Part 5!!!!! YAAAAYYY!!!!!! I’ve had some complaints that part 4 was too short.. well, I know it was too short!!! It shouldn’t have even been a part, but like I said before, I needed to clear up a few things. Anyways, I had someone use my idea for the character, Trinity, and she didn’t give me any credit for it. So, if you want to use Trinity in YOUR story, just email me and ask. If you ask nicely, I’ll give you permission to use her if you put in your Author’s notes that you got her from me. Got it? good!!! not really much to say right now.. so on with the show. Email: [email protected]


Title: The 9th Digidestined, part 5

Author: Sarah aka. Trinity


Rating: PG or PG13

umm... what comes next? I forgot!!!!!



Trinity awoke, yawned, and stretched her cramped limbs. She opened her eyes to see Izzy staring at her, like there was something about her that disturbed him. He was analyzing her every feature, her every move. She watched him briefly, then flicked her eyes towards the others, some of which were sleeping soundly. Matt and Tai were awake, Matt making breakfast and Tai keeping him company. Tai saw her up, and smiled. His eyes then fell on Izzy, and he frowned, hurt and anger seeping into his eyes. He turned away and started talking to Matt. Trinity glanced back over at Izzy, who was still looking at her, turned away, and went over to where Tai and Matt were.

" I want to know where you got so good at cooking, Matt!" Trinity said with one of her radiant smiles.

"Well, when you don’t have a mother around, and your father is always working, you pick these kinds of things up." Matt said, smiling back at her.

Tai glanced over at Trinity, who was talking with Matt. She started giggling. She was so..... pretty when she smiled. He couldn’t think of why anyone would ever want to hurt her. He thought about Izzy, staring at her. It was almost like he was obsessed, even infatuated with her. Was there something there that he didn’t know about? As he glared at Izzy, his eyes narrowed and his brow creased. He thought of the things that could be happening right behind his back. No... not her, not his Sarah. "My Sarah....." He smiled at the thought. "I must just be getting paranoid. Nothing would ever happen between her and Izzy. I mean please!" He looked back over at Matt and Trinity. Was she.... flirting with Matt? Yea, but that was just the way that Sarah was. "This is getting way too confusing for me." Tai thought. He shook his head and blinked a few times. "I gotta quit thinking about this. Maybe I’m just hungry." The analytical teenage boy thought. "Hey Matt! Is breakfast ready yet?" He asked Matt.

"Just about!" Matt replied. Matt then flipped a sort of breakfast omelet onto Tai’s "plate."


Later that day, Sora, Mimi, and Trinity were talking about..... well, you know what teenage girls talk about, boys. Matt was leaned up against a tree, playing his harmonica, and Tai was in the tree, looking through his scope. TK and Kari were playing in the water with Joe, and Izzy was tapping at his computer.

Matt glanced up from his harmonica, and caught the eyes of Sora and Mimi. They were giggling and when they saw him looking at them, they glanced at each other and covered their mouths, laughing. Matt just blushed and kept playing.

Mimi whispered, "Yep Sora, Matt definitely likes you. I’m sure of it!"

"You really think so, Mimi?" Sora replied.

"Yes!!! I’m sure of it!" Mimi said, and giggled again.

Trinity was sitting cross-legged on the ground, her head in her hands. She sighed and glanced up at Tai, who was looking at her. They both quickly averted their eyes.

"Hey, Sora, Do you remember that guy? The really cute one that always used to hang out with Trin?" Mimi asked.

"Um.. Oh! You mean Brian! I wonder what happened to him." Sora said.

Trinity looked up, hurt flashing in her eyes. They didn’t know. How could they not know? They had been at camp.......She realized it now. That’s why they hadn’t asked her about his death.

"Trin....." Sora paused, tapping her friend lightly on the shoulder. "Trinity..... wake up!"

Trinity shook her head lightly, as if to rid it of the horrible memories.

"Do you know what hap..." Mimi started.

"He’s dead!!! He’s dead and it’s all my fault! Are you happy now? Are you happy that you know? He’s dead............" Trinity wailed. She was no longer trying to blink back tears. They ran down her face, making little rivers until they reached her chin, where they dropped off, making large splotches on her white tank top.

