.%& &&&. , && , "ss.&ss. .s' , .ss&&&&&&&&&&ss, &. s&&&&&&&&&&&&&{ \&Ss "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& o \&& , s&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&s, ,s s&&&&&&&&&"&&&&&&, ssss&&&&&"&&&&&, s&&&&&&&&&&s""&&&&`ssssss"&&&&&&&&" s&&&&&&&&&&' `"""ss"&"&s"" s&&&&&&&&&&, `"""""& .s&&s s&&&&&&&&&&&&s,... `s&&' ` "Know thyself, and `ssss&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&####s. .&&"&. The Way of the Dragon `""""&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&#####&&&&&&" will unfold to thee." "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&####s"" It is from Segoy, the Dragon Father of All Creation, that life originated. The ancient texts suggest that dragons and humanoids were once one race, and it was upon the rediscovery of this knowledge that the Order of the Dragon was founded. The members of this Order believe they have found and duly follow the path which leads to the reunion of the humanoid body with the dragon spirit. This path is called The Way of the Dragon, and through it one lives a life which strikes a balance between self-sufficiency & interdependence, creation & destruction, giving & taking, and mind & body. Those most adept in the mind-body discipline of The Way have found that it is possible to tap the dragon-spirit within at will, but only for short periods of time. The fleeting, yet powerful joy of this contact drives those who follow The Way of the Dragon to achieve a deeper self-knowledge, that they might one day reunite body and spirit in the ancestral form of the dragon. __--""" ,-/-==\\ _-" /' | \\ .' / | \\ /" / ____ / | \`\.__/-"" /-'" """""---__ | "-/" \_| / __-- Leaving the Order of the Dragon '""--_/ _-"_>--<_\ ------------------------------- {\__--_/} / \\__>--<__ /' (_/ _-" | |__>--<_ If the Way of the Dragon becomes | _/) )-" | |__>-- too difficult a path for thee, / /" ,_/ / /__>--- thou mayest take thine leave by o-o _// /-"_>---<__" the simple act "betray order" (^(" /"_>--- within the western temple. ,/| ,('( The toll taken is one sixth of ,/ /('\ all thine combat experience. ( ( ')) `-)) )) ( ,/,'//( ( . ))`"/,( ( ((, )) _-"//( )/ ))`"/ )` ) ,/| --------------------------------------------------- Special combat abilities of the Order of the Dragon --------------------------------------------------- Members of the Order of the Dragon ,_/|/ _ . have an ability called "strike" which /-__/ ( ((_, ) can be used to execute a special \/\ =/ = /_/ combat attack on an opponent in the / \,_\_)___(_ form of a punch or a kick. Special \ / \_ training is required in order to \___\|\_, \ master this attack. \__-\__ \ /\// ' \ In addition, occupational members of the ( /_ / Order have an ability called "plexus" \_,\______| which makes it possible to temporarily __#######] disable an opponent. This skill must also __/._ . . ) be trained in order to be effective. _/ .\ . . < \. . . _/ Members can also "focus" themselves on /\__. _.__/ \ combat, which results in the above ( \_/ ( /_| attacks being executed with more )/_ /'-`_) \ mastery. | / (___'_) '/. __) There are many factors that affect the \_/ | effectiveness of these abilities. You , _\ ( can determine them by experimentation. (____`_) ___,' <\ /> ';___ /. / >_ \ / _< \ .\ / : | | : \ / : :| {<0\./0>} |: : \ /. : :\ \ ) ( / /: : . \ |. . : \ ~(o:o)~ / : . . | |. . . \ {!^!} / . . . | | . . . \ | \_/ | / . . . | | . . . \/ \/ . . . | ================================================== Voting in the Order of the Dragon ================================================== Major decisions in the Order are made by voting. Voting can be done only in the meeting room. VOTING COMMANDS votelist - list all the current votes voteinfo - give information about the specified vote vote for - submit your vote for a current outstanding vote voteadd - start a new general vote, on any topic you like expel - start a vote to expel a council member COUNCIL VOTES When the Council needs new members, a vote called "council election" is created in the meeting room to see who will be elected. The vote will last for one week, after which time the results will be tallied, and the winning member will be elected to the council. COUNCIL EXPULSION Should you think a council member is unfit for duty, you can start a vote to expel them with "expel ". The vote will last for one week, after which time, if there have been more votes for than against, the council member will be removed for their position. GENERAL VOTES General votes may be started by any member at any time with the "voteadd" command. These votes have no effect, except that after the vote is completed, the results will be posted on the board of the Order. You can create a vote to see how your fellow members feel about an issue, or just for fun. (`-. \ `. /) , '--. \ ` . // , ' \/ \ ` ` // ,' ./ /\ \>- ` ,----------. ( \ ,' .-.-,_ / ,' /\ \ . ` `. \ \' />--< .) ./ ,' / \ . ` `. \ ` -{/ \ .) / / / ,' \ ` `-----. \ <\ ) ).:) ./ /,' ,' \ `. /\) `. \ >^, // /&&:) / //--' \ `( ) ) | ,'/ /&.&:) / (/ \ \ / / ( |(_ (&&&&:) ( \ .-.\ / ,' (O| / \&.&:) /\ ,' \) / ,' \|/ /`.&&:) ,/ \ / ( / / /`,.:) ,'/ )/ \ \ ,' ,'.' `:>-._._________,<;' (/ (,' ,' / | `^-^--^--^-^-^-' .--------' / | ( .----' / ----------------------------------------- \ <`. \ | | Emotions of the Order of the Dragon | \ \ `. \ | ----------------------------------------- \ \ `.`. | \ \ `.`. | mappraise mbow mcenter mdrop \ \ `.`. \ mfist mform mgaze mgrowl \ \ `.`.| mhand mkill mlook mpity \ \ `.`. mpray mrefuse mrelax mroar \ \ ,^-' mshun msketch mslice mstop \ \ | mwarn mwing `.`. | bless chant chastise control `.`.| dedicate defend display inspired `._> kiai knuckles victory > applications by Darien The Application Process for the Dragon Order probation by Darien Guidelines of Probationary Membership dragon legacy by Rowan The History of the Dragon Order's Foundation the traditions by Darien The Rules and Codes of the Dragon Order the punishments by Darien A Compendium of Infractions of the Codes and their Punishments titles by Darien A List of the Titles of the Ancient Order of the Dragon branches by Darien Descriptions of the Occupational and Layman Branches of the Dragon Order the dragonbound by Darien A Guidebook to the History and Duties of the Elders of the Dragon Order > say I'll read all these books real quick, then we'll duel. You say: I'll read all these books real quick, then we'll duel. > borrow applications You borrow a red book. > read book applications The Application Process for the Dragon Order by Darien APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAGON ORDER The Dragon Order is open to individuals of all races and alignments. Our skills are primarily focused in self-defense and our philosophy parallels these skills with doctrines of non-aggression. We do have three criteria for automatic denial of application: * If you are known throught the Lands for slaying newbies, or habitually attacking and/or killing other players, your application will be denied. * If you are undead (vampire, lich, Mage of Minas Morgul, or death knight, for example) your application will be denied. The Dragon Order