RANDOLPH COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORD OF WILLS 1870-1916 (pp.179-80); 1895

Georgia Randolph County: I, Thomas A. Wall, of said County hereby make decloare and publish this as my last will and testament never having made any other.

1st. I give, bequeath and devise the whole of my estate of every Kind that I may have and leave at the time of my death to my five grand children, namely, Tommie W. Whaley, Annie May Whaley, William W. Whaley, Joseph D. Whaley and Homer P. Whaley to be equally dividec between them after paying to my said two grand daughters Tommie W. Plowden and Annie May Whaley, a sufficient sum to make the share of my estate that they receive one thousand dollars each greater than that of the other three.

My said two grand daughters however are to account in said division for fifteen hundred dollars each, the value of a certain plantation in the Fifth District of Randolph County Georgia, that I have conveyed to their father W. J. T. Whaley in trust for them and the said Tommie W. Plowden for the additional sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) in money that I have given her. Provided also that each of said legatees shall account in the final division of my estate for such advancements that I may hereafter make them.

2nd. I nominate and appoint W. J. T. Whaley as Executor of this my will and also as Trustee for any of his children, said legatees, who may not be of age at the time this will takes effect.

I relieve my said Executor from having any appraisement of my Estate made and also from making any returns to the Ordinary. I also relieve said Whaley as Trustee from making any returns of his acts.

I hereby authorize and empower my said Executor to control and manage my estate just as I could do if in life: to give off and advance to each legatee his or her share of my estate as he or she becomes of age oe when his daughter may marry; to sell, at discretion publicly or privately any of the property that comes into his hands as Executor, to reinvest the proceeds at pleasure and also to sell and convey publicly or privately if it becomes necessary any of the property he purchases as Executor.

I also give to said W. J. T. Whaley as Trustee the same power and discretion to sell and purchase as I have invested him with as Executor.

3rd. I have made herein no provision for my wife M. A. Wall, for the reason that I have already given and advanced to her at least twelve thousand dollars, which I intend as her full share out of my estate. Given under my hand and seal, this 29th day of August 1894.

Thomas A. Wall

Signed, declared and published by Thomas A. Wall as his last Will and testament in our presence We the Subscribers Signing our names in the presence of the testator (at his special instance and request) and in the presence of each other, and he signing in our presence This 29th day of August 1894.

W. C. Worrill
J. A. Ethridge
C. M. Cheney

Georgia Randolph County: I, W. C. Worrill do swear that I as well as J. A. Ethridge and C. M. Cheney, saw the within named Thomas A. Wall sign and publish the within paper as his last will and testament: that I subscribed the same as a witness thereto at the special instance and request of the said Thomas A. Wall and in his presence as did also J. A. Ethridge and C. M. Cheney: that said Thomas A. Wall signed the same freely and voluntarily and was at the time of such signing of sound and disposing mind and memory.

W. C. Worrill

Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 20th day of May 1895
B. W. Ellis C.f.C.

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