Here are the guys we hate the most. But hey, without them, Dragonball wouldn't be so EXCITING and LOADED WITH COOL COMBATS and SUCH! So, they deserve a page too. And there are SO MANY, it wouldn't be right to forget them all, would it? Again, only the MAIN info is here, not the details!

#17 is #18's brother, technically a Cyborg. He is stronger than her and quite an annoyance to the Z group. He is absorbed by Cell, and dies when Cell self destructs. He is revived with the Dragonballs and lives in the forest. In GT, he fuses with some "new #17" that dr. Gero created in Hell, becoming Super #17. In the Future Trunks timeline he is basically the same, just a bit more violent. Not that it makes any difference. He's killed by Trunks when he returns to his timeline, and the last words he heard were "BURN IN HELL!"

#19 is dr. Gero's second pure Android, and his personal bodyguard. He is chubby, but his image should not fool you, he is a tough guy. He has the ability to absorb energy through his hands. He nearly kills SonGoku, but then Vegeta drops in, and kills the Android after ripping his arms off, he blasts him with a Big Bang.

Babidi is a Majin mage, son of Bibidi. Came to Earth with Dabura to release Majin Buu. He turns Vegeta Majin for a while and breaks the seal on Buu's capsule. Thus, Buu was free to wreak havoc. And Buu also used the opportunity to kill the only one who could seal him back. Babidi didn't survive.

Baby is a robot created by the Tsufurujins, the Saiyajin's enemies on Planet Plant. Surviving the planet's destruction, Baby drifted to Earth along with dr. Miyu, the last Tsufurujin remaining alive. Baby can be a parasite to everyone he wants and after that he can take their form. After doing that to evryone except mr. Satan and Fat Buu, he took the form of Vegeta. SonGoku killed him in a long battle, and Baby was gone while everyone who he "possessed" were back as they should be.

Bibidi is the Majin mage that created Buu. With his help, he manages to get rid of the Dai Kaioshin, and all the Kaioshins except for the Eastern Kaioshin. But, realising that Majin Buu is a force too mighty to control, he sealed him back into his egg. Without protection, he was no match for the East Kaioshin who kills Bibidi in the showdown.

Assistant Black is Red's right-hand person in the RR; but all he does is stand around (and Red hates that coz he's very much taller than the Commander) saying everything Red decided to do was "absolutely correct". However, after finding out the truth about Red's plans, he shot his superior officer and took control of the Army. That didn't last long, though, he was killed when he fought against SonGoku.

General Blue is a very strong fighter in the high ranks of the RR Army, but he's also gay. Bulma got a crush on him anyway, until he tried to kill them all. He has some special ability to paralyze people. After failing to steal the Dragonballs from SonGoku, he had the nerve to return to the RR HQ, and there he was killed by Tao Bai Bai.

Buu is a demon, created by Majin mage Bibidi. When he started his devastating journey through the Universe, the Dai Kaioshin and the four Kaioshins tried to stop him, but were killed, except for the Eastern Kaioshin. And the Dai Kaioshin was absorbed, making Buu fat, so this is Buu's first form: Fat Buu. After absorbing the Dai Kaioshin and the forming of Fat Buu, which is also Majin Buu's good half, also Thin Buu was created. This is pure evil. But he doesn't last long. Another form is Kid Buu, also known as True Buu. Totally insane. And then we have Super Buu, who is ALMOST always hungry (according to what he did to the friends of the good guys) and the strongest form of Majin Buu. The only person to be stronger than Majin Buu after he absorbed everyone, is Vegetto. Vegetto lets Buu absorb him to rescue everyone, and even the supposed-to-be-permanent fusion was ended inside Buu, so SonGoku and Vegeta were two individuals again. Vegeta distracts Buu for long enough for SonGoku to make the biggest Gengki Dama of all times, and that kills Majin Buu. Fat Buu, however, remained and lived on his life with mr. Satan. Majin Buu is reincarnated as a non-evil human, Ubuu.

Buyon is some rubbery monster in the ranks of the RR. SonGoku has quite some trouble with this fella, since allt he attacks bounced right off. So, SonGoku punched a hole in the wall, freezing Buyon (remmeber, this all happened int he cold north), and then crushing him.

Cell is the ultimate combat machine, created by Dr. Gero. He can absorb anyone he wants to power up, but he can turn Perfect if he absorbs #17 and #18. In his timeline, however, Trunks killed both of those, so Cell killed Trunks and used his time machine to go to the past, to find the Androids. He found them, alright, and absorbed them (THANKS A LOT TO VEGETA! Letting Cell absorb #18 was a really big mistake!). And after that, he held the infamous Cell game. After winning against SonGoku, he had a lot more trouble with his son as he went SSJ2. SonGohan hit Cell so hard that he had to spit out #18, thus, he was not Perfect anymore. So he decided to just self destruct and destroy the Earth that way. SonGoku teleported away with him, to Kaio's planetoid where Cell exploded. But he wasn't dead. His "central neural nets" were unharmed, so he could regenerate. And, having the gemses of Saiyajins, being close to death caused him to get quite stronger, and he was Perfect with no Androids at all! But he lostr anyway. In the Kamehameha battle of the century, SonGohan and Cell were evenly matched, until Vegeta fired a Final Flash, distracting Cell enough for SonGohan to overwhelm the biologically created villain and kill him. The Future Cell was killed when Trunks returned to the future.