"Oh my gosh..... Trin, I didn’t mean....." Mimi said, her voice sympathetic. "I knew how close you were to him..." But, Trinity was already gone.

Trinity ran through the woods, snapping twigs and branches as she went. She didn’t care about leaving a path, didn’t care if someone found her, didn’t care if anyone didn’t care to look. What am I thinking, no one’s gonna come look for me...Matt will tell everyone that it was all my fault, and Tai will hate me. No, everyone will hate me. I’ve lost all of my friends now, and I was doing so well.. she thought. She kept running until she tripped over a vine that was protruding from the ground. She landed with a soft thud on a patch of grass. She pulled herself up into a sitting position and sobbed.

"What’s wrong my dear......?" An unknown voice came from behind her.

"Wha...?" Trinity whipped around and saw a diaphanous silvery being. "Who... who are you?"

"Me?" The creature asked, "Why... I am Psyche. Your psyche, that is."

"Well, what do you want with me?" Trinity asked, wiping her eyes with her arm.

Psyche smiled. This wasn’t going to be as hard as she thought it was. "Little Sarah..." she started.

"I don’t go by that name anymore." Trinity said, angst tainting her voice.

"Oh. and why is that? Afraid of the memories? Everyone knows what you did, now. Why does it matter anymore? You can’t go back. Everyone will hate you. In fact, they already do. "

Trinity felt herself backing up. Backing into darkness. "That cave wasn’t there before..." she thought. "L... Leave me alone!!! They don’t hate me.. They’re my friends!!!" she screamed.

"Friends?" The being moved forward, sneering. "There are no such things as... friends. Where were they when you needed them? Do they stay up with you at night and comfort you when you cry? I think.... not."

"They....... don’t..." Trinity said, slumping against a rock. She was now very far within the cave.

"Welcome to the cave of your angst." Psyche said, laughing. She then turned around and left.

Trinity put her head in her hands and sobbed. All of the things Psyche had said were fresh in her brain. No matter what she did to try and blot out the words, they stuck in her mind. Then, the words were gone, and the memories of the fight with Brian were there. She screamed. She needed to get out of this place. She tried to get up, but she seemed stuck to the ground. "Noooooooooo!!" she screamed, trapped inside her own head. She clawed at her scalp, but even the pain didn’t cloak the awful memories. They replayed over and over in her head.

"What I don’t understand is why you like him!! He’s bad for you! Can’t you see what he’s doing to you? He’s *with* other girls all the time!"

"No! That’s not true! How can you say something like that about your... brother!"

"Because I can see what he’s doing to you! C’mon, you know I just don’t want you getting hurt!!"

"NO!! I won’t listen to you!! The only person who is bad for me right now is you!! Leave me alone!!!! I never want to see you again!"

"Fine! Go ahead and get killed for all I care!"

"Brian..... If you had only known....." Trinity slumped down and slipped slowly into the comforting void that was unconsciousness.


"Trinity!!!!!!!!! Where are you?" Tai yelled into the woods.

"Trinity!!!!!! We’re sorry!!!" Sora and Mimi yelled.

Kari reached up and tugged on her older brother’s sleeve. "Is Trinity gonna come back, Tai?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

"I... I don’t know, Kari.. I really really hope so." Tai replied. He fell to his knees and looked up at the sky. "Trinity, please come back." He cried out softly, his voice choking.

Matt stared at the ground. How could the girls have let her run away like that? He slammed his fist into a tree. "Aaaarrrggghhh!!" he yelled when the shock ran up his arm. "Trinity! Where are you? Can you hear us?" Matt yelled into the woods.

"Look! There appears to be a clearing up ahead. There is a possibility that she could be seeking refuge there." Izzy said, hope shining in his eyes.

The 8 ran towards the clearing shouting, "Trinity!" When they arrived, they found no one, but the entrance to a small dark cave was standing in the clearing. Trinity’s crest was lying near the cave.

Tai ran over to where the crest was, picked it up delicately and clutched it in his quivering fist. "God, if anything happened to you, Trinity, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Who ever did this to you will pay. You’ll pay!!!!!!" His voice quavering, he yelled the last line into the woods. After uttering his threat, he ran into the cave.

