Ok, like these people don't fight as much as the Z group, and most of them don't fight at all! But to the storyline, they are quite important and we can't just forget about them!

#8 is the Android created by dr. Gero for the RR Army (there is a huge mixup in the Anime that says dr. Frappe invented him), but he despises of fighting. He helps SonGoku with fighting Buyon and General White, and kills the RR officer in the end. After having his self-destruct bomb taken out, he lives a peaceful life in the village.

#16 is dr. Gero's first Android, the others were just Cyborgs (humans enhanched by some genius machinery). Crated to be a villain, the incomplete programming identified SonGoku as his only enemy so he instead of battling the Z group, he helpeed them in the Cell battle. He doesn't look very tough, he likes nature, but he shows that he's stronger than #17 and #18, and even Imperfect Cell. He sacrifices himself in the Cell game, his words convincing SonGohan to let his rage out.

#18, entering the series as a villain, is #17's twin sister, and a very powerful fighter, even after she becomes a human (again). Being absorbed by Cell, she enabled him to go Perfect, but in theend Cell had to spit her back out because SonGohan did too much damage to his digestive system, I suppose. After kissing Krillin (which happened after Vegeta's defeat against her and the others's defeat against #17), he gets a major crush on her, spares her life (so Cell could find her...), and in the end, marries her. However, #18 of the Future Trunks timeline isn't that nice, she enjoys destruction and along with #17 of that timelie they wreak havoc. She is killed by Trunks after he returns back to his future.

Bardock is SonGoku and Radditz's father, and the only Saiyajin that new what would happen to Planet Vegeta, because he was cursed with the ability to see the future. He was nearly killed by Dodoria, but survived. However, on Planet Vegeta nobody believed his story. Alone, he made a last confrontation with Freezer and got killed, realising it was not his mission to destroy the tyrant, he had a vision of Kakarotto fighting Freezer.

Bra is Vegeta and Bulma's daughter. She looks like her mother a lot, and acts like her too. She respects her father deeply. She's not very important to the storyline, serves much more like a comedy relief.

dr. and Mrs. Briefs are Bulma's parents. Mr. Briefs is the founder and the CEO of the Capsule Corp. and is quite a genious. He also brought a lot of his knowledge to Bulma, if it weren't for him, the company wouldn't have all those handy devices they use. Mrs. Briefs is the most friendly woman in the series, she is nice to everyone, but also kinda goofy. She often forgets what she was just up to and can't seem to decide whether to flirt with SonGoku or Vegeta. In the end, she decides that Vegeta would be her date if she had a choice. LOL. And she never opens her eyes. All in all, this couple serves as a comedy relief as well.

Bulma os the first person who ever met SonGoku after his granfather died, she met him on her quest for Dragonballs since he had the DB #4. She is quite a genius and even though she can't fight the Z group would be handicapped without her. In DB, she has a crush on Yamcha but there's nothing out of that. In the end, she settles herself with Vegeta, and is one of the rare people that Vegeta really cares about.

ChiChi is the daugter of Ox-King, the wife of SonGoku and the mother of their sons. She has quite a temper and her "victims" are usually SonGoku, SonGohan and even Ox-King himself. She is a very protective mother (read it as: WAY OVERPROTECTIVE) and wants to make SonGohan a rocket scientist or something. In my opinion, she's the most annoying woman thoughout DBZ. And she was such a sweet girl back in DB...

Dai Kaio is the guy who watches over the whole Northern Galaxy. But he actually looks like an old hippie, and talks in a similar way (groovie!), wears VERY informal clothes (jeans and some shirt), unless at the Annoyoichi Budokai, where he's the boss. He promises to train the winner personally, but after SonGoku won the tournament, realising that he was to strong even for him, the Dai Kaio finds a mistake SonGoku made and DQ'es him.

Dende is a Namekian kid who was saved from Dodoria by SonGoahn and Krillin. He can't fight, but has great healing abilities, which come in handy thoughout Dragonball Z (and is killed once because of them). He also has the knowledge of creating the Dragonballs, and as he becomes the new Kami of Earth, he creates the Earth's new Dragonballs that are even better than the former ones.

