Traveller Help is available on these subjects: male titles emotes carving tidea tlist female titles tsay Use 'help trav ' to access help files. Male titles Uninitiated Traveller Errand Runner of the Travellers Inexperienced Escort of the Travellers Esteemed Escort of the Travellers Understudy Wanderer of the Travellers Rising Wanderer of the Travellers Learned Wanderer of the Travellers Hardened Wanderer of the Travellers Lauded Wanderer of the Travellers Understudy Explorer of the Travellers Rising Explorer of the Travellers Learned Explorer of the Travellers Hardened Explorer of the Travellers Lauded Explorer of the Travellers Understudy Trailblazer of the Travellers Rising Trailblazer of the Travellers Learned Trailblazer of the Travellers Hardened Trailblazer of the Travellers Lauded Trailblazer of the Travellers Understudy Surveyor of the Travellers Rising Surveyor of the Travellers Learned Surveyor of the Travellers Hardened Surveyor of the Travellers Lauded Surveyor of the Travellers Understudy Cartographer of the Travellers Rising Cartographer of the Travellers Learned Cartographer of the Travellers Hardened Cartographer of the Travellers Lauded Cartographer of the Travellers Understudy Talespinner of the Travellers Rising Talespinner of the Travellers Learned Talespinner of the Travellers Hardened Talespinner of the Travellers Lauded Talespinner of the Travellers Understudy Historian of the Travellers Rising Historian of the Travellers Learned Historian of the Travellers Understudy Elder of the Travellers Rising Elder of the Travellers Learned Elder of the Travellers Hardened Elder of the Travellers Lauded Elder of the Travellers Traveller of Legend Female titles Uninitiated Traveller Errand Runner of the Travellers Inexperienced Escort of the Travellers Esteemed Escort of the Travellers Understudy Wanderer of the Travellers Rising Wanderer of the Travellers Learned Wanderer of the Travellers Hardened Wanderer of the Travellers Lauded Wanderer of the Travellers Understudy Explorer of the Travellers Rising Explorer of the Travellers Learned Explorer of the Travellers Hardened Explorer of the Travellers Lauded Explorer of the Travellers Understudy Trailblazer of the Travellers Rising Trailblazer of the Travellers Learned Trailblazer of the Travellers Hardened Trailblazer of the Travellers Lauded Trailblazer of the Travellers Understudy Surveyor of the Travellers Rising Surveyor of the Travellers Learned Surveyor of the Travellers Hardened Surveyor of the Travellers Lauded Surveyor of the Travellers Understudy Cartographer of the Travellers Rising Cartographer of the Travellers Learned Cartographer of the Travellers Hardened Cartographer of the Travellers Lauded Cartographer of the Travellers Understudy Talespinner of the Travellers Rising Talespinner of the Travellers Learned Talespinner of the Travellers Hardened Talespinner of the Travellers Lauded Talespinner of the Travellers Understudy Historian of the Travellers Rising Historian of the Travellers Learned Historian of the Travellers Understudy Elder of the Travellers Rising Elder of the Travellers Learned Elder of the Travellers Hardened Elder of the Travellers Lauded Elder of the Travellers Traveller of Legend Tlist Usage: tlist [mwn] tl [mwn] mtlist [mwn] mtl [mwn] "tlist" allows you to gather information about the travellers currently abroad in the world. "mtlist" and "mtl" will list members using "more". The following options are avaialable: w - list wizards instead of normal mortals. m - list only mortals. n - list only the names. Temotes Tahh Tassure Tboot Tbow [] Tcarve Tchin [] Tconcern [] Tcough Tcross Tcurse [] Tdance []. Tdark Tdisbelief [] Tdiscovery Tdisdain Tdizzy Tdraw Tdrool Tdust Texhaust Teye [] Tflex [] [] Tgaze Tgear Tglance [] Tglare [] Tgreet [] Tgrind [] [] Thail Thatred Thello [] Thmm [] [] Thop Thum [] [] Tjump Tkiller Tkiss Tlean Tlook Tluck Tmap [] Tmumble Tnap Tnod [] Toops Tpace [] Tpoke [} Tpuzzled [] Trespect Trest Treverie Triffle Trun Tsalute [] Tscorn Tscratch Tshiver Tshudder Tsing Tskip Tsmile [] Tsnarl [] [] Tspit [] Tsquint Tstare [] Tstudy Tswat Tsweaty Tswing [] Ttap [] [] Ttemper Ttrip [] Ttug [] Ttwirl Tugh Twatch [] Twave [] [] Twhew Twhistle Tyawn [] Tyell Craving Throughout the ages, travellers have passed the time by carving small emblems, toys, animals and figures from wood they find on the ground. You too can carve as these travellers did. To carve, you should be wielding an edged weapon and have a block of wood. Carving is not an automatic knowledge, and as such you can only carve the things you have been taught. Current carvings available: boar bobcat eagle stallion wolf Tsay Usage: tsay Throughout the history of the Travellers, there has been a need for a way to communicate things covertly. New members are taught the language of the travellers, and it has spread to a few knowledgable outside of the travellers (though it is rumoured none can speak it, only understand). In order to speak or understand the traveller's language, you must have at least some skill in the learning and speaking of languages. appraise enemy 1 copper novice student confident acolyte climb 1 copper novice student confident journeyman animal handling 1 copper novice student superior layman language 1 copper novice student superior acolyte appraise object 1 copper novice student confident acolyte polearm 1 copper novice student superior journeyman location sense 1 copper novice student superior journeyman trading 1 copper novice student superior journeyman swim 1 copper novice student superior journeyman tracking 1 copper novice student superior acolyte