The rest all exchanged glances before running in after him.

"Did I mention I’m allergic to caves?" Joe said, his eyes glazed over with fear as he stood hesitantly at the entrance of the cave.

"Shut up and get a move on, Joe, Tai and Trinity are in there!" The extremely annoyed Matt yelled behind himself as he ran deeper into the cave.


"Hmm.... It seems that young Trinity has lost her way on the path that is her life. "

"So, what are you saying, Mabona? That we have to help her?"

"Yes, Gaea, that would be the reason why we are holding this meeting."

The five beings floated above Trinity. Each was different. The tallest wore a long white gown with an iridescent robe over it. She was carrying a staff with the triforce on the top of it. She had the body of a human, but her face was very feline. Her hands were clawed, and two triangular shaped ears sprouted from a mass of thick, straight hair on top of her head.

"Arise, young Trinity. We are here to help you." She said.

Trinity awoke, blinking. When she saw the beings, she backed away, further into the cave. "Don’t hurt me!! My friends don’t hate me...." she sobbed, covering her face with her hands.

"Don’t buy what Psyche told you, Trinity. We are the guardians of the elements. We keep balance in this world. Psyche is just someone that tries to destroy everyone she meets’ life." another of the beings said.

"So, who exactly are you? Are you.... gijinka?" Trinity asked in a soft voice, coming a little closer to where she had been.

"I’m the guardian of wind, Zephyra." One said, this one wearing a long black dress with a sash tied around her waist. She had extremely light blue eyes, almost clear. Her hair came down to her shoulders, and was straight and black. She also had long bangs that framed her face. Her dress, sash, and hair were always in perpetual motion, as if something was blowing it, but there was no wind in the cave.

"I’m the guardian of fire, Hephesta." This one had fire red, curly hair that went past her shoulders and golden yellow eyes. She had on a single strapped shirt that seemed to be made of fire itself. She had a copper arm-band on each of her arms, and a bracelet on her right wrist. She wore dark gray jeans that were tucked into knee-high boots.

"I am the guardian of earth, Gaea." Gaea had long, dark auburn brown hair that fell past her waist and emerald green eyes. She was wearing a midriff showing olive green top that cut to a "V" at the bottom, just above her belly- button and a hip hugging skirt that also cut to a "V." Both pieces had a fringe on them.

"And, I am the guardian of water, Aquaria." She had chin length purple blue hair with short bangs. Her eyes were blue green. The water guardian had on what looked like a shimmery blue bikini top, and also a full skirt that was the same color.

"We are here to protect all of the digidestined, but mainly, you. For example, Hephesta protects Tai, since his element is fire. There are lesser guardians as well, such as the guardian of ice, Matt’s protector. I protect you, Trinity, for you are special. You are the one that will bear the son that will save the digiworld, and your own Earth." the one carrying the staff spoke gently, in a motherly tone.

"All the others have introduced themselves.. but.. who, are you?" Trinity asked, feeling a little courage surge within her.

"I am Mabona, guardian of Unity." the being said. "Now, cheer up, Trinity, for if you let these memories run your life, there is no hope for any of us. Our world, and yours will both be lost. Everything you hold dear will be destroyed."

Trinity gave a small smile. "I’ll try..."

"Don’t worry about your past, it wasn’t your fault. Besides, there’s someone who cares about you very much. This affection will soon turn to love, and he will be the father of your son." Hephesta said, calmly. She waved her hand nonchalantly towards the wall of the cave. A shimmery image of Tai appeared, somehow projected onto the cold stone.

"Taichi... Tai loves me?" Trinity said, bewildered.

"Yes, and he is not the only one, you have family that you don’t know about yet." Zephyra turned her hands until the palms were up. An orb formed, and in that orb pictures swirled. One stopped, fixated itself before Trinity’s wide eyes, that looked so much like Taichi’s. "Behold, your father."


"Yes." Gaea said, "Now look again. "

The picture of Gennai vanished, and a picture of Izzy formed in the small sphere.

"Your half brother." Aquaria said.

Trinity gasped. She had had no idea. She began to slowly sit down.

"Wait, there is one more." Hephesta said. "Your cousin. I believe you know him quite well." The picture in the orb changed once again, to a tall, lanky boy with blonde hair and shockingly blue eyes.

