Ok here's the scoop. I had joined a Pokemon RPG as Richie, but I realized very quickly that I needed some kind of background or history for Richie. So here it is. I gave him the last name of Everett (was thinking about Everest but then I thought: Richie doesn't have an ego like that!) and made him from Saffron City. I figured Rich seems like kind of a city boy. (clothes!) and this Character background-turned Fan-Fic also says who his first Pokemon was. Although I thought about having Happy first instead, but oh well. PS: This is also my first attempt at writing ANYTHING like this so be nice. Although it continues the "dark" tradition I established in "Mirror." -my Digimon Fan-Fic. SO ANYWAY BE NICE!!!


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon, Richie, Sparky, Pikachu or any of the characters mentioned herein. That honor goes to Game Freak Inc, 4Kids Entertainment, Nintendo of America etc. Although technically I do own them in the RPG. =)


WARNING! This Fan-Fic is extremely mature in nature and contains explicit sexual scenes including Yaoi and unwilling sexual acts against characters. The author is not responsible for any premature hair loss resulting from reading the below Fic. So if that is not your cup of tea don't read it. Kay? If you are determined head on below!
















"Hiroshi's Past." by Presley



Picture generously donated by Ariwara Ikuma.


Richie Everett twisted and turned in his bed at the Pokemon League. He had just beaten his best friend Ash Ketchum and was resting up for the next days battle. At least he was trying to. The wind blowing outside and the rain brought back painful memories. Memories he had tried to bury deep inside his soul. Stories of an 7-year old orphan living in Saffron City. Tales of Hiroshi Everett. But the memories came nonetheless.




Hiroshi crept into his bed at Saffron City's Children's Orphanage and looked around fearfully. "May...maybe he won't come tonight." Hiroshi said in soft, pleasant voice. As usual his wish was denied. Hiroshi tried burying himself under his blankets, fearful of the footsteps approaching his door. It had been like this for sometime now. Ever since he gained the eye of the Orphanage Headmaster. An Orphanage for boys only. Now Hiroshi understood.


Hiroshi whimpered as the door clicked open and the tall man strode in and flicked on the lights mercilessly. "Good evening Hiroshi. So nice to see you again." The man's voice literally purred.


Hiroshi's response was mumbled under the blankets. The man grew angry. "What was that you little whore?" Hiroshi found himself suspended in the air by his arm. Hiroshi glared defiantly at the man, his brown eyes flashing. "Call me Richie!" The room illuminated as a flash of thunder struck outside the wind and rain picking up.


The man's slap stung the young boy. "I will call you whatever I want you little whore. Now be nice, or I'll have to hurt you."


Hiroshi's eyes flashed again. "You'll hurt me in any case, so why shouldn't I fight you?" Another slap. "Oh, yes. "Richie" Everett, the brave Pokemon Student." Hiroshi glared. "It's true! One day I'm gonna be a Pokemon Master and THEN you'll be sorry!" The man laughed cruelly again. "Well pet? You know that letter you sent to Professor Izumi at PokeTech? I'm afraid it never got sent. By next year, you'll be too old to start learning, so you'll be here for a long time, entertaining me." The man licked Hiroshi's cheek.


Something broke inside Hiroshi. All his hopes and dreams. Shattered. "NOOO!!!" Hiroshi cried as he beat and kicked the man with all his might. Hiroshi had a brief vision of flying through the air. Then blackness.


Hiroshi Everett groaned as he felt someone *that hated someone his mind screamed* pulling down his shorts, leaving bare his abdomen and lower areas. Hiroshi opened his swollen eyes. I must've blacked out. Hiroshi tries to struggle but the man just laughs and pushes the boy down onto the bed. "Now, now, Pokemon Master be nice." Hiroshi tries to scream as he feels the man massaging his inner thighs lovingly. "Now now Hiroshi. No screaming. Here this should keep you quiet." Hiroshi looks up fearfully as the man begins unzipping his pants. "Open up Hiroshi." The man says as he squeezes Hiroshi's mouth open. "No!" Richie cries out, both in the dream and in his apartment. Hiroshi blinks back his tears as he feels the man's hardened sex enter his mouth. At the same time, he feels the man beginning to massage his buttocks, finger searching for the orifice he knew was there.


I have to stop this! Hiroshi's mind screamed out, while his body gagged on the foreign object in his mouth. "Ah. There it is." the man said quietly as he thrust 3 fingers into the boys opening. Hiroshi gasped at the pain and tried not to choke on the object in his mouth. I'm bleeding, Hiroshi's mind told him. He could feel the trickle of blood running between his buttocks. Helpless, Hiroshi tried to think of options. One came to mind. Why not? It's my only hope. Rearing back, Hiroshi clamped his teeth onto the man's hardened sex. HARD.


The man screamed as his "pet" bit into his member, drawing blood. "You BITCH!" he screamed slapping Hiroshi repeatedly. Hiroshi tried blocking the ruthless blows with his hands and arms.




