So, here they are! The people who make Dragonball COOL and full of ACTION and SO ON! The fighters on the side of Good and their profiles.

Chaozu is a close friend to Tenshinhan. Even though he's the least powerful of all the fighters, he is still a great deal stronger than us ordinary mortals. He has the ability to self-destruct, however, the Saiyajin opponent Nappa was too strong for that as well. He can speak to Tenshinhan through telepathy and can paralyse an opponent if he can hold his concentration. After the fight against the Saiyajins, he is not important anymore.

Kamesennin, also known as Muten Roshi, is SonGoku and Krillin's mentor. He trained his students SonGoku and Krillin (and later Yamcha) well, also disguised as Jackie Chun. By beating SonGoku on 21nd Tenkaichi Budokai he set a goal for the student, and on 22nd Budokai, he surrendered against Tenshinhan, letting SonGoku face the strong opponent. However, after the end of DB, his importance falls drastically, and he is more or less shown as a perverted old man and nothing more. Comedy relief, you know.

Krillin is SonGoku's rival and best friend since they started learning martial arts with Kamesennin. He is one of the strongest humans in the series. And also the charachter that got killed most times. After becoming a student of Kamesennin, he kept living with him at the Kame House. He married Android #18 after wishing her to become human.

Pan is SonGohan and Videl's daughter, SonGoku's granddaughter. Some calculation: she is 75% human and 25% Saiyajin, now who couldn't calculate this? Anyway, because of her Saiyajin blood, she is the most powerful woman in Dragonball series, or maybe she's only behind #18. She's very adventurous and gets into trouble a lot. Usually with Trunks and Little SonGoku (Pilaf's wish, remember?), they are a company for adventures. And both boys like her a lot, as their little sister. Being born after the Majin Buu battle, she does nothing much until Dragonball GT where she's one of the leading charachters, so I think she deserves a place on the fighters page.

Piccolo, the son of Piccolo Daimaho, is his father's reincarnation, and in the beginning, he is still pure evil. He fights SonGoku in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai final battle, where he loses. Swearing revenge, he leaves (after SonGoku gives him a Senzu bean). However, in the beginning of Saiyajin saga, first Radditz causes him much trouble, and then Piccolo realises he has no choice but to ally with SonGoku, his still arch enemy, to defeat the powerful Saiyajin. After killing the two brothers, he decides to take SonGohan to train him for the encounter with Nappa and Vegeta, (Radditz told him that those two would come to Earth and avenge his death), and that0s when he begins changing the side. As he was just a teacher tot he young boy in the beginning, SonGohan starts to think of him as a friend as well, and Piccolo also develops some kind of friendship for SonGohan. Before the fight against Nappa, Piccolo gets to know that he comes from Namek (thanks to Vegeta), and in the fight, he dies, sacrificing his life to save SonGohan at whom Nappa fired a surprise attack. And I guess this is what made King Enma decide that Piccolo can go to Kaio. Along with Yamcha, Tenshinhan and Chaozu, he trained under Kaio. He is revived and wished to Namek just before the final battle with Freezer, upon arriving he fuses with Nail, and then flies straight off to fight Freezer. He is wished to Earth while SonGoku and Freezer clash for the last time and stays there. He helps Songohan in battling Garlic Jr. and his henchmen, and in the battle against the Androids (that is one of the Z group's worse defeats). When Cell appears, Piccolo fuses with Kami, becoming a lot more powerful. And he also becomes more friendly to the others than before, and stays on their side in the battle against Buu. He dies in GT, since he refuses to leave the Earth that was blowing up (the captain always goes down with the ship, and since Kami was the boss of the Earth, that part of his personality didn't let Piccolo leave the planet), and goes to heaven. But, with SonGoku trapped in hell, no fighter could just sit around, Piccolo goes on some rampage and gets thrown out. We never know whether or not he is wished back.

SonGohan Jr. is SonGoku and ChiChi's first born son. Partially of a Saiyajin blood, he is very strong, and would surpass SonGoku if ChiChi didn't bother about his studies and stuff so much. He is strong, like his father, but also so kind-hearted, idealistic and pure. He married Videl, the daughter of Mr. Satan.

