya Isles, to the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai. Jackie Chun (Kamesennin in disguise) won it, SonGoku was 2nd. More about the Budokai in the Budokais section. After the tournament, SonGoku took the Dragon radar to search for his #4 Dragonball. First, he found Namu, who had water problems again. They realised there must be a dam or something, so they go up the river anmd find Giran bathing in the river and a dam was there too. Giran tells SonGoku that if he can destroy the dam, he should go ahead, but it's indestrructible anyway, WRONG! SonGoku ruined it with his Kamehameha. The water problem was taken care of. So, SonGoku continued his quest. But he was not the only one who was seeking for the Dragonballz! So was the Red Ribbon Army. The boss of this military organization, Commander Red wanted to have the Dragonballz to become taller (he was very upset every time when Assistant Black was standing next to him, because Black was so much taller). The first Dragonball that SonGoku located was near the camp of Captain Silver. The officer naturally underestimated SonGoku and was defeated in the fight. Then, SonGoku headed north (with a robot plane), and when it was cold enough, the robot pilot froze and didn't even warn SonGoku about the crash landing. But SonGoku was saved from the cold by a girl and in a village, he recovered. And the villagers told him that they had to look for the Dragonballz because of the Red Ribbon Army. The army captured their mayor and he was kept in the Muscle Tower, General White being in charge of it. SonGoku proceeded to get rid of the soldiers, though this time it was not so easy. First, he had to face Sergeant Metallic, a BIG robot guy, who lost when his batteries ran out (well, he'd lose eventually anyway). Then, he had to face Master Sergeant Purple, and a couple more Ninjas in service of the RR, and defeated them as well. And then he met #8, an Android created by Dr. Gero who was ordered to kill SonGoku BUT refused to do it and became his friend, then there was the Mystery Beast Buyon (a rubbery beast, SonGoku had quite some trouble with him but then he made a hole in the wall and the beast froze, SonGoku crushed him). Finally, he came into the Command Center of the Muscle Tower, where he faced General White. And defeated him, so White had to be sneaky and mean, and took the mayor as a hostage, and shot SonGoku (who didn't die). And that pissed off #8 who hit White in the kisser and sent him out into the cold into a snowy grave. Then, SonGoku noticed that his radar was kaputt. So he wentr to Bulma to fix it. And, Bulma and Krillin joined him in his quest. The next Dragonball was in a sea cave, so they went to get it, BUT now SonGoku was #1 on the RR Army's "Most wanted" list, so Commander Red sent General Blue after the company. And he followed them into there. However, they did manage to get the Dragonball and return to the Kame house, but there Blue tied them up with his special powers, and took the Dragonball. Plus, he gave them a time bomb. Lunch returned (after some "Achoo" transformations) in the last second and saved them so SonGoku could kick the bomb away. SonGoku followed Blue on his Nimbus Cloud. In a village, Blue hid, and SonGoku went in search for him. And so he met Dr. Slump who should make him a new radar. SonGoku found the Dragonballs but Blue took the radar to the RR base. TOO LATE! He was already considered a failure, so Commander Red hired the famous assassin Tao Bai Bai to take over. When Blue returned, Tao Bai Bai was ordered to kill him, and he did (with his tongue!). And then, he was off for SonGoku who was still looking for his #4 Dragonball. So, he would have to meet Tao Bai Bai sooner or later. Anyway, he met him at the Karin tower when he was just busy with killing Bura, a native. He wanted to finish off his son Upa, but then SonGoku intervened. And suffered a very painful defeat, Tao Bai Bai nearly killed him with his Dodonpa. Tao Bai Bai left with the Dragonballs, Upa wanted to bury SonGoku after he did his father, but SonGoku lived. And even more lucky, Tao Bai Bai didn't find his #4 Dragonball. Upa told SonGoku that if he makes it to the top of Karin tower, he can become more powerful. So, he climbed up there, it took him three days, and as he returned, Tao Bai Bai also returned, in search of the #4 Dragonball. This time, SonGoku was strong enough to defend against the Dodonpa, and then, he defeated Tao Bai Bai. But then, the assassin pulled a trick, kicking a stone at Upa with such power that it could kill him, and as SonGoku charged to save him, Tao Bai Bai threw a grenade at them, and took off. But SonGoku kicked it back, and it exploded in front of Tao Bai Bai's face. At the Red Ribbon HQ, Commander Red and Assistant Black were VERY shocked and they kinda already knew who was responsible for the