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What are the Media?
The media are changing rapidly as we reach the end of the twentieth century.

Technology, society, and the world of ideas are all in a state of flux, and it is
the media in which change both occurs and is debated.

A major focus of the Genius 2000 Project is to generate a collective discussion of
the role and definition of media in the information age. What does it mean to be an
artist, journalist, entertainer, politician, or informed citizen?

This section of the Genius 2000 Website will offer links and a discussion of the newly evolving meaning of the media in our lives and communities.
To focus this discussion, the Project has created some central concepts:

1. Media access is currently based mainly on a hierarchical definition of genius (special knowledge, education, expertise, or ability).

2. A truly healthy and fulfilling community must offer every person enough media access to realize their own potential.

3. Media access should be more widely distributed, more influenced by non-corporate sources, and less compliant with a corporate agenda.
We realize that we can't please everyone as we try to redefine the media. However, if we all try a little harder to please ourselves and others, in a serious way, things can be much better.
Please return to this page for further resources in the coming weeks.