SonGoku is the hero of the entire story. A lower class Saiyajin, who was sent to Earth as a baby, to destroy the Earth as we know it. But he hit himself over the head and forgot everything, and grew up as a very friendly, soft-hearted, though, strong guy. He was found by old SonGohan who lived in the mountains, and he adopted Kakalotto (that's SonGoku's original, Saiyajin name), and named him SonGoku. SonGohan died in an accident (stepped on by SonGoku Oozaru) and the kid remained alone, the only memory on his grandfather was a Dragonball. Therefore, he met Bulma soon (she was searching for the Dragonballz) and they went into the wide world, where they went through many adventures. SonGoku grew up into a soft-hearted, friendly and strong man, and married ChiChi, the daughter of Ox-King.

SonGoten is SonGoku and ChiChi's second-born son, 9 years younger than SonGohan. He looks a lot like his father (especially the hair). He trained with ChiChi, Trunks and SonGohan. Also participated in the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai, he lost against Trunks. However, in the epilogue of the Z series, he is just a normal teenager, trying to get a girlfriend.

Tenshinhan was once a student of Kamesennin's arch rival Tsurusennin, training to become an assassin like Tao Bai Bai. But on the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, that changes, after meeting SonGoku. Tenshinhan is presented as a human (despite the fact that he has three eyes), and is one of the strongest human fighters. Anyway, he joined the group after the 22nd tenkaichi Budokai, and was around until the victory over Cell. He died in the fight against Nappa because of a too powerful Kihoho, and was revived after the Freezer's defeat on Namek. Being far weaker than any of the Super Saiyajins, he wasn't much of help, but that still didn't stop him from trying to be the best. After the Cell game he and Chaozu leave for no idea where.

Trunks is Vegeta and Bulma's son, thus partially a Saiyajin. But, there are two of him, each from a different timeline. The first to appear is Future Trunks who came from the future, to change the ways of history. He is a teenager, carries a sword with which he inflicts major damage to the bad guys when he arrives. He was born shortly before dr. Gero's Androids started to devastate the Earth, and with Songoku dead (in this alternate timeline Songoku dies of a viral disease). The only Z fighter to survive the Android attack was SonGohan, Vegeta, Krillin, Tenshinhan and Chaozu all got killed. So, SonGohan started to teach Trunks the martial arts and became his mentor. But some years later, SonGohan is killed by the Androids and that loss caused Trunks to become a Super Saiyajin. In a few years, Bulma invents a time machine for Trunks. He travelled to the past, with the heart medicine that got discovered a couple years after SonGoku's death, and so he changes the history. Giving SonGoku the medicine and warning everyone about the Androids, he created a brighter future. However, the trouble was not over. He returned to the future and came back in 3 years, when the Androids started their rampage. He stayed to help the Z group fight them, and then Cell. At the end of the Cell game, he was killed (and Vegeta finally showed he does care), and revived with the DB's. A few days later, he returns to his timeline for good, destroys the Androids and kills Cell with ease. Trunks of the present is still a baby when the Androids attack, so obviously he doesn't do much there. But in the Majin Buu saga, he is more of a fighter. He wins the kids division 25th Tenkaichi Budokai, along with SonGoten helps Vegeta in the battle against Buu, and fuses with SonGoten to battle the demon. As he gorws up, he becomes like Future Trunks.