action of removing Tao Bai Bai. SonGoku promised that he'd find all 7 Dragonballs so he could revive Upa's father. And so he went charging at the base of the RR Army. Meanwhile, Assistant Black heard his boss saying that he wanted the Dragonballs to become tall, and he wasn't very happy about that wish. I mean, taking over the wold is much more delightful, isn't it? I think the bad guys keep forgetting about the responsibilites that a world's Supreme Leader would have. They only see the priviledges. But that's beside the point. Black killed Red and took charge of the RR Army. Not much later, SonGoku dropped in and erased the entire Army, after killing Black the rest of the army scattered all over the world, that was the end of the RR Army. I mean, Black did fight. He blasted SonGoku and thought he killed him, but then SonGoku came out of nowhere and destroyed his robot which then exploded. The others were looking for him the whole time and were all worried. When they met, they all first scolded him and since Lunch was the blonde one, you probably know what happened, LOL. Well, he managed to get 6 Dragonballz. But the radar did not show where #1 was. Why? Well, Pilaf had it in some metal box that didn't let the radar waves go through. Ya know, the less powerful an electromagnetic waves are, the harder they get through metals. Gamma radiation is the strongest, radar waves are quite weak compared to those. Anyway, SonGoku decided to go to Roshi's sister Uranai Baba, the person who can tell everything from her crystal ball. Everyone else came along too, including Upa. The price was huge. Whether you pay 1 million zeni or fight Uranai Baba's 5 fighters. And until then, NOBODY managed to get information by fighting. This will change now. Anyway, Dracula man caused some severe head injuries for Krillin, but was defeated with Upa's garlic breath. Next was the invisible man. Yamcha had quite some trouble but then Krillin did something naughty. He positioned Roshi and Bulma so that they were facing each other and then pulled Bulma's top down. Roshi got so excited that his pressure went up and he got a severe nose bleed, and the blood caused the invisible man to become visible. Bulma and Roshi weren't very happy about it-Bulma was mad at Krillin for exposing her body, and Roshi was mad because Krillin could have killed him with a heart attack, but Yamcha could defeat the Invisible man easily now. But the next opponent, the mummy, was a lot tougher. Yamcha could have get killed, even though he got a second chance, and SonGoku saved him in the last second. Then he defeated the mummy. His next opponent was Akkuman, the man who claimed to be the Devil himself. Roshi was very surprised-usually Akkuman was the last of the fighters, meaning that now Uranai Baba found someone even more poweful. Anyway, Akkuman tried to kill SonGoku with his deadly technique, but he failed and lost. The last fighter was some mysterious old man. He knew the Kamehameha and it was qquite exciting when  SonGoku countered a Kamehameha with one of his own. But then the old man grabbed SonGoku's tail and so SonGoku became all weak. Roshi recognised the man-it was SonGohan, SonGoku's foster grandfather (who, by the way, was already dead so nobody believed it until Roshi explained the halo above the head-the at's the sign that one's dead). Anyway, after some bashing, SonGohan pulled out SonGoku's tail, causing him to do some weird dncing around. And then he got VERY mad, and tried to attack, but the old man said "I give up now". So, that was 5 down! Uranai Baba had to tell them where the #1 Dragonball was. But before that, SonGohan revealed his identity, and SonGoku was so happy to see him that he began to cry. Then showed him the 6 Dragonballs he already had. SonGohan was very proud of the boy, but then he had to leave and go back to the Kingdom of the dead. Anyway, Uranai Baba told them where the last Dragonball was and SonGoku folloede the car which it was in. And guess who was in the car? Pilaf the Incompetent! He spied on SonGoku, seeing his weakness. But he didn't know that his weakness was already removed. So, he challenged him. And SonGoku accepted. But Pilaf and Mai and Shao pulled out some capsules and made some combat robot, which SonGoku easily defeated. Then they escaped and launched a missile at SonGoku, but he threw it back and destroyed the robot AND obtained the 7th Dragonball. All he had to do now was take Upa with him to the Karin tower, call Shenlong and revive Bura, Upa's father. After that Yamcha decided to go and train with Kamesennin (who at first didn't want to take him with him, but after Bulma said she'd bring her new swimsuit over if Yamcha trained there, Roshi QUICKLY changed his mind) and SonGoku went to a journey around the world, also preparing for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai.