revers the natural processes of life, and those who are undead are asuch anathema to everything for which we stand. * If you are below apprentice in mortal size, your application -- More -- 20/190 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- will be denied. If you are in this category, we recommend that you wait before joining ANY guild. Explore the Lands, grow in size, and acquire an idea of what guild truly suits you best. If none of these criteria apply to you, then you have the potential to become a member of the Dragon Order. You may join the Dragon Order as either an 'occupational' or 'layman' member. The difference between the two lies strictly in training and those special abilities which are unique to the Order. As an occupational member, your skills will be honed to a higher level, and you will be instructed in the full set of special abilities unique throughout all the Lands to the Dragon Order. For more details, please consult the books 'layman' and 'occupational' in the Library of the Dragon Order. If you are interested in joining, and have read the rules and history of the Order, please proceed with the following steps: * Send a formal letter of application to all members of the Council of the Order, including the following information: 1. Full title (all guilds and mortal size). Withholding full guilds status can be cause for denial. All such information remains confidential. 2. A short autobiography. Who are you? What have you done? Where are you going? 3. A statement of why you wish to join the Order. Please state with specific examples why the Order would be a better home for you than the other Guilds of Genesis. 4. A statement of what you perceive to be the most positive and negative aspects of the Order, and why you consider them so. While the format of your answers may vary, exclusion of any of these four requirements of information will result in your letter of application being invalid. A new letter will be asked of you answering the above four subjects. -- More -- 60/190 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- * Have at least two members of the Dragon Order in good standing submit letters of recommendation on your behalf to the Council of the Order. All applicants will be given one month from their date of application to supply at least two positive recommendations from members in good standing. Any recommendation from a member of the Order who is punished or who leaves the Order during the allotted month will not be counted toward the recommendation requirement. Be mindful that the recommendation of your assigned Elder does not count toward this minimum number of recommendations necessary. If an applicant receives any negative recommendations from members of the Order in good standing (such recommendations will be considered as per criteria for positive recommendations), that applicant must acquire the greater of either two more positive recommendations than number of negative recommendations, OR double the amount of negative recommendations in positive -- More -- 80/190 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- recommendations (one negative recommendation would result in needing three positive recs; two negatives would require four positives; three negatives would require six positives, etc.). Council will notify you if you receive negative recommendations so that you will have time to act. Anyone failing to acquire sufficient positive recommendations to ofset negative recommendations by the end of their allotted month will be denied. Appeal to Council is always available except in cases where excessive (considered to be three or more) negative recommendations have been received. Anyone receiving more than two negative recommendations WILL be accepted only on probation even if sufficient positive recommendations have been submitted. * Undergo an interview with a member of the Dragonbound, either an Elder or a Councillor of the Order. The individual with whom you are to interview will contact you by mail in order to schedule a meeting and assign any tasks they might have for you to complete. Regardless of other recommendations, no applicant -- More -- 100/190 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- should expect to be accepted without having undergone a Council- appointed interview with a member of the Dragonbound. (Council has the final say in any interview and/or task process.) Applicants have one month from their application date to complete all tasks given and the interview with that Elder. If an applicant is unable to complete assigned tasks within the allotted month, at the end of that month the applicant will be denied. Such denials can be appealed if good cause is found. Reasons for good cause will typically be Elder absence, though excessively detailed or extensive tasks may warrant additional time. Time considerations have been implemented on the application process both to keep applicants serious in the process, and to eliminate the endless waiting periods often encountered by applicants to other guilds. If you are unable or unwilling to devote up to a month of consistent performance to join the Dragon Order, please do not apply until you are ready or able to do so. -- More -- 120/190 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- When your application package is complete, the Council of the Order will consider your performance on the following four criteria (1) application letter, (2) recommendations, (3) results of your interview, and (4) your Elder's recommendation (negative or positive) in judging your viability as a member of the Order. Any applicant completing unsatisfactorily any two or more of the above four criteria can expect to be denied. You will be notified by mail of Council's decision regarding your application. IF YOUR APPLICATION IS DENIED If your application is denied, you are welcome to mail the Council of the Dragon Order requesting an appeal. In general the Council will supply reasons for denial. If you feel the reasons are unjust or no longer apply, you are welcome to write a letter explaining this to Council and Council will review your case. Decisions of denial after appeal are final. Please do not reapply for a period of at least three months. -- More -- 140/190 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- In certain special circumstances, denied applicants who have appealed will be accepted with a probationary status. This probationary status will last for no less than one month, and will bind you to a set of specific requirements. If any of these requirements are broken during that probationary period, you will be immediately evicted from the Order. IF YOUR APPLICATION IS ACCEPTED If your application has been approved you can become a member by typing 'join layman' or 'join occupational'. Please note the following in regards to your application: * Layman members can upgrade to occupational without further application by typing 'join occupational'. * If you are accepted and do not join the order within 3 weeks of your acceptance, the application is automatically removed. We will attempt to keep your records, but if the delay is extended, you may have to reapply completely. * To leave the guild, type 'leave order' in the chapel. -- More -- 160/190 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- When you first enter our Order we recommend that you join the layman branch. After getting accommodated to the life and codes of a monk, you can easily upgrade your membership to the occupational branch (as described above). We suggest this due to the fact that if you find the Order ill suited to you, departure from the layman branch is much less costly to you than departure from the occupational branch. We are of course quite sure you will enjoy the freedom and peace of our Order as do we all. If at any time after joining you lose your commands or robe, you can type 'update membership' in the chapel. If that does not fix the problem, try quitting in the guild and logging back in. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS If you have questions regarding the application process, please feel free to mail the Council of the Dragon Order. An Elder of the Order can also answer most questions on rules and history. A good -- More -- 180/190 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- time to ask such questions is of course during your interview. The interview is not only a time for the Order to observe you in person, but is also a time for you to learn more of the specifics of the Guild which tomes from the library cannot express. We look forward to receiving your application. Cordially, The Council of the Dragon Order > return book You return the red book. > borrow probation You borrow an iron-bound book. > > read book probation Guidelines of Probationary Membership by Darien GUIDELINES OF PROBATIONARY MEMBERSHIP IN THE DRAGON ORDER What follows are the terms of probation which anyone undergoing a probationary period of membership must follow. During the time of your probation--three months--you are to abide by the following rules in addition to the posted rules of the Dragon Order: 1. You will not engage in the attack of any player, and, if possible, will avoid any player fighting in general; 2. You will not attack any guild NPC which may thereafter instigate a player fight; 3. Your board, mail, conversational, and mtell comments to any member of the Order will be phrased in positive, non-aggressive, and respectful manners; 4. You will refrain from obviously incendiary comments or actions toward members of any guild (insults via emote, board, mail, or conversation). You will not be allowed to vote nor to begin votes within the guild, though you will be allowed to make recommendations on applicants to the Dragon Order. Any breach of the above rules will be reviewed by Council. If merit is found to a complaint, you will not be punished, you will be evicted immediately from the Order. At the end of the probational period, if you have been attentive to the above conditions, you will be considered a full member of the Order and will be expected to respect the stated rules of the Order within your own judgement. This is what we in Council mean by "probation" when we accept an applicant under such a restriction. The Council of the Order of Kaheda > An ancient blind male dwarf arrives from the east. > return book The ancient blind male dwarf dusts off the desk. You return the iron-bound book. > borrow dragon legacy You borrow a copper-bound book. > read book dragon legacy The History of the Dragon Order's Foundation by Rowan On the Foundation of the Oranea Monks Master Corudin was born on the island of Oronea, one of the many islands of Earthsea. He grew into manhood herding goats in the dragon-shadow of Mount Erakuk. Corudin spent much of his childhood lying in fragrant grass, staring up at the sky and listening to the faint sounds of the surf far below. His thoughts winged from place to place, never alighting upon one subject for long, but always turning in some form or another to the subject of dragons. Most Oroneans had lived so long at the foot of Erakuk that they no longer noticed that the granite of the mountain had weathered into a dragon-shape. Few Oroneans even believed in the existence of dragons, yet once a year, after harvest and shearing season, two youths, one male and one female, climbed Erakuk and left simple offerings of barley and cloth for Segoy, the Dragon-Father of Creation. It was a tradition hundreds of generations old, its origin and purpose -- More -- 20/114 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- lost in the mists of time, and yet it was a special day and a special honour for which all the young people of Oronea vied. Corudin was a smallish man, but he was lithe and fit, and upon this occasion in his seventeenth summer, he won for himself the honour of gift-bearer. He and his love and lifemate, Lura, solemnly carried their their offerings up the treacherous route carved into the steep sides of Mount Erakuk. Corudin spent much of the climb speaking with Lura on the creation myth surrounding Segoy, and upon the nature of dragons. He leapt gracefully from stone to stone, his body fairly flying through the air. Lura followed easily, being equally graceful and dextrous, matching his every step. He twirled his shepherd's staff about, listening to its singing whoosh and wondering if the sound was anything like that which a dragon's wings would make if it swooped down from the sky. Joy sparked from his eyes and infected Lura, and they both arrived at the top of Mount Erakuk breathless and giggling. After placing the village gifts upon a flat, oval stone, and reciting a prayer of thanks, Lura and Corudin walked hand-in-hand to the edge of the mountain and looked out over Oronea. They laughed when they spotted their village and the tiny people moving about like so many ants. But laughter died in their throats when they saw that two ships -- More -- 40/114 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- The ancient blind male dwarf leaves east. had weighed anchor in the little harbour, and several small boats were rowing in to shore. Raiders. Corudin and Lura tried yelling, but their voices did not carry far enough. Corudin, staff in hand, scrambled down the mountainside with Lura. The two ran into town, breathless and nearly staggering, and charged toward a raider who was dragging a woman out of her home by her hair. Corudin cracked his staff over the raider's arm and the man bellowed, yanked the staff from Corudin's hands, and hit him in the belly with the butt. Corudin fell hard, losing the breath from his lungs. Lura then charged at the man, but he knocked her back with a blow from the staff that sent her tumbling down. The raider turned back to the woman. Corudin lay upon the ground and stared up into the clear blue sky, sounded by screams and the smell of smoke and fighting for breath. As he saw Lura lying there, unconscious, he mentally shouted his rage and helplessness into the clouds, wishing he was stronger, faster, fiercer; not a goatherd, but a great, fanged wolf or a dragon that could tear the raiders limb-from-limb with its claws. He focused upon that wish as he lay there, and his body, unknown