Vegeta is the prince of Saiyajins, the son of King Vegeta. He is one of the four Saiyajins to survive Freezer's Death Ball. Because of his hair he's easy to identify (and his hair is cool, LOL!). Oh yea, and int he beginning of DBZ he constantly has his evil, left sided smirk. He is in my opinion, the most complex personality in the whole series. Being the prince, he is a proud and brave warrior, he seems not to care about anything but his own interests, but as his actions show in the end, he deeply cares about all the people that are close to him, even SonGoku (or Kakarotto, as he always calls him, being the only one who calls SonGoku by his Saiyajin name, except for Radditz). Anyway, in the years after the downfall of Planet Vegeta and the Saiyajin race, Vegeta, along with Radditz and Nappa, was forced to work under Freezer's command. Entering the series as a major villain, he can't win against Songoku on Earth, their battle resulting in a draw, but for Vegeta it was a bitter defeat. He became obsessed with the idea of defeating Kakarotto. Anyway, as the company departs to Namek, Vegeta is forced to ally himself with Krillin and SonGohan to fight the Ginyu force. Seeming totally appaled by the alliance, he does save SonGohan's life about 4 times and helps SonGoku by healing him in that rejuventaion tank in Freezer's spaceship, and then attacking Freezer himself, along with Songohan and Krillin. He doesn't make it, though, just before Songoku arrives, Freezer passes him the fatal blow, and the prince was out. Just beofre dying, he explained the whole past of the Saiyajin race to SonGoku who fiercely engaged Freezer after that. Revived with the Earth's DB's and transported to Earth, he becomes to get close to Bulma and her family. While SonGohan was dealing with Garlic Jr., Vegeta was racing through the universe in search of his rival, SonGoku, but returned to Earth with no success. He lived at Capsule Corp., and as Freezer landed on Earth, he became quite upset when he saw Trunks go Super Saiyajin (not knowing him then), and there were now 2 SSJ's while he was still a normal one. In the beginning of Android saga however, he succeeds too. Beating #19 and scaring #20, his confidence returns, but again, the prince suffers a bitter defeat against #18. And then, the Cell came. Vegeta and Trunks of the Future trained in the Room of Spirit and Time, where they both reached the Ultra SSJ level. Beating the hell out of imperfect Cell, the bad guy convinced him to let him absorb #18, which was one of the worst mistakes Vegeta ever made. Perfect Cell made him look like a disaster area. But once again, the Saiyajin prince decided to fight. At Cell Game, Vegeta shows he has a heart for the first time. As Trunks is killed by Cell, Vegeta totally loses control and engages Cell fiercely, and as SonGohan and Cell battle with the Kamehamehas, Vegeta blasts Cell, disrupting his concentration so SonGohan could kill Cell. In the Majin Buu saga, he first shocks everyone by letting Babidi control him, so he could get his rematch with SonGoku. But realising that Buu was a big threat, Vegeta KO'ed SonGoku and challenged the demon (also wanted to avenge SonGohan not knowing that he was still alive). And in the end, he met the decision to sacrifice his own life, what he also does. He KO'es Trunks and SonGoten who want to help him and asks Piccolo to bring them to safety. Then, he blows up the entire area, not surviving the explosion.  He returns with the halo, as Uranai Baba convinces King Enma to let him back to help fighting Majin Buu. And with his help, the demon is defeated. After the Majin Buu battle, he has another kid with Bulma, the daughter Bra. Never obvious, but no matter how fierce rival of SonGoku Vegeta is, he also became one of his closest friends.

Videl is SonGohan's classmate on Orange Star High School and being the daughter of mr. Satan, she also is a martial arts expert. She is often called to town to help in police matters, but as life gets difficult for her, there's always the Great Saiyaman to save her where she fails. Eventually, she discovers Great Saiyaman's true identity, and tells Songohan to teach her how to fly. In a few days, she can maneuver around in the air, and gets a crush on SonGohan. She even cuts her hair when he says it'd only get in way when she fights (she looked better with long hair, though). In the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai, she is nearly killed by Supopovich, but healed by a Senzu bean in hospital. After the victory over Majin Buu, she marries SonGohan and they have a daughter named Pan.

Yajirobi is a case of a fighter that is interested in eating A LOT more than in fighting. Anyway, at first he is quite a major charachter, he first meets SonGoku just before his first battle with Piccolo Daiamho, and after it, thakes the badly beat-up SonGoku to Karin Tower. In the Saiyajin saga, Yajirobi rescues SonGoku by cutting off Vegeta's tail, but in the end he takes all the credit for the victroy over the Saiyajins. After that, Yajirobi spends his time at Karin Tower, carrying around the Senzu beans and such stuff.

Yamcha is a longtime friend of SonGoku, though once he used to be known as the notorious Desert Bandit. he caused some trouble for Bulma and SonGoku, but he had one weakness-being afraid of girls, he escaped every time he saw Bulma. Later, he befrioended the gang and helped them against Pilaf. And, Bulma decides to go out with him, Yamcha agrees. However, later as he gets over his phobia, he becomes quite a ladies man and Bulma doesn't like THAT. Anyway, as vegeta and Nappa arrive, Yamcha dies by a Saibamen kamikaze attack, is revived with the DB's after the victory over Freezer. Being one of the weakest Z fighters, he becomes just an observer in the end, and returns to his Bandit life with Puar.

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