General Copper is the superior officer to Silver, Violet and Yellow. He wants them to get him all the Dragonballs so he'd give them to Red, taking all the credit.

Dabura, the Lord of the underworld. He was posessed by Babidi's dark magic, just like Vegeta. He is almost as strong as Perfect Cell, so he is very feared. And the ability to turn his enemies into stone makes him even more dangerous. But as he isn't useful anymore, Buu eats him (after turning him into a cookie or something).

Dodoria is one of Freezer's top henchmen. Also known as the Tub o' Lard (not in the show, though, LOL!). He shows no mercy for weaker creatures. And those are the only people he will pick on, when speaking about stronger fighters, he will just hide. He is no match for Vegeta, who melts him in the combat.

Evil Shenlongs, 7 of them were created because the Dragonballz created too much negative energy-the positive energy was used to grant wishes, but the negative energy was stored. So, the seven Evil Shenlongs had to be defeated to get rid of the negative energy. The 7 Dragonas are Chii, Ii, Ryan, Ryuu, San, Suu and Uu Shenlong.

Freezer is one of the most powerful beings in the Universe. His business was something similar that the Saiyajin's, no wonder, he controlled them! King Vegeta went along with Freezer's pressure, but in the end, his attempt revolt failed. Freezer himself, got scared of the Legend of the Super Saiyajin, and decided to just destroy the planet and eradicate the entire race.  He has 4 forms, each very much stronger than the previous one, and in his ultimate 4th form, he is a great threat to the entire Universe. However, SonGoku shattered him on Namek, but he didn't rest in pieces. His father ordered his army to pull him together and build him a cyborg body. But even that way, he didn't make it. He went to Hell (well, in the US dub it's "HFIL").

Garlic Jr. is the son of Garlic Sr. who challenged Kami-sama for the throne of God. But Garlic Sr. was defeated and sent into Dead Zone where he.....died (obviously). Garlic Jr. finds all the Dragonballz and wishes for immortality and survives the Dead Zone. But, he imprisons himself in when he trys to absorb the heaven into the void. He never dies, though.

Dr. Gero was the mastermind behind the RR Army, but remained hidden. He wanted to take over the world, but tough luck, SonGoku came along. After the Red Ribbon Army was eliminated, the mad genius swore revenge and started creating more powerful and better machines to take revenge on the young Saiyajin. He even created the greatest "biological weapon" ever to be created (talkin' about Cell), but even that wasn't enough. But before he could see that masterpiece in action, he was killed by #17. And he was dead even though he put his once human body away and decided to become an Android himself.

Captain Ginyu is the leader of the Ginyu force, the most powerful of the whole commando unit. He tricks Songoku, swapping bodies with him. Then he flew off to fight SonGohan and Krillin, who didn't quite realise he wasn't Songoku. SonGohan and Vegeta however, did, and so the battle was on and Vegeta beat up that body bad. Just as Ginyu wanted to switch bodies with Vegeta, Songoku got there and stepped in line, so he got his own body back, and Ginyu tried to swap again, but he ended as a frog. Later, he meets bulma, and switches bodies with her, but she he arrives to the company watching Freezer and Songoku fight, he tries to take Piccolo's body, But Krillin and SonGohan know the trick so Bulma gets her body back and Ginyu is a frog for the rest of his life. He's in command of Guldo, Rikoom, Barta and Jeeze, who are far weaker and don't last long.

King Cold is Freezer and Koola's father. He might have more that one form, but he stays in the one that lookls like Form 2 all da time. After Trunks made a sliced Freezer, he offered Trunks to conquer the galaxy with him, but in the end, he like got killed too, Trunks blasted him coz king Cold took his sword, thinking he could finish off the Saiyajin if he's unarmed. Was foiled, though.

Koola is Freezer's brother, who keeps an eye on him and is sure he'd win. After Freezer loses, Koola goes to finish off the "last of the Saiyajin garbage". Even though he can go up to Form Five, one more than Freezer, he is defeated.

Mai is Pilaf's right-hand person, far more competent than the Emperor. But she is loyal and would do anything Pilaf wants, unless it's VERY stupid (and that's quite often). Plus, he keeps her in place with his traps.

Sergeant Metallic is a huge and muscular robot (ahem...?) that is in service of the RR under General White. He causes much trouble for SonGoku, but loses when his batteries run out.

Nappa is like Vegeta and UNLIKE SonGoku and Radditz, one of the elite Saiyajins, and one of the four survivors. He is far stronger than any of the Z warriors, but still far weaker than Vegeta himself, and don't let his huge person fool you, he is a lot bigger and hunkier than Vegeta, but weaker. Also, very stubborn and not very smart and that's why he gets killed by Vegeta in the end, when the Z warriors defeat him.