to him, eased, and answered his commands to stand, and fight. -- More -- 60/114 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- Corudin, in a time of sheer, visceral need, called upon something deep within himself, and -became- dragon. He fought as no one had seen before, with deadly grace and economy of movement. His fists here warhammers, denting armour and breaking jaws. He ripped open throats with fingers like claws. Knees broke under the force of kicks from his from his bare feet. His cries pierced the air and filled the raiders hearts with dread. When it was done, Corudin stood over several dead. The raiders, ten fewer than when they began, ran to their boats and rowed furiously out to sea. Corudin stared at the gore dripping from his fingers as the dragon-focus ebbed away, leaving him exhausted and empty, but curiously at peace. He remembered clearly everything he had done, and how. He cleared his mind, gathered Lura, who was coming to, and sought help for her. When she was well, he spoke to her of what had happened, the gifts of the ancient ones that flowed through him. He knew that with her strength, she could harness this magic too, and sought to show her how. Weeks later, after the village had returned to normal, Corudin and Lura took a ship to Gont in search of a place to learn the arts of combat. Many a -- More -- 80/114 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- warmaster saw CorudinŐs skill and apprenticed him easily, but balked at the thought of a woman warrior. But Lura demonstrated her capability, both to the masters (and other women), and even the most arrogant warriors were humbled by the lesson that a woman could be an apt pupil. Their travels took them far and wide, and rumours of them spread -- rumours of great warriors who could kill with his bare hands. The time came when they could learn no more, and Corudin and Lura returned home to Oronea, and withdrew to Mount Erakuk. There they lived a simple life of meditation and physical discipline. He mastered body and mind and taught himself to focus the dragon-spirit within at will. In time, others began climbing Erakuk to see Corudin, asking him to teach them his Way of killing. And Corudin would, with a single stroke, knock the would-be disciples to the ground and tell them, "I will not teach you to kill. It is not my Way." Some would strike back, only to find themselves lying in the dirt, gasping with pain. Others would grumble and make their way back down the mountain, never to return. Lura convinced Corrudin that he had received a great gift, and he should offer his teaching to those worthy. So when a rare few would ask, What, then, do you teach, Master Corudin?", he would, with a breath, slide into dragon-focus, -- More -- 100/114 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- and his fiery, wise eyes would stare at first at his own hands and then into their soul. If what he saw there pleased him, he would answer, "How to live, child. Only how to Live." Thus was how Corudin began the Dragon Order, with his beloved Lura his first and greatest pupil.... The Oranea Order welcomes any who would learn the Way of Master Corudin, who sought to teach people how to truly live by mastering mind and body through dragon-discipline. He taught the mastery of death-bringing, not for mere killing, but in defence of Life and the sacred balance of Nature. - Researched and compiled by Lilith & Rowaan > return book You return the copper-bound book. > borrow traditions There is no such book available. > borrow the traditions You borrow a copper-bound book. > read book the traditions The Rules and Codes of the Dragon Order by Darien ** THE TRADITIONS OF THE ANCIENT ORDER OF THE DRAGON ** THE HEART OF THE DRAGON: SANCTITY OF THE BLOOD "Thy blood is that of Segoy, blessed by the winds and seas. To deny or refute thy heritage is to suffer the agony of barbarity, the Death of Wisdom and the True Flesh. Blessed are the Children of Segoy." -- From the Journey of the Dragon THE CODE OF THE BLOOD: No member may attack another member physically or verbally (board notes will be considered as 'verbal' for the sake of this rule). If you find yourself in combat with a fellow member for any reason you should stop fighting and leave the room -- More -- 20/185 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- until all violence has ceased. The following exceptions exist to this rule: * Defending yourself. * Defending your treasures. * Defending your legal spouse ONLY if your legal spouse is attacked. Defending guild NPC's (unless the NPC is a member of the Order) or teammates are not valid reasons to break this rule. The sanctity of the Blood is all pervasive... those of the Blood must be defended and preserved above all others. THE SOUL OF THE DRAGON: THE LEGACY "Thy spirit is of the splendor of the heavens and the essence of the Makers. Soar proudly, wisely through thy home skies, ever noble, ever glorious. And though ye be devious, and with craft take unto thee the myriad treasures of the earth, -- More -- 40/185 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- treat with honour and respect thy fellow creatures. Yet while thee be peaceful and enlightened, let not thy fellow creatures trifle with thee, else they be scourged by thy fiery wrath." -- From the Journey of the Dragon THE CODE OF THE LEGACY: Regardless of alignment, regardless of secondary guilds, a member of the Order is to act with honour and nobility befitting the noble presence of the Dragon. Any acts which bring dishonor upon a single member bring dishonor upon the Order, and shames the Legacy of Segoy. A member of the Order is to be peaceful and enlightened, embracing all faiths, all paths of life without prejudice. A member of the Order should comport themself with wisdom and grace. Wanton disrespect for others, and insulting behaviour will not be tolerated. As a member of the Order, be wise in the company you keep. No matter who your teammate is, you are always expected to uphold the laws and Legacy of Segoy. The Order will not -- More -- 60/185 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- limit with whom you may team, but it is best for you to make sure your teammates respect your laws. Should they engage in ignoble or dishonourable acts in your company, you will likely be held accountable. When teamed with others, the behaviour of the team reflects upon the member of the Order, and asuch reflects upon the Order itself. While teamed with a member of the Order, all players must follow the tenets of the Order, otherwise the member will be required to leave the team. But we of the Kin are proud, and those who might toy or insult the Order must be taught suitable lessons for their insolence. Thus violent action is acceptable with suitable reason, as discussed in the Code of the Warrior. Thievery, which might be considered dishonourable by the unimaginative, is acceptable to the Order with certain limitations (after all, a thief represents excellently the legacy of the dragon's hoard and the dragon's craftiness). A member of the Order who thieves must adhere to the following rules: -- More -- 80/185 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- * No member of the Order may steal anything from any player more than one mortal level in size below them, UNLESS that player has attacked the member AND the theft is of specifically weaponry, armour, and/or any other item which could pose a definite threat to the member's life (Morgul Mage potion, damage spell scroll, wand, etc.). * A member of the Order may NEVER steal any items from another member of the Order (this includes items from kills or from prayer; for example iron discs that are yet upon the altar), UNLESS attacked by that member AND the theft is of specifically weaponry, armour, and/or any other item which could pose a definite threat to the member's life (Morgul Mage potion, damage spell scroll, wand, etc.). * A member of the Order is to NEVER backstab any player more than one mortal level in size below them. Players of acceptable size may be backstabbed ONLY if combat has already been initiated (see The Code of the Warrior for specifics on initiating acceptable combat) -- More -- 100/185 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- and the member is hunting the player. * A member of the Order is to NEVER backstab another member of the Order. To continue hunting another member, regardless of who initiated combat, is to violate the Sanctity of the Blood. Violation of the Legacy, either by inappropriate behaviour or ignoble thievery, will result in banishment or even eviction from the Order. THE MIND OF THE DRAGON: THE WARRIOR "The path of enlightenment ever offers the unwise submission and retreat. But if the ignorant persist in barbarity, give unto them thy talon and thy tooth." -- From the Journey of the Dragon THE CODE OF THE WARRIOR: It is not the philosophy of this Order to wantonly take -- More -- 120/185 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- the lives of those who do not pose a tangible threat to us. Insults and verbal threats are insufficient cause for the slaying of another player unless such occurrences are continual. Then remember the Legacy of Segoy and teach them what lessons are fitting. Regardless, a log must be kept of all fights and a short report mailed immediately after the fight to Council. Full combat logs will only be required if an investigation is deemed necessary. If Council finds that the record is inadequate, or that there was insufficient cause for a fight, the member will be punished. When attacking or assisting against a player, you must state who you are and declare your intent to attack, regardless of whether or not your identity and why you are attacking is obvious. You do not have to formally introduce yourself... only state your name. The ONLY exception to this is in the case of an attack by someone against a member of the Order or your legal spouse. If such an attack occurs, you can assist against the attacker without introduction or warning. If you do not know who -- More -- 140/185 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- attacked first, feel free to defend your spouse or your Brother/Sister first and determine culpability later. For the purposes of this rule, any NPC of the Order will be considered a member and can be defended. In all other situations, a member initiating combat against another player without warning is courting disgrace. Your prospective opponent must have sufficient time to respond to your declaration of intent to attack. Adhering to the above restrictions, members are allowed to kill indiscriminantly in regards to alignment and races but for the following exceptions: * Attacking players that are significantly smaller than yourself is an intolerable dishonour to the Legacy. If you are caught attacking and/or killing players that are more than two mortal levels lower than yourself without reason, expect to suffer the full wrath of the Council. * Attacking the legal spouse of a member should be carefully considered. The legal spouse of a member -- More -- 160/185 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- is considered kin to the Order, and asuch should be respected as an extension of that member. Yet harm or insult committed upon a member by the legal spouse of a member need not go unpunished. Remember the Code of the Blood and use wisdom in avoiding combat with a sibling of the Order. * Guild NPCs which are simultaneously quest NPCs are not to be attacked. Attacking and/or slaying such NPCs is not only an affront to the particular Guild involved, but is also spiteful to those wishing to complete the quests offered by the NPC. Such acts demonstrate nothing but lack of respect, and reflect poorly upon the Order. If you attack such an NPC you will be punished. Punishments will be decided by the Council alone on a case by case basis. The decision of the Council need not be discussed with other guild members except the person(s) involved, and the Guildmaster of the Order. -- More -- 180/185 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- Any one with a complaint against a member of the Order should mail the entire Council of the Order and provide complete details of the incident and persons involved, including any logs of the incident if possible. > return book You return the copper-bound book. > borrow the punishments You borrow an iron-bound book. > read book the punishments A Compendium of Infractions of the Codes and their Punishments by Darien RECOGNIZED INFRACTIONS OF THE TRADITIONS OF THE DRAGON ORDER AND THEIR PUNISHMENTS AN EXPLANATION OF THIS DOCUMENT The punishments listed below are for the first infraction recorded for a member during their time in the Dragon Order. Multiple infractions may be made on a single event, and punishments may be increased due to the number of infractions broken during a punishable event. For example, a member who attacks a player without introduction and statement of intent to attack, in addition to lacking acceptable provocation may be punished with four days of not being able to buy, vote, train or enter the guild halls. Despite the punishment for the two infractions, it will remain recorded only as one event. A second punishable event shall warrant at least double the listed punishment for the infraction(s) if one is not already listed above. If the second event possesses infractions of sufficient severity (attacking/stealing from a member, -- More -- 20/212 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- killing a player more than two mortal levels lower, etc.), the punishment may result in Banishment from the Dragon Order. Regardless of severity, a third event ending in an infraction of any of the rules will result in Banishment from the Dragon Order. In general, when involved with any combat or theft with another player, please attempt to log the situation. Many times punishment can be avoided simply by the possession of excellent documentation of an event especially when someone is simply attempting to use the Codes against you. As stated in the Traditions, Punishments will be decided by the Council alone on a case by case basis. The decision of the Council need not be discussed with other