(pages badly torn)

(In the Name of God Amen) I Vines Collier of the County of Oglethorpe & state of georgia Being of sound and perfect __nce and Memory and Calling to mind, it is appointed for man once to Die, Do make and ordain this my last will and testament and firs of all I give my soul to god that gave it me hoping for the Refurrection of Eternal life & my Body to the Durst from whence it Came, and as for my worldly Estate that god of his goodnefs has Bestowed on me I give and bequeath in the following manor (to wit) first I give my Daughter Betsey Dunn one Negro girl named Dilacy) secondly I give to my Daughter Ann Hardaman one negro girl named Jeney. thirdly I give to my son Isaac Collier one ________ acres of land lying in the fork of the Boa_____ Between James grier and myself (to wit) _________ at a Corner persimmon in the spring branch thence thence down the Branch to the fork, the__ up griers Branch to the Back line Joining gre___ thence on gorsham line as fare as will ma___ strait line to the Begining for Complimen___ forthly I lend to my well Beloved wi___ Salley Collier my land Negores and ______ kinds of property that I pofsefs duri__________ do ______ my other ten Childr________ vines Co_______________________________ Robert C______ lley ____________________________ my wif________ r Marry _________________________ to be Equa____ Divided am_______________bove mentioned only a Child_________________ and las_ of all I appoint my s______________ Isaac Collier and Salley Collier my ______________ Executrix of this my last will and tes____nt __ witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand seal this leventh day of september one thousand seven hundred and ninety five.

Recorded Decr. 11th Day 1795
Mat. Rainey R.P.O.C.

December the 11 Day 1795 I hereby Certify and acknowledge that I Refuse to Act as Executor for Estate tho named in the will of Vines Collier Decd as decd. on Monday the 7th of this Instint certifyed me at office this 11th Day of December 1795.

Samuel Worthington
Mat. Rainey R.P.O.C.

_____ names are hereunto subfcribed Do Each of us for _______elves and those under whofe Right we Claim ______ Intrust in the Estate of Vines Collier decd. agree ______ the paper or writing above so fared shall Be, con _____red as the last will and Testament of the said ____s Collier decd. to operate as fully and as amply ______ the same had been signed by him the said ______ Collier under all the Legal Requests, and do _________rts allow and Ratify the same in the moft full __________le maner, agreeing also that the same be _______________ord in the Registers office of the County _________________ John Collier do for _________hereby ________________________ Interest which ____________ Be Inthilled_______________________ n_________nd autho- ____________________pofitio________ointed out _______________________ the other _______ therein

Salley ____ier
John Co___er
John Ha_daman
Thos. Dunn
Isaac Collier
Cuthbert Collier
Thos. Collier

_____________ 11th 1795
____________ecord on the same day
____rles ______
Mat. Rainey R.P.O.C.

___te of georgia
____thorpe County

Matthew Rainey of the County and __ate aforesaid planter being duly sworn saith __at on or about the Eleventh Day of september __t past he was sent for by Vines Collier late of said County decd. thatwhen he Came, the said _ollier told this deponant he wanted him to write __s will, and put one which it appeard, he had some _ne Before wrote, into this deponants hands and told ___ what alteration to make. that the deponant _____dingly drew it agreeable to his directions, and __nd it over to him who declared it was according to __s Intentions and nothing But the want of perfons __ witnefs it prevented said Vines Collier from executing ___ and this deponant further saith that he has one ________________________________________ ___d Mr. Collier Expefs his Concern that the will drawn as above mentioned By this deponant was not Executed which will or writing is here unto subjoined and he veryly belive_ that when it was Drawn and at every time afterward when the said Collier spoke of it to and in hearing of deponant he the said Collier was of sound mind and dispof___ mind and memory and underftanding, this depona__ also Recolects that Mr. Collier, told him on the evening of the tenth or on the said Eleventh day of september that George Younge & leonard Younge had Been with him and waited till near night in order to witn___ the said will when wrote and had promised to Co__ somet___ afterwards seeing Mr. Collier this dep_____ asked __m if the said George and Leonard Younge ___ Come, who told him they did not and he was sorr_ as he was anxious to have the said will Executed.

Sworn to before me
this twenth day of Decr. 1795
Jno. Lumpkin J.P.

State of Georgia
Oglethorpe County

Leonard Younge of the County an_ State aforesaid planter, Being duly sworn saith th__ he the deponant occationally hapened at the house __ Vines Collier now decd. Mr. Collier drew out a paper and said it was his will and read it the deponan_ and Exprefsed some Dissatisfaction tho drawn by ___self, which he made mention of, that was, he had pointed that the land he had given to his son Isa__ Collier and said that he would send for Mr. Matthew and get him to write another and asked him if he go to his Bro. Geo. Younge and ask him if he would Come over with himself that Evening to witn___ new will which he intended to have Ready by th____ _ppointed accordingly they Both came and Mr. Collier Informed them that he had sent for Mr. Rainey & he had not Come and Exprefsed himself somewhat uneasy urging on them to stay But as it was not Convenient he asked them to Come a few days after seting a time himself, the deponant came by him__lf, & his Bro. not Coming By Reason of sicknefs. Businefs was not done, some time after, which _as on or about the seventh Day of November last the __ponant was in Company with Mr. Collier again _nd he Informed him he had got the will Ready _nd all that was wanting was witnefses and he ackno_ledged it neglect in him that it had not Been _ssited and this deponant further saith not ________________________ay of December 1795.

Jno. Lumpkin J.P.

____ded on _____day
__d state Decr. 11th 1795
_at. Rainey, R.P.O.C.

__hn Collier of the said county planter and one of the sons of the said Vines Collier decd. being sworn __ith, that he well Remembers / his father having __nt for Mr. Rainey to write his will, & for geo. _nd for Leo. younge to witnefs it, that it was late the Evening before Mr. Rainey Come and the gentleman being Easier he asked Mr. Rainey stay all nught and draw it in the morning _hen perhaps the witnefses would Come again that also Recolects hearing his father tell Mr. Rainey __ to Draw it, and heard it Read over to his _ather By Mr. Rainey after it was wrote and that __ Corresponded with the said Directions, this _____ant further saith that he has Examined the _____e writing and veryly Believed it to be the same ____ing which was wrote by Mr. Rainey, ___________ at that time for the last will of the said Vines Collier who was well pleased therwith, and believes said Collier was of sound memory and underftanding at the time.

Sworn to before me this 11th day
of December 1795
Jno. Lumpkin, J.P.

Recorded this 11 Day of December 1795 Mat. Rainey, R.P.O.C.

George Younge after duly being sworn saith that h____ the Request of Mr. Vines Collier, Delivered By hi_ Bro. Leo. Younge Came over to Mr. Colliers in ord__ to witnefs a will and when the deponant Came he underftood the will was not Ready and he was Called on to attend a few days afterwards perhap the Next day as a witnefs, which was out of his power By Reason of sicknefs this deponant furth__ saith not.

sworn to me this 11 day of December 1795.
Jno. Lumpkin, J.

Recorded this 11 Day of December 1795 Mat. Rainey, R.P.

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