Piccolo Daimaho is the concentrated load of Piccolo's evil part. You see, Kami-sama had to clear himself of Evil when he took the throne of God, so Piccolo Daimaho was formed, his goal is total destruction. However, Kami and Piccolo Daimaho are mentally linked, and if one dies, the other dies as well. Anyway, years before Dragonball starts, Piccolo Daimaho attacks the Earth, and none of the martial arts experstc could harm him, until Mutaito, the mentor of Muten Roshi, imprisoned him inot some jar with the Mafuba technique., sacrificing his own life. However, just after the 22nd Tenkaichi budokai, Pilaf found that jar and freed the demon who started his world destruction rampage again, but was foiled in the end-he was killed in a very cool showdown by SonGoku, but just before he died, he managed to spit out his last egg, and so the evil Piccolo's part continued to exist, thus Kami remained alive too.

Pilaf could be described with two words only: INCOMPETENT DICTATOR. He is childish and greedy, but also mean and keeps his servants in place with traps - otherwise they'd take his place. In spite of himself, he succeeds...almost.

Pui Pui is the guardian of the first level in Babidi's spaceship. Underestimating the strength of the Saiyajins, he is no match for Vegeta who finishes him off without having a single scratch.

Master Sergeant Purple is a ninja in service of Red Ribbon Army, under General White of the Muscle Tower. His encounter with SonGoku was very funny, because he didn't seem to be able to outwit the boy. In the end, he ordered #8 to attack SonGoku, but the Android refused, so Purple threatened to blow him up. But SonGoku knocked him out. After a while, Purple threatened dr. Frappe to make him steal the Dragonballs, but SonGoku defeated the ninja again. Purple died when SonGoku threw #8's self destruct bomb into the mountains where Purple was.

Radditz is SonGoku's older brother and one of the four remaining Saiyajins that survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta. He takes SonGohan hostage, trying to make SonGoku join him in his quest of eliminating all the life forms on Earth, but his brother, accompanied by Piccolo, challenged him in combat. Radditz's arrogance made him leave his guard down for SonGohan, and SonGoku grabbed the chance (and his brother), and then told Piccolo to kill them both. And Piccolo did that.

Commander Red is the head of the Red Ribbon Army (why Red Ribbon, LOL?). Being a very small guy, he seeks for the Dragonballs to wish for becoming taller, under the cover of trying to take over the world. When Black found the truth about the wish, he shot Red between his eyes and took control of the Army alone.

Saibamen are some "biological weapons" used by the Saiyajins when they don't feel like fighting weak opponent. Having the power lever about 1200, they are as strong as Radditz. Nappa planted 6 of them, and one was killed by Vegeta (after it lost against Tenshinhan), the other by Yamcha, the third suicided on Yamcha, killing th Z fighter as well, and the rest were finished off by Krillin and Piccolo.

Shao is Pilaf's ninja-fox servant, just as incompetent as Pilaf himself.

Captain Silver is the first of the RR officers that SonGoku encounters. Not knowing the boy's true strength, he underestimates him, and is defeated with ease. He told General Copper what happened, and passed a message to General White in Muscle Tower to be ready for the arrival of SonGoku.

Supopovich is, like Yamuu one of Babidi's servants wit the same task as the oter one had. Supopovich did compete in the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai, and was defeated by mr. Satan in the semi-finals. After he brought the energy to Babidi, he blew him up.

Tao Bai Bai is the brother of Kamesennin's arch rival Tsurusennin and an assassin hired by the Red Ribbon Army. He has quite high prices. After having his own grenade kicked back to him, he dies and is back in a cyborg body for the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, where he can't do anything (he wanted to have REVENGE) and is defeated by Tenshinhan. He appears a few more times, but fails to achieve anything, knowing that a battle against SonGoku would be suicide.

Captain Violet is the only high ranking female in the Red Ribbon army. She finds a Dragonball for Copper, and when SonGoku attacks the RR HQ, she plunders their vault and runs off.

General White is a RR officer that works in the far north, his HQ being the top of Muscle Tower. He actually only sends his fighters to get SonGoku, but after the boy defeats Metallic, Purple and Buyon, he has to take on him alone. He takes the village mayor hostage and shoots SonGoku (who doesn't have a scratch). Thinking that SonGoku's dead, #8 gets very angry and punches White throught he wall and into his snowy grave.

Yamuu is one of Babidi's servants, sent to the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai along with Supopovich. After stealing energy from SonGohan and returning it to Babidi, the Majin mage decides he had served his pourpose and tells Pui Pui to take care of him.

Yakon is the level 2 enemy in Babidi's spaceship. Feeding on pure energy, he first shocked Songoku by eating all his Super Saiyajin energy, but in the end SonGoku used this to his advantage and blew him up.

Captain Yellow is a tiger-man in the service of RR Army, under General Copper. That's more or less everything we know about this guy.

Zarbon is Freezer's right-hand man, also a kind of a Playboy (which causes Bulma to go all gaga over him, will she never change?). In the early Freezer saga, he is a dangerous opponent, defeats Vegeta once, nearly killing him, but in his next battle against the Saiyajin prince, he doesn't have a chance despite his transformation (which he dislikes because it turns him ugly, and Bulma was very shocked when she saw THAT!), Vegeta kills him.

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