guild members except the person(s) involved, and the Guildmaster of the Order. Any one with a complaint against a member of the Order should mail the entire Council of the Order and provide complete details of the incident and persons involved, including any logs of the incident if possible. Council will begin investigating the matter thereafter. -- More -- 40/212 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- FORMS OF PUNISHMENT The following punishment types are available to place upon a member, in order of increasing severity: disgrace - The member is a "disgraced" monk, and their title will reflect this. no buying - The member will be disallowed from purchasing goods from those who sell within the monastery. no voting - The member will be disallowed from casting or creating votes within the monastery. exile - The member will not be able to enter the monastery of the Order, and they will be prevented from setting it as the location at which they awaken when entering the lands. no training - The member will be unable to train skills in the monastery. This will also result in their skills beginning to decay until the punishment is reprieved. banishment - When the member next enters the lands, they will no longer be a member of the Dragon Order. Unless this punishment is -- More -- 60/212 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- reprieved before the member next enters the Realms, this punishment is irreversible. INFRACTIONS FROM THE CODE OF THE BLOOD * Physically attacking a member of the Order without acceptable provocation. Acceptable provocation is in defending your treasures or your spouse at that moment. In any other circumstance, bring their theft or action to the attention of Council rather than taking the Codes into your own hands. Punishment: Seven days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will be deemed as cause for Banishment. * Verbally attacking a member of the Order without acceptable provocation. Verbal attack will be defined as slander, insult, or incendiary language via emote, mail, note, action, or spoken word. Acceptable provocation is defending yourself or your spouse from verbal attacks. Once again, though, as in attacking a member physically, rather than retort verbally, mail Council with your complaint. Punishment: One day without the ability to buy or vote in the guild halls, -- More -- 80/212 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such infraction will warrant five days punishment without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. * Killing a member of the Order without acceptable cause. Acceptable cause is only if the member continues to hunt you or your spouse and a stand must be made. Otherwise desist combat and mail Council with your report of the other member's attack. Punishment: Automatic Banishment from the Dragon Order. INFRACTIONS FROM THE CODE OF THE LEGACY * Continuous rude/disrespectful behaviour or harrassment toward a non-member player(s). Continuous is considered five or more occasions of slander, insult, or incendiary language via emote, mail, note, action, or spoken word within a one month period. Punishment: One day without the ability to buy or vote, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second infraction will warrant three days punishment without the ability to buy, vote, train, OR enter the guild halls, in addition to being 'Disgraced'. -- More -- 100/212 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- Aliya sighs softly. * Stealing items from a player more than one mortal level in size below you without acceptable provocation. Acceptable provocation is if that player has attacked you (for reasons other than your having stolen from them in the first place) or has stolen from you. Proof of their theft from you via log or additional testimony may be deemed necessary by Council. Punishment: One day without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will warrant three days punishment without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. * Stealing items from a member of the Order without acceptable provocation. Acceptable provocation is if that member has attacked you (for reasons other than your having stolen from them in the first place) or has stolen from you. Proof of their theft from you via log or additional testimony is mandatory. Punishment: Three days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will warrant seven days punishment without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. -- More -- 120/212 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- * Stealing from the drop room. This entails loaning equipment from the drop room to non-members as well as hoarding and/or selling items from the drop room. When a member of the Order steals from the drop room, they steal from the entire Order. This is unacceptable. Punishment: Five days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will result in Banishment from the Order. * Stealing loot from kills from a member of the Order. Punishment: Three days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will warrant seven days punishment without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. * Stealing experience from a member of the Order. Punishment: Three days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will warrant seven days punishment without -- More -- 140/212 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. * Backstabbing a player more than one mortal level in size below you without acceptable provocation. Acceptable provocation is if that player has attacked you, stolen experience, items, or loot from you. The Code of the Warrior must still be followed since a backstab is yet an attack. Punishment: Two days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will warrant five days punishment without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. * Backstabbing a member of the Order, regardless of circumstance. Punishment: Five days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will result in Banishment from the Order. * Hunting a member of the Order, regardless of circumstance. Punishment: Five days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter -- More -- 160/212 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- Ivory leaves east. the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will result in Banishment from the Order. INFRACTIONS FROM THE CODE OF THE WARRIOR * Attacking a player without acceptable provocation. Acceptable provocation is continuous harrassment or rude/discourteous behaviour as defined above under the Code of the Legacy, personally observed theft from your person or the persons of your legal spouse or a fellow member of the Order, theft of a kill or loot from a kill, attack upon a legal spouse or fellow member of the Order (at the time of the attack), or usage of detrimental spells/songs of power upon yourself, a fellow member or legal spouse when you are present (such spells include stat clouds, memory-wiping spells, Pax, and any other like spells which affect your ability to fight or defend yourself; this does NOT include Trickster hexes). Punishment: Two days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. * Attacking a player without introduction and/or verbal statement of intent to attack. The emote 'mwarn' is specifically tailored to give such info -- More -- 180/212 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- to your prospective opponent. The only exception to this rule is if you attack in assistance of a member or spouse who has already been attacked in your presence by the individual you are attacking. Punishment: Two days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. * Attacking a player more than two mortal levels lower than yourself without acceptable provocation. See 'attacking a player without acceptable provocation' above for guidelines of acceptable provocation. Punishment: Two days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. A second such action will warrant five days punishment without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. * Killing a player more than two mortal levels lower than yourself without acceptable provocation. See 'attacking a player without acceptable provocation' above for guidelines of acceptable provocation. Punishment: Five days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. -- More -- 200/212 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- A second such action will result in Banishment from the Order. * Attacking and/or killing the quest NPC of an open Guild of the Realms. Punishment: Two days without the ability to buy, vote, train, or enter the guild halls, in addition to being listed as 'Disgraced'. Be warned that subtle variations of the list above may be punishable despite a lack of specific listing and/or coverage above. In addition, variations of acceptable provocations may be deemed appropriate by Council. All events will be considered on a case by case basis by Council. > return book You return the iron-bound book. > borrow titles You borrow an old book. > read book titles A List of the Titles of the Ancient Order of the Dragon by Darien What follows is a list of titles for the various levels of the monks, gender altering some aspects of the title. These titles will vary also by alignment, so that someone who is evil may have Obsidian before their title while another who is somewhat good aligned may have Luminescent before their title. The list of primary titles is as follows: Fledgling of Segoy, Acolyte of the Dragon Order Seeker of Segoy, Acolyte of the Dragon Order Learned of Segoy, Acolyte of the Dragon Order Loremaster/Loremistress of Segoy, High Acolyte of the Dragon Order Initiate of Dragons, Elder Acolyte of the Dragon Order Disciple of Dragons, Novice Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Initiate of Mysteries, Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Adept of Mysteries, Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Master/Mistress of Mysteries, Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Dragon Adept of the Chimerical Vision, Elder Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Dragon Sage of the Ancient Gremayre, Elder Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Dragonmaster/Dragonmistress of the Rising Dawn, High Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Dragonmaster/Dragonmistress of the Elyzerin Sun, High Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Dragonmaster/Dragonmistress of the Harvest Twilight, High Priest/ Priestess of the Dragon Order Dragonmaster/Dragonmistress of the Tempest Moon, High Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order Dancer on the West Wind, High Priest/Priestess of the Dragon Order > > return book You return the old book. > borrow branches You borrow a copper-bound book. > read book branches Descriptions of the Occupational and Layman Branches of the Dragon Order by Darien The following is a list of the skills offerred OCC and LAY members of the Dragon Order. These skills are in addition to special skills of focus, plexus, and strike which allow the monk the ability to master their various deadly katas. OCCUPATIONAL: UNARMED COMBAT superior guru DEFENCE superior guru POLEARM confident veteran BLINDFIGHTING confident veteran AWARENESS confident veteran HERBALISM superior journeyman AIR SPELLS confident student DIVINATION SPELLS confident student APPRAISE OBJECT superior journeyman APPRAISE ENEMY superior journeyman LAYMAN: UNARMED COMBAT superior journeyman DEFENCE superior journeyman POLEARM confident journeyman BLINDFIGHTING confident journeyman AWARENESS superior craftsman HERBALISM superior acolyte AIR SPELLS confident student DIVINATION SPELLS confident student APPRAISE OBJECT superior acolyte APPRAISE ENEMY superior acolyte All of these skills are of great use to the member of the Dragon Order and emphasis should be placed on mastery of them all if one is to progress successfully through the ranks of the monastery. The specials of the Dragon Order are as follow: PLEXUS This open-handed attack to the solar plexus of an enemy is capable of breaking armours and stunning opponents. Only those who focus on mastery of the unarmed arts and their own Dragon essence can learn this great blow. STRIKE The strike is a quick kick or punch to any chosen region of an opponent's body. The katas necessary for the performance of such strikes are taught to every monk, though the intricacies are bestowed only upon those who devote complete focus to their Art. TELIOY Telioy is a spell which allows the monk to reach out with their mind and contact another member of the Dragon Order. All members of the Dragon Order can learn this spell. Any who would focus their Dragon essence and learn mastery of their mind and body are welcome to pursue the lifepath of the Dragon Order. All members of the Dragon Order are offered a voice in matters of the monastery. Access to voting, boards, and all levels of the monastery is given both as a right and a responsibility to both the occupational and layman member of the Dragon Order. Please feel free to contact the Council of the Dragon Order if you have additional questions regarding the monastery or membership. > > return book You return the copper-bound book. > borrow the dragonbound You borrow a copper-bound book. > read book the dragonbound A Guidebook to the History and Duties of the Elders of the Dragon Order by Darien WHAT IS AN ELDER Strictly speaking, the Elders are a group of nine monks elected by their fellow members of the Dragon Order to serve as aids to Council. In terms of actual duties performed, every Councillor also performs the duties of an Elder, interviewing applicants, assessing their capability, and preparing them for entry into the Dragon Order. In this fashion, each Councillor is therefore also functionally an Elder, and every retired Councillor in good standing is considered an honorary Elder. The combined circle of the nine Elders and three Councillors has come to be known as the Dragonbound, the name signifying their binding to the ways and precepts of our Dragon Order. Any monk can be an Elder, as long as they remain in good standing with the Order and do not have a history of breaking the Traditions of the