Some of the most important events during the Sagas are the Tenkaichi Budokais. Tenkaichi Budokai is something like world's best martial art fighters tournament. They are held on Papaya islands, every 3 years on May 7. However, there were some exceptions. Between 23rd and 24th, 11 years passed as the arena was being rebuilt, 7 years between 24th and 25th, because of the Cell game, and 4 years between 25th and 26th, the reason was Majin Buu. Now for some general rules and then the details about each Budokai we know of.

You get DQ if you kill your opponent.
You get DQ if you leave the tournament area.
You get DQ if you use a weapon or any other foreign object.
You lose if knocked unconscious.
You lose if knocked down for the count.
You lose if you touch the ground outside the ring (square actually...).
You lose if you give up.
Poking opponents in the eyes is forbidden.
Intentional "low blows" are forbidden.
From 24th on, there was a 30 minute time limit.
So, these were the general rules for every Tenkaichi Budokai. Now for more detailed info about the important Budokais. We know the most about the ones that happened first...not about later ones.

21st Tenkaichi Budokai
Competitors: 137
Finalists: 8
Winner: Jackie Chun (Kamesennin)
Runner up: SonGoku
Prize Money: half a million
Quarter finals: Krillin vs. Bacterian; Yamcha vs. Jackie Chun; Lanfan vs. Namu, SonGoku vs. Giran
Semi finals: Krillin vs. Jackie Chun; Namu vs. SonGoku
Milestones of the final match, Jackie Chun vs. SonGoku: Jackie Chun almost gave himself away by saying "It took me years to perfect the Kamehameha", then they both attack with a Kamehameha at the same time, and you can probably tell what a blast that was =). Then, they both did some Zanzoken tricks, which ended with SonGoku double-fisting Jackie, who almost gave himself away again and had to get out of trouble by saying he's Kamesennin's cousin. After a while, Jackie goes on with the ultimate attack, and blasts SonGoku with electricity, and SonGoku almost gives up. But then he sees the full Moon and goes Oozaru. So, Kamesennin is left with no choice but to blow up the Moon (which is back in DBZ but I don't know how). So, SonGoku turned back to normal, but his transformation tore his clothes off, and you can probably tell what the female part of the audience was like...so, a short pause was granted so that SonGoku could change. After some more bashing around, they were both drained of their energy (Jackie used his last Kamehameha to blast himself away from the ground outside the square ring). And so they charge at each other, the kicks make them both go down for over the count of 10, so the announcer decides that the one who will first get up, smile and say "Guess I win", will be declared winner. SonGoku almost manages to do it, but falls to the ground again, so Jackie wins after he says the phrase.
Other important events: Kamesennin helped Namu who needed the prize money to get water for his drought strucken village with giving him two capsules. The Budokai took place about 3 months after Oolong wished for panties in Pilaf's castle.

22nd Tenkaichi Budokai
Competitors: 187
Finalists: 8
Winner: Tenshinhan
Runner-up: SonGoku
Prize money: I have no idea
Quarter finals: Yamcha vs. Tenshinhan; the Werehuman vs. Jackie Chun; Chaozu vs. Krillin; Pam Puto vs. SonGoku
Semi finals: Tenshinhan vs. Jackie Chun; Krillin vs. SonGoku
Milestones of the final match, Tenshinhan vs. SonGoku: This is one of my favorite battles in the series! Tenshinhan thought it would be an easy win, but throughout the battle, things looked differently. During the battle, Tenshinhan refused to finish off SonGoku by cheating, as Tenshinhan's teacher Tsurusennin wanted (he even made Chaozu cheat and help Tenshinhan) to avenge the death of his brother Tao Bai Bai. After some angry faces, Kamesennin blastes Tsurusennin with a Kamehameha, sending him on a "long journey". After some Zanzokens, Kamehamehas and multiple arms attacks, Tenshinhan rose into the air, blasting the ring with a Kihoho, which SonGoku dodged. In the air, the decision was to take place as the ring was gone. SonGoku used a Kamehameha to launch himself at Tenshinhan, knocking him unconscious (which Tenshinhan couldn't believe), then he used his last ounce of Ki for another Kamehameha (a miniature one) to rise above Tenshinhan, as the one to hit the ground first would lose. In the end, only good luck helped Tenshinhan-a truck hit SonGoku (or was it vice versa?), and speeded his descent just enough for him to hit the ground first. The winner was Tenshinhan.
Other important events: In Quarter finals, Tenshinhan broke Yamcha's leg. Tsurusennin found out that Tao Bai Bai was killed by SonGoku. Jackie Chun gave up in the Semi final match to allow SonGoku to face Tenshinhan. After the Budokai, Krillin is killed by Piccolo Daimaho, and Tenshinhan and Chaozu join forces with the Kamesennin's fighters.

