======================================================================== A V E N I R ======================================================================== WATER POISONING QUEST <*Spawn*> (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection) <*> (Bakona Bar) 7nw, 2n, nw, 2n, nw, n, w, 4n, buy water, <*> (Thirsty Dwarf) 4s, e, s, se, 2s, se, 2s, 7se, e, ask thirsty dwarf task, <*> (Mean-looking Dwarf) w, (listen to dwarf), nod, drop tablet in water, <*> (Thirsty Dwarf) e, give water to thirsty dwarf, <*> (nw-sw-e Intersection) w ======================================================================== TOMATO DROP QUEST .......................................................... (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection) <*> (Young Dwarf) 2e, s, ask young dwarf for help, spit dark elf, <*> (Tower) n, w, open door, 2u, lean out (to check if the elf under you), drop tomato out window, <*> (nw-sw-e Intersection) 2d, open door, w ======================================================================== BAKONAS HAT QUEST............................................................ (Outpost nw-sw-e Intersection) <*> (Bakona Bar) 7nw, 2n, nw, 2n, nw, n, w, 4n, ask bakona hat, ask bakona type, ask bakona material, ask bakona colour, ask bakona style, <*> (Bazaar) 4s, e, s, se, 2s, se, 2s, 7se, 2e, 3ne, board boat, leave boat, <*> (Hats Shop) u, 3e, tent, say I would like to order hat, choose , material , colour , style