East Kaio is the only female out of the 4 Kaios of the Nothern Galaxy. As her name tells, she watches over the Eastern quadrant of the Galaxy. She likes to show off and can't stand defeat. When her last competitor loses against SonGoku in the Annoyoichi Budokai, all of the fighters are forced to jog a million laps around the arena (don't worry that can't kill them because they are already dead!)

Kaioshin is the Kaioshin of the East. He competes in 25th Tenkaichi Budokai to find Babidi and Majin Buu, which he does, with the help of his servant and bodyguard Kibito and the Z group. He is the only Kaioshin that survived Buu's rampage, the West, North and South Kaioshins were killed, and the Dai Kaioshin let Buu absorb him (the Dai Kaioshin knew that would make Buu a little easier to control). Anyway, the East Kaioshin finally managed to kill Bibidi, the crator of Majin Buu.

Kami-sama is the Kami of Earth and the creator of it's Dragonballs, with which he is the one who started the whole story. He was chosen by the old Kami and had to pursue all evil out of him, creating Piccolo Daimaho. Anyway, in the Androids Saga, Kami fuses with Piccolo premanently and for a while the Earth is left with nobody to watch over it, until Dende comes.

Karin is the white cat who lives at the top of Karin Tower, grows Senzu beans and gives some wise advice from time to time. He was a great help to SOnGoku in his battle against Piccolo Daimaho, but later in DBZ he's mostly important because of the Senzu beans.

King Enma is the really big guy with a red face, the lord and judge of the dead. Also, the only one who ever made it accross the Snake Way before SonGoku to recieve training from King Kaio. He tells every dead person where they will go, and I guess that job gave him a firey temper in all eternity, so he's quite intimidating, especially to Kami-sama. He also gave SonGoku special permission to return to Earth for one day, and later he let Vegeta come back too to help SonGoku in the battle against Majin Buu.

King Kaio is the first Kaio we meet, because he's the watcher over the Northern quadrant of the Galaxy (making him North Kaio), and the Earth is located there. He invented two very powerful techniques, the Kaio Ken and the Genki Dama, yet ironically, he can't use them himself. He is a great help to the z fighters, even though he has a weird and goofy sense of humour. And he trains them well, despite his unusual training. He takes SonGoku to the Dai Kaio.

King Vegeta is Vegeta's father, the ruler of Planet Vegeta and the stongest Saiyajin of his time. He was working under the pressure of Freezer for long years, plotting revenge for what Freezer was doing to him and his son, and one day he led his Elite Saiyajin army to revolt against Freezer, but unsuccessfully. The army is anihilated and King Vegeta is killed by Freezer himself.

Lunch is a really nice girl who Krillin and SonGoku saved from police and brought her to Kamesennin. Well, the nice girl she is, if she sneezes she turns into a blonde psycho killer bitch who won't think twice before pulling her UZI and making some holes (which actually comes quite in handy sometimes, especially when the group forgot to buy tickets for the Tenkaichi Budokai). Neither of Lunch's personalities never remembers what the other does or says, but they both know about their little problem. Anyway, no matter how different they are, they both fall for Tenshinhan.

Nail is the strongest of Namekian warriors and the personal bodyguard to the Grand Elder. He is stronger than any of Freezer's henchmen, but against the tyrant himself, he doesn't stand a chance. After he's defeated by Freezer, he fuses with Piccolo.

Oolong is the shape-shifting pig (but he can only be changed for 5 minutes) who meets Bulma and SonGoku early in the series. He is a pervert and will do anything to see some skin or something like that. He is actually no big help, but is a friend of the group anyway. But, he did stop Pilaf from taking over the world by wishing for woman's underwear.

Ox-King is ChiChi's father and Kamesennin's student along with SonGohan sr. He lives at Frypan mountain, and used to be feared because he was very merciless with the ones who dared to approach, but after Roshi took out the fire ont he mountain (and crushed the mountain), Ox-King lived on in the village, being very much more friendly. Later int he series, he serevs as ChiChi's "victim" when she forgets to watch the temper (which is quite often). He always wears glasses and a Viking-type hat with horns. He might look intimidating at first, but he really is a nice guy.