Order. While an individual on probation cannot become an Elder, any -- More -- 20/142 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- other monk, regardless of their time in the Order or mortal status, can become an Elder as long as they have the dedication to the Order which the position requires. A BRIEF HISTORY The Elders were first conceived by Bishops Darien, Nogard, and Rowan to assist in the processing of the large number of applications made to the Ancient Order of Kaheda. Upon final implementation a few months later (immediately after the election of Adriel as Bishop upon Bishop Nogard's retirement) an election was held amongst the Kahedan monks and applicants to the position of Elder were taken. The original Elders were Bromen, Garnet, Nellnight, Pie, Taleson, and Whyte, with Ecila, Amberlee, and Malverose to be appointed within two months after the original election. The stated duties of these original Elders were to interview applicants and determine their worth as future Kahedans. Since those original Elders, many have come and gone (a full list of -- More -- 40/142 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- Elders to date can be found at the end of this book). Likewise the nature of the position has, while remaining similar, undergone more than a few changes. What follows are the duties of an Elder as they presently stand in the new Dragon Order, the inheritor of the legacy of the former Kaheda. THE REQUIREMENTS OF AN ELDER As stated above, the original intent of the Elders was to assist in the processing of applications. This has remained the primary duty of an Elder. Since the duties of an "Elder" apply both to specific Elders AND members of Council, the term "Elder" will henceforth be inclusive of all members of the Dragonbound, whether Councillor or Elder. Each applicant to the Order has an Elder assigned to them. This assign- ment is done on a voluntary basis since the application process is a time-consuming matter. It is the duty of an Elder to interview each applicant, testing them on their knowledge of the history of the Order and the Traditions, etiquette of the Order (drop room usage, tell line conduct, voting responsibility, etc.), their general compatability with -- More -- 60/142 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- the Dragon Order, and their determination to become and remain a contributing member. While reviewing the above, an Elder also assigns tasks which help to hone the knowledge of the Dragon Order's specials, skills, or any other knowledge which would be vital to the applicant upon joining the Order. Tasks may also reflect lessons in virtues and wisdoms which the Elder feels the applicant may need to learn to succeed as a member. An Elder also serves as a mentor to their chosen applicant. As stated above, tasks may be crafted to enlighten the applicant about facets of the Dragon Order, or about information which will serve useful if the applicant is accepted as a member. In addition, the Elder serves as an active resource, answering questions and helping to provide possible resources of information for the enquiries of the applicant. Finally an Elder compiles what s/he has learned of the applicant and determines what s/he feels is that applicant's compatability with the Order. An Elder then gives Council a detailed recommendation on their opinion of the applicant's viability as a member of the Dragon Order. -- More -- 80/142 -- ( t b r n a > q x ! h ?) -- Such recommendations have not always been positive or negative, but have sometimes suggested that the Elder was unsure about the applicant. At such point, Council may require the Elder to re-task or re-interview the applicant to finalize a determination. This final Elder recommendation, together with the recommendations of those members of the Order who write Council about the applicant, are weighed by Council to decide the outcome of an application to the Order. This does not end the list of duties of the Elders, though. The above duties are simply the meat of the position. Over time Council has come to use the Dragonbound as a sounding board for various ideas and issues. The Elders are often consulted first about changes in policy or rules. If an applicant's case is appealed, the Elders may be asked to offer suggestions or ideas concerning the case. Likewise, the Elders might be asked for advice on a troublesome case of broken rules or in some case of contention between members of the Order. While these roles are not the norm, they should be expected as possible occurrences, and when they occur, the Elders are expected to maintain the same levels of confidentiality and impartiality as are expected of Council members. -- More -- 100/142 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- Lastly, we in Council consider Elders as elected leaders of the Order. While they do not hold the same level of power and accountability as members of Council, it is a duty of an Elder to carry themselves in a dignified manner, always aware of their positions as representatives of the Dragon Order. An Elder is expected to be extremely knowledgeable of and attentive to the Traditions of the Order, and act in manners representative of that awareness, whether in dealings with fellow members or with non-members in the Realms. The term of an Elder continues until the Elder chooses to retire, their conduct warrants their expulsion from the position, or they are deemed unable to continue their primary duties due to lack of time or inability to access the Realms. Only expulsion for poor conduct as an Elder bars an Elder from ever becoming reappointed to a position of leadership within the Dragon Order. An Elder who retires or who steps down due to being unable to continue duties may be reappointed at a later time if they are able to recommit to the requirements of an Elder. -- More -- 120/142 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- Serving as an Elder is a time commitment which can often mount to five or more hours per week if an Elder diligently and responsibly performs their duties. It is a strong suggestion that anyone interested in ever serving in Council should first serve as an Elder, both for experience in applications and the rules of the Order, and as a sign of their commitment to serving the Dragon Order. Anyone expelled from their position of Elder for misconduct should likewise be considered unfit for service in Council. FORMER AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE ELDERS The following list chronicles in alphabetical order the former and present Elders of the Ancient Order of Kaheda and the Dragon Order: Amberlee, Arethian, Bonk, Bromen*, Ecila, Garnet*, Macros, Malverose, Mechwarrior, Nellnight*, Nogard, Pie, Rabit, Taleson, Vesper, Whyte, and Wonga. Those original Elders who are still serving at the time of this document possess an asterisk (*) beside their names to demark their -- More -- 140/142 -- ( t b r n a q x ! h ?) -- status. These individuals have given continuous and excellent service to the Order and should be honoured for their commitment. > return book You return the copper-bound book.