"Matt!!" Trinity said, her voice growing ecstatic.

"So, you see, Trinity, people do love you. Now, go to them, they are looking for you near the entrance of the cave." Mabona said, as she disappeared.

"Goodbye Trinity..." The others whispered as they faded away. Their voices echoed in the cave.

"Goodbye, and thank you...." Trinity said, before turning and running towards the light at the end of the cave.


Tai ran as fast as he could. He had been running for the longest time, and when he stopped briefly, it seemed like he hadn’t gotten anywhere. He turned around, looking for Matt. Then, something hit him from behind, and he fell to the ground, expecting to hit cold clammy stone. Instead he found himself lying in the sunlight on a patch of soft grass. Whatever had hit him flipped him over onto his back. He covered his face with the back of his arm, to shield the blows that were coming. When none came he cautiously lifted his arm to stare into the big brown eyes of...."Trinity!!!!" he yelled. He tried to put his arms around her, but they were pinned down by her long legs, as she was sitting on his chest.

She pressed a finger to his lips and said, "Shut up for once, Tai..." Then, she bent down and kissed him with all the love she could find in her heart.

He closed his eyes and kissed her back with equal love and devotion. "God, if I’d lost her, I don’t know what I’d do......." his thoughts trailed off as he just gave into the kiss.

"Trinity!!!! Hey! We thought we were going to lose you there for a minute! Welcome back, girl!" Matt said as the girl broke the kiss, glared at him, then jumped up and threw her arms around him. He looked down at Tai who had a smirk on his face. "Hey Tai...." Matt said, his arms still around Trinity, who was bouncing up and down. He pulled away, and then helped Tai up.

Tai passed a hand through his thick hair and winked at Trinity. Then he glanced at the others. Mimi and Sora were staring sheepishly at the ground, thoroughly embarrassed. TK and Kari ran up to Trinity, hugging her as she bent down to hug them back. Joe smiled and asked if she was hurt physically. His eyes found Izzy, who was looking at Trinity with that same stare, only amplified about a million times.

Trinity found Izzy’s eyes, and she looked at him with a look that said, I know. He ran over to her and hugged her, tears coming out of his eyes. "I’m so happy that I have some family now, brother." Trinity said, her eyes watering.

"Wait a minute.... Brother???? So that’s what this is all about!" Tai said, suddenly relieved.

"Yes, that’s right, Tai. Trinity is my half-sister through Gennai, and Matt is our cousin." Izzy said, beaming.

"Huh? Why didn’t anyone tell ME about this?" Matt said, crossing his arms.

"Well, I would’ve, but I like, just found out." Trinity said, hugging him again.

"Look, we’re sorry, Trinity. We didn’t mean to bring up your past..." Mimi said.

"It’s okay, I needed to get it out of my system. Thanks guys!!!" Trinity said with a smile. She hugged Sora and Mimi.

"Well, we’d better be getting back to camp now," Joe said.

The digidestined walked back to camp. As the sun set, two hands were clasped tightly, as they would remain to be for a very long time. Trinity looked up at the heavens and whispered softly, "I don’t want to come down from this cloud.... I’ve spent all this time to find out what I’ve needed, and I don’t want to go back to that place. Let me feel like this, forever... please?"

"What was that Trin?" Tai asked, concerned.

She smiled and kissed him again. "Nothing, don’t worry about it.." She rested her head on his shoulder as they walked, hand in hand, back to camp.


~The End~


A/N: NOOOOTTTT!!!!!! I fooled ya, huh? Ya didn’t want it to end, I hope... Well, it’s not. Trust me!!!! I’ve already started on part 6 ^^........ anyways, I know it took a while, but it’s okay, right? ::Tai, Yama, Izzy, Joe, TK, Duo, Quatre, Heero, and Trowa plushies are thrown at Trinity:: Okay, okay, I promise it won’t take that long to write part 6 :)

Digimon is owned by Toei and Saban and Fox kids (I believe) and that last bit Trinity said about wanting to feel like that forever? That was *partly* from the song "Comedown" by Bush.


Luv y’all and don’t forget to write!


[email protected]

And- *NEW* check out my Tai shrine....



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