          On his way to 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai on Papaya Isles, SonGoku met Tenshinhan and Chaozu. Then, they were on the evil side, thanks to their teacher Tsurusennin (Kamesennin's arch rival). As the tournament began, Tenshinhan was still very arrogant and mean, but after the semi-finals and his victory, the whole company became friends. Lunch's problem of sneezing become useful for the first time. When they had no tickets, Lunch just said "Leave it to me", pulled her UZI and shot their way through (and everyone was EXTREMELY embarassed). The winner was, as mentined before, Tenshinhan. He invited everyone for dinner, but SonGoku forgot his Dragonball. Krillin went to pick it up. But SonGoku sensed something was wrong and ran after him, so did everyone else. And they found Krillin dead. SonGoku rushed off to avenge him, against the order of his teacher. The others found a weord sign next to Krillin, but only Roshi recognised it-it was the sign of Piccolo Daimaho who was hought to be the Devil himself. Roshi told them the story of Piccolo Daimaho, how he wreaked havoc all over the Earth and how all the martial arts experts were powerless against him, but finally, how his teacher, Mutaito stopped Picolo Daimaho with a Mafuba, sacrificing his own life. Piccolo was then imprisoned in some small box, and Roshi personally threw it into the ocean. But looks like now someone has opened it and let the demon out. Tenshinhan thought it was Tsurusennin, but we soon see it was his Moroncy, Emperor Pilaf. Meanwhile, SonGoku caught Krillin's assassin, it was Tambourine, a minion of Piccolo Daimaho. In the battle with him, he was beaten up very badly. As Tambourine returned to Pilaf's airship (where Piccolo had his throne), he brought the Dragonball and Pilaf explained everything about the Dragonballs and then asked Piccolo to leave him half of the world to rule, after they take it over. Piccolo was of course shocked by it and Mai and Shao already realised that it was not wise to release Piccolo Daimaho. Tenshinhan, Roshi and Chaozu decided to look for the Dragonballs to defeat Piccolo Daimaho, but Yamcha was to stay at the Kame house with the girls, because he still had problems with his leg. SonGoku meanwhile met Yajirobi and after a short fight, Piccolo's second minion, Cymbal showed up, but was quickly sliced in half. Yajirobi really is a master of the sword, but also a coward. Anyway, as soon as Piccolo sensed the death of Cymbal he ordered Tambourine (till then, his mission was to kill everyone who ever competed in any Tenkaichi Budokai-Piccolo was afraid someone might know the Mafuba) to aborrt his mission and avenge Cymbal's death, so he met SonGoku for the second time. Only this time, he lost, SonGoku killed him with a Kamehameha. Piccolo realised he'd have to deal with SonGoku himself, so the first battle between these two happened. SonGoku was the first one who could knock Piccolo down, but that only pissed him off so that SonGoku suffered another defeat and nearly got killed again. Piccolo, thinking he disposed of the boy, took off, but Yajirobi (who was hiding behind the tree and watching the whole show) realised SonGoku was alive and took him to the Karin tower where they could get some Senzu beans and an advice how to defeat Piccolo Daimaho. Meanwhile, Roshi, Tenshinhan and Chaozu found 5 dragonball, but Piccolo ghad the other 2 so that a confrontation was inevitable. Tenshinhan wanted to fight, but Roshi sprayed him with sleep gas and faced Piccolo himself. He tried to capture him with the Mafuba, anfd Piccolo already was in agony, but Roshi missed the box he wanted to capture him in. So, he died without success. Piccolo managed to call Shenlong, but just before he said his wish, Chaozu tried to tell the dragon to defeat Piccolo Daimaho, but he was too slow and got blasted by Piccolo and therefore, killed. Piccolo said his wish-he wanted to be young again and so it happened.  But after that, he did some VERY MEAN thing-he killed the Dragon. Yamcha, Lunch and Bulma already were in search of the three fighters and were quite happy when threy saw Tenshinhan alive, but then they saw the bodies of Roshi and Chaozu. Anyway, Tenshinhan took off to train the Mafuba to defeat Piccolo, but SonGoku was also getting ready. Karin led him to some magic water that should boost his hidden powers, if he has any, but kill him if he doesn't. But he had them, so it was alright. On his new Nimbus (Tambourine destroyed his first one,so Karin gave him a new one), SonGoku rushed off. Piccolo meanwhile took over the world (and left Pilaf and his servants behind, as Shao and Mai expected before), and just as he was about to destroy "State 29" (there are 43 States on Earth