Paikkehan is the strongest fighter of the Western Quadrant of the Galaxy, the runner-up of the Annoyoichi Budokai. Along with SonGoku he took care of Cell, Freezer, King Cold and the Ginyu Force in Hell. He fights very much like Piccolo, and could be considered Piccolo's "substitute" as SonGoku's rival. He is helpful to the Z group in the movie, as well.

Polunga is the Eternal Dragon of Namek.

mr. Popo is a genie who takes care of the Lookout, being Kami's servant and best friend. He speaks a very simple language which can't easily be understanded (does that make sense?) but no matter what image he gives, he is quite a strong fighter, and also very intelligent. He trains SonGoku before the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai along with Kami-sama, knowing that Piccolo will be there too.

Puar is the shape-shifting cat friend of Yamcha, who went to same school as Oolong, but unlike him, Puar can stay in his shape as long as he wants, and he can

Saichiouru-sama is the Grand Elder of Namek and the creator of those Dragonballs. He is deeply respected by eevr single inhabitant of Namek and is very helpful when he awakens SonGohan and Krillin's hidden powers. Just after that they were forced to ally themselves with Vegeta, and the Grand Elder felt his end was nearing. He died of stress Freezer cause, was revived with Earth's Dragonballs, and then died on Earth again, natural cause.

mr. Satan is a guy who can really get on one's nerves. He can be very mean, telling what others do (KI attacks, flying and so on) are just tricks, even though he knows that's not true, and won't think twice before using a trick himself, so he relies to luck, $$$, and sometimes his own sneakiness. He's also kind of a coward, but in people's minds, he's the greatest, and only rare individuals seem to be aware of what things really stand like. However, despite the fact that he let the fame and glory to his head, he does mean well. After Vegeta failed to convince the people to give SonGoku energy for the Genki Dama (well, Vegeta really isn't really the sociable type after all...), he intervenes and the people suddenly change their minds, and help. He even befriended Fat Buu later, and eliminating the threat Buu was to the Universe.

Shen is actually Kami in a human's body who enters the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai and against all odds, he makes it to the semi-finals (he has much luck in battles, like: hitting Yamcha at a VERY painful place witht he head when getting up after being knocked down by Yamcha!). Anyway, he fails with the Mafuba and so Kami's spirit is out of the body, Shen, not remembering anything, returns to his family (and everyone is all proud of him).

Shenlong is the Eternal Dragon of Earth (even though he gets killed once).

SonGohan sr. is SonGoku's foster grandfather, he found the kid when his capsule chrash landed on Earth and brought him up. And he made a very friendly and strong boy out of him (after SonGoku hit himself on the head and forgot what he was on Earth for).

South Kaio is the unlucky guy who has the weakest fighters in the entire Galaxy. He does challenge North Kaio, but after he sees SonGoku turn SSJ, he quickly changes his mind. He also makes fun of North Kaio a lot, for being dead.

Tournament Announcer is the guy who is also the referee of the final phase of the tournament, doesn't seem to age very much throught he series. He is also one of the people who actually knew what really happened at the Cell game and was very glad to see the Z group,

Turtle is Muten Roshi's pet who tries to keep him from being such a pervert, but achieves only getting scolded. Anyway, this turtle was the one who got SonGoku and Bulma DB#3.

Uranai Baba is Muten Roshi's sister, a fortune telling witch who has high prices. Or you can fight her creepy competitors to get any info for free. But like, only the DB company managed to do that. Later she becomes important because she can travel to the "next dimension" and back without dying - she never has a halo, the sign that one's dead. She can also convince King Enma to let a dead person to Earth for like one day, in case there's a good reason. So, SonGoku and Vegeta could go to Earth despite being dead.

West Kaio is more or less all the time in conflict with North Kaio, especially when it comes to the fighters of their quadrants of the Galaxy. The Western strongest fighter, Paikkehan, however loses to SonGoku in the Annoyoichi Budokai. The West Kaio is also the one who first sees that North Kaio is dead and makes fun of him for it.

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