23rd Tenkaichi Budokai
Competitors: 72
Finalists: 8
Winner: SonGoku
Runner-up: Piccolo
Prize money: No idea
Quarter finals: Tao Bai Bai vs. Tenshinhan; SonGoku vs. ChiChi(in disguise); Piccolo vs. Krillin, Shen vs. Yamcha
Semi finals: Tenshinhan vs. SonGoku; Piccolo vs. Shen
Milestones of the final match, SonGoku vs. Piccolo: There aren't many milestones. The battle is very cool, though. Piccolo grew quite a lot but SonGoku just threw him over (??? YOU DON'T JUST GRAB AN OPPONENT WHO IS THAT BIG AND THROW HIM OVER!!!) and he learned to do the Kamehameha with his feet. After A LOT of fighting, in the end SonGoku had two broken legs, an injured arm and a bleeding hole in his chest. He performed his last attack, flew toward Piccolo, headbutted him, and then fired a Kamehameha, sending him out of the ring and making a big hole with him! SonGoku won the Budokai!
Other important events: SonGoku grew quite a lot (thinking that everybody else had shrunk, actually, LOL) Tao Bai Bai was back for revenge, in a cyborg body but was DQ anyway, for pulling a knife. So, he was defeated by Tenshinhan. Oolong was the only one who recognise ChiChi. After she revealed her identity (that was after she lost against SonGoku), SonGoku agreed to marry her. This was SonGoku's only Tenkaichi Budokai victory, no matter how strong he is.

24th Tenkaichi Budokai
Competitors: over 100 assumed
Finalists: 12-16 assumed
Winner adult division: Mr. Satan
Winner kids division: Videl
Runner-up adult division: Jewel
Runner-up kids division: Beats me!
Prize money: No idea!
Battle summaries: Too bad, nothing known!
Other important events: Well, the arena was rebuilt because Piccolo destroyed it during the previous tournament, the square ring was much larger now. The Z fighters did not compete as they were awaiting the Androids to come. The Budokai occured 19 days prior to Cell Game.

25th Tenkaichi Budokai
Adult division competitors: 137
Kids division competitors: 35-everyone qualified for the finals
Adult division finalists: 16
Winner adult division: Mr. Satan
Winner kids division: Trunks
Runner-up adult division: #18
Runner-up kids division: SonGoten
Prize money: 10 million zeni
Information: The 25th Tenkaichi Budokai was the largest (and the MESSIEST) one, many competitors entered with a dream of defeating Mr. Satan, and many many Satan's fans were there. All the participating in the kids division were qualified, so that there was no knock-out phase. Mr. Satan offered a fight with the winner of the kids division, as a token of his goodwill. In the finals, Trunks defeated SonGoten, so he was Satan's opponent. Satan tried to be sneaky to defeat Trunks, but all he got was a strong one in the kisser and a flight into a brick wall across the stadium. In the adults division, there was a new way to decide the finalists-a "punch machine" which measures the power of a punch. The Z fighters had quite a time, topping Satan's punches by just tapping the machine lightly, but then Vegeta went for a real punch and ruined the machine. So, they had to replace the machine which cost SonGohan and Videl the finals of kids division. Vegeta, SonGoku, Punta, Killer, Great Saiyaman (SonGohan in disguise), Videl, Krillin and so on and so on, all qualified for the finals. In the first battle Krillin defeated Punta effortlessly, in the second battle Piccolo realised he couldn't concentrate because of some deep respect for Kaioshin (not yet knowing who he really was) so he gave up. In 3rd battle, Supopovich beat up Videl, very badly. SonGohan helped her with a Senzu bean in the hospital and then rushed off for his battle. In the 4th battle, Yamoo and Supopovich left with energy they stole from SonGohan, to awaken Majin Buu. Knowing what was about to happen, SonGoku, SonGohan, Piccolo, Kaioshin, Vegeta, Kibito, Videl (chasing after her boyfriend SonGohan) and Krillin (who didn't want to miss anything) took off as well, and they ALL got DQ, so that the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai looked like it was about to be a complete failure. Meanwhile, SonGoten and Trunks stole Mighty Mask's clothes and so they tried to go in instead of him. After a long discussion between the officials, Mr. Satan suggests a "Battle Royal" to be held among the remaining finalists. "Mighty Mask" has no trouble with Killer, #18 throws out Jewel, and since the boys knew mr. Satan was not a worthy opponent, they attacked #18. But during the match, SonGoten and trunks come to a disagreement which revelas "Mighty Mask"'s identity, and you probably know what that means. DQ OF COURSE! So, we have a final match between #18 and Mr. Satan. Satan is all scared when he sees #18 and the boys fight, so he decided to accept the deal #18 offered - she'd give up the match for an amount of 200000000 (that's right, 20 MILLION!) zeni. After being surprised at how "strong" Satan's strongest attack is, #18 gives up the match, takes home the prize (+10 million more) money but mr. Satan takes all the glory.

26th and 27th Tenkaichi Budokais
Winner: Mr. Satan
Runner-up: Fat Buu
NOTHING is known about these two Budokais, except the winner, the runner-up and the fact that the Z fighters did not participate (lucky for Satan, eh...). AND after Satan collected the prize money (Fat Buu gave up the match to him), he treated Buu for all the candy he could eat.

28th Tenkaichi Budokai
Winner: Mr. Satan (assumed)
Runner-up: Fat Buu (assumed)
Finalists: 12+1
Only the first two matches are shown. After Pan (who is only five!) swiftly kicks some ass and wins, SonGoku faces Ubuu, and in the battle, he suggests that Ubuu trains with him and so they both leave (and get DQ). After that, nothing is shown. The MANGA says that Fat Buu defeated everyone and gave up in the final match against Mr. Satan in every Tenkaichi Budokai after the 25th, BUT there are possible speculations. Might be Pan who is very strong for her age (Saiyajin blood does its thing), could be Vegeta, could be Trunks. Plus, another reason it could not be Buu in the finals: in the end, they show some scenes from a fight between SonGoten and Pan, the girl wins. But, SonGoten had to face Buu as his first opponent!

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