at that time and their names are State 1, State 2 and so on), Tenshinhan dropped in, so Piccolo created another demon, Drum. Tenshinhan tried to capture them with the Mafuba, but failed. As he was about to die, SonGoku made his entry. He defeated Drum easily and Tenshinhan couldn't believe how strong SonGoku got. After a long and exciting  battle, with many turns, SonGoku made a huge hole in Piccolo's chest, killing him. Piccolo managed to spit out his last egg, and then exploded. SonGoku won, that was the end of Piccolo Daimaho. But not the end of trouble! Since Shenlong was dead, there wasn't a way to get Krillin, Roshi and Chaozu back. But at the Karin tower (where Yajirobi took SonGoku again so he could get in shape), SonGoku was told that if he goes to the throne of God and speaks with Kami-sama, he might (Kami, I mean) revive Shenlong. At the Kame house, they were trying to start living without the three friends. Meanwhile, SonGoku was looking for his stick, and when he didn't find it he went to Uranai Baba, saying "There is some urgent thing I must know, but I don't have any money, so where's your first fighter?". And Uranai Baba replied "ARE YOU NUTS? Do you think my fighters are good enough for someone who killed Piccolo Daimaho?" So, SonGoku got free information, the stick was at the Kame house. So, SonGoku paid the others a visit, and told them he went to see Kami so they could revive their friends. AtKami's lookout, he first had to fight Kami's servant, Mr. Popo. He couldn't win, but Kaim came out anyway, and SonGoku attacked him, thinking he was Piccolo Daimaho. So, Kami told him the story how he pursued all the Evil out of him when he took the throne of God, and how that evil formed Piccolo Daimaho. Then, he told him that Piccolo's son was alive, and therefore, SonGoku stayed at Kami's lookout and trained. He had to learn how to clea his mind, and sense the energies with his spirit. One of his tasks took him to Muatito-sennin and we see Kamesennin and Tsurusennin in their young years (and they are NOT  BIT DIFFERENT than they are when they are old) At the Kame house, so were Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Krillin and Chaozu. But later, they went around the world for more experience. So, the next place they met, was Papaya Isles, where the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai was approaching. SonGoku was there first, and nobody recognised him because he grew a lot, until he made some stupid remarks about Bulma's lipstick and Bulma said "Yep, it's him alright". Just before the time for the entry was up, the others dropped in too, and the Budokai could begin. Tenshinhan recognised Piccolo, but SonGoku told him to keep it a secret. But SonGoku had to tell it anyway, later. For the final matches, Roshi, Bulma, Oolong, Puar and Lunch got no tickets again, and Bulma did a clever thing. She tickled Lunch under the nose, and then asked her innocently "Well, Lunch, do you think we'll get to the first row?" You probably know what happened then. Just this time, nobody was embarassed. Anyway, after the fight between Shen and Piccolo (when Piccolo captured Kami with his Counter-Mafuba), SonGoku had to tell the whole story of Piccolo. Piccolo also dropped in, and taunted SonGoku. The only one who was 100% sure that SonGoku would win, was ChiChi (she is a really great girl now, one couldn't believe how much she changes as we go to the beginning of DBZ). After the Budokai, SonGoku let Piccolo go (and gave him a Senzu bean so he could recover), and everyone was shocked. As we see later, they got lucky that SonGoku did it. The only thing left to do, was SonGoku and ChiChi's wedding. Ox-King was happy about ChiChi's choice (even though the kitchen needed some serious "reinforcements" now). But, during the preparations,  the castle and the whole Fry-pan mountain got on fire again. SonGoku tried to put it out, but his Kamehameha didn't work. Ox-King was trapped in his castle, trying to save his wife's wedding dress so that ChiChi could wear it. So, SonGoku and ChiChi went to Uranai Baba for advice. They went through some more adventures involving Pilaf and the gang, but they got blown away (LITERALLY!) and in the end, SonGoku fixed the magic oven in te world of the dead (and guess who the couple met there? SonGohan Sr. was around, and he said he was happy about SonGoku's choice, he meant ChiChi of course). Anyway, the wedding could begin, the fire was put out and the dress saved. And they really put up a ceremony, for the first, and probably last time we see SonGoku in fancy clothes, and ChiChi is VERY cute too. And they all lived happpily ever after. For a few years. Until the arrival of Radditz.

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