Selected Families and Individuals


Augustine Walker

1Richard Warren Ancestral Information.
"Ancestral Summary
More erroneous information has been published about Richard Warren than any other Mayflower passenger, probably because he has so many descendants (note that all seven of his children grew up and married). Some of the mistakes that have been published over the past hundred years include:
Common mistake #1: Richard Warren's wife is not Elizabeth (Jewett/Jonatt/Juett) Marsh. This is easily disproven. Elizabeth (Jewett) Marsh was born in 1614, which makes her not only younger than Richard Warren's two oldest children, but also makes her only fourteen years old when Richard Warren died. [Mayflower Descendant 2:63].
Common mistake #2: Richard Warren is not a proven descendant of any royalty, whether it be Sir John de Warrene or Charlemagne. Richard Warren's parents have not even been identified, despite extensive searches in the records of England (see the Mayflower Quarterly, 51:109-112 for a summary of one such search).
One concrete thing known about Richard Warren's ancestry is that he was a merchant of London: whether he was born there, or not, is an entirely different question. Also, his wife was named "Elizabeth" (first name).
There was a Richard Warren who married an Elizabeth Evans on 1 January 1592 </wiki/1592>/3 in St. Leonards, and a Richard Warren who married an Elizabeth Doucke on 1 November 1596 </wiki/1596> in Sidmouth, Devon. However, since Richard's first child was born about 1610 </wiki/1610>, a marriage in 1592 or 1596 seemed most unlikely.
Richard Warren's English origins and ancestry have been subject to speculation, and many different ancestries have been published about him, without much evidence to support them. However, in December 2002 </wiki/2002>, Edward Davies found the missing piece of the puzzle, in a personal will.[1] Researchers had known of the marriage of Richard Warren to Elizabeth Walker on 14 April </wiki/April_14> 1610 </wiki/1610> at Great Amwell, Hertfordshire </wiki/Hertfordshire>, England </wiki/England>.[1] Since records show the Mayflower passenger had a wife named "Elizabeth" and a first child born about 1610, this was a promising record.[1] Yet, no children were found for this couple in the parish registers, and no further evidence beyond the names and timing, until the will of Augustine Walker </w/index.php?title=Augustine_Walker&action=edit> was discovered. In the will of Augustine Walker, dated April 1613 </wiki/1613>, he mentions "my daughter Elizabeth Warren wife of Richard Warren," and "her three children Mary, Ann and Sarah."[1] The record shows that the Mayflower passenger's first three children were named Mary, Ann, and Sarah (in that birth order). Also, the will of the father Augustine Walker states, "my daughter Elizabeth Warren wife..." hence, the maiden name "Walker" is confirmed for "Elizabeth (Walker) Warren" as the wife of Richard Warren.
Relatively little has been uncovered about Richard Warren's life in America.[1] He came alone on the Mayflower in 1620 </wiki/1620>, leaving behind his wife and five daughters. His family sold the shop in England, then traveled on the ship "Anne" to join him in 1623 </wiki/1623>, and Richard and Elizabeth subsequently had two sons, Nathaniel and Joseph, at Plymouth.[1].".

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