Hiroshi came to again, at once realizing he'd been gagged and is laying on his stomach. Oh no. NOT...Hiroshi screamed into the gag as the man entered him ruthlessly and began pumping into the small body beneath him. Nearly blinded by tears, unable to do anything but scream uselessly into the gag, Hiroshi turns to the window and sees a figure...No, not a figure. A Pokemon. A Pikachu to be exact. Hiroshi's mind recalls from his reading. I'd like to help it, but...Hiroshi stares as the tiny Pokemon's cheeks begin flashing in the rain outside.


The new illumination in the room gains the man's attention. "Wha? No!" he cries out as the Pikachu lets loose thousands of volts shattering the window and sending electricity through the room. The man gets thrown off the boy and crashed into a wall unconscious. At the same time, the room gets plunged into darkness as the lightbulb explodes due to the high electricity.


The Pikachu jumped down off the windowsill and onto the bed coming to rest beside the crying boy. "Pika?" the Pokemon asks as he begins licking the boy's cheek. Hiroshi shudders remembering that awful tongue. Arms no longer pinned by the man's weight, Hiroshi rips off the gag and hugs the Pikachu tightly to his chest. "It's over." Hiroshi's tears flow freely now. "It's finally over." Hiroshi stares at the Pokemon then up at the sparks flying from the shattered light filament. "Sparky. I think I'll call you Sparky." Hiroshi softly rubs the Pikachu on its head. "Huh? what's this?" Hiroshi runs his fingers over a tuft of fur he hadn't noticed before. "Great! Now we can style it! When we get a chance!" Hiroshi leaps out of bed, quickly donning his preferred teal clothing. "C'mon Sparky! We've got to get out of here before he wakes up." Hiroshi reaches into the man's pockets and pulls out his wallet. Next, Hiroshi begins quickly tying his bed sheets together forming a crude rope which he tosses out the window. "C'Mon Sparky!" Hiroshi scoops up the little Pokemon in his arms as he jumps out the window grabbing the rope. But it doesn't hold. Hiroshi screams as he falls the remaining feet to the ground below. CRASH!


Hiroshi screams as he hears a sharp crack in his left arm. Supporting it gingerly, Hiroshi looks down at his Pikachu. "Sparks? Are you OK? SPARKY!!!" Hiroshi yells at the unresponsive Pokemon. Sparky's ears perk up and he weakly gets up and climbs up Richie's leg resting on his uninjured shoulder.




Officer Jenny stares up as the filthy bleeding child enters her office. The boy leans heavily on her desk. "The...Orphanage...raped me. Stop..." Then the world went black for Hiroshi again.




Richie blinks at the bright hospital lights. "Wha?" Richie sits up slowly, wincing at the pain. "Sparky!" Richie says as he spots his? Pikachu ravinously devouring an apple. Sparky's ears perk up. "Pika? Pika!" Sparky cries as he leaps onto the boy's lap, licking his arms, hands and whatever he can get hold of.


Richie looks up as someone clears her throat. "Officer Jenny?" Hiroshi stares. "I thought you should know that we arrested the Headmaster of the orphange Hiroshi. He won't be bothering you or any of the other boys again." Jenny looks behind her. "Your ride is here."


Richie tries to see the stranger behind Jenny. "My ride? To where? not back there...please Jenny!" Richie pleads. Then the stranger steps forward. "No son, you're not going back to the Orphanage. I'm here to take you to PokeTech. I'm Professor Izumi." Richie stares in shock then grins so hugely his cheeks begin to hurt. "One thing Professor. Call me Richie!" the boy says as he gets dressed and follows his new Mentor out the door, Sparky trailing behind him...Richie remembers the beautiful sunshine and golden fields that pass beneath them on the trip to the Pokemon School. Everything seemed that much brighter to the boy. Now he had a future.




Bolting upright, Richie sits up in bed wiping the sweat off his body. Sparky stirs and looks up at his Trainer. "Pika?" Richie smiles and ruffles Sparky's hair. "I'm OK Sparks. Just having a dream." Richie says as he climbs out of bed, changes and prepares for his next match...





Presley, me! The author of "Mirror" and now "Hiroshi's Past," is a 21-year old now living in Canada. Pres has had a relatively bouncy career, first landing a script-writing job for Disney, where he also tried voice acting, but failed miserably. Following the cancellation of his contract with Disney, Pres tries taking up animation and went to Japan for two years learning from the best. Sadly, Pres decided not to continue his training in animation as he got frustrated having to do such quick work. Pres now does excellent still pics which he gives to his friends. He also maintains a Digimon webpage Genn's Digital Domain. Is currently working on writing his first novel and is also searching for another job in the scripting or Character Development areas of another company. Please feel free to send me any Q's, comments, and Fan-Mail about this story at [email protected]. Thanks very much!





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