Generaci�n No. 5.14

Jaime Antonio4 Verano Prieto was born 4 December 1925 in Barranquilla, Colombia. (Angela Matilde3 Prieto De Arce, Joaqu�n Victor2 Prieto Carbon�, Federico Baldomero1 Prieto Fontalbo, Jose JoaquinA Prieto) (Source: (1) Annie Verano, 1999., (2) Jaime Verano Prieto, 1999). He married (1) Carol Strong 4 May 1949 in Nueva York, NY, USA. He married (2) Beatriz Ar�valo Duncan.

Notes for Carol Strong (Fuente: Carol Strong)
Naci� en Nueva York, en la Isla de Manhattan en el sector llamado "The Upper West Side". Alli se cri� y all� conoci� a su futuro marido Jaime Verano. Despu�s de un noviazgo rel�mpago, se casaron y se fueron a vivir a Barranquilla, donde permanecieron por 16 a�os. Es traductora. Cuando trabajaba con los grandes bancos internacionales, traduc�a del franc�s y el portugu�s al ingl�s y del espa�ol al ingl�s y del ingl�s al espa�ol. Trabaja por su cuenta, teniendo una oficinita en su casa, y�ndole relativamente bien.

Children of Jaime Verano Prieto and Carol Strong are:

+ 116 i.
Alicia Verano Strong
born 15 March 1950 in Nueva York, NY, USA.

+ 117 ii.
Jaime Alberto Verano Strong
born 17 April 1958 in Barranquilla, Colombia.

+ 118 iii.
Edgardo Luis Verano Strong
born 15 January 1960 in Barranquilla, Colombia.

Nota Especial sobre Carol Strong
Fuente: Lizzie Prieto

La conoci tras la red en 1998, y tuve el placer de conocerla personalmente en el 2003 cuando la visite junto con mis hijos Diego y Alejandra. Carol es una bellisima persona y con un espiritu de vida admirable. Es uno de los personajes mas pujantes de esta red genealogica al punto que sin ella, la red no seria la misma. Republicana hasta la medula, y sin "pelos en la lengua" divierte al mas triste. Siempre con una carcajada en la boca, y una que otra "palabra sucia" especialmente cuando mientras habla por telefono y pasa el "h.. de p. tren".

Carta escrita por Carol a la familia "EN RED" en vista de problemas de salud July 05, 2002. La operacion a la que se someteria nos preocupo a todos y origino multiples emails manifestando nuestro deseo de que Carol saliera con exito de su operacion. Jorge Polo fue el "updater" de ls resultados de la operacion.

Dear all, As you know, the operation on my back was slated to take place on Monday. That has been cancelled.  Why?  Because they found an anomaly in my heart. The main artery (LAD-left anterior descending artery) is 50% clogged and they will have to insert a catheter before any operation takes place.  I will then need clearance from the cardiologist. I expect this to take place on Monday or Tuesday.  I cannot tell you all how disappointed I am, nor can I explain to you the excruciating pain I'm in. In order to send you this, I am sitting sideways on an ergonomic chair hunched over, with my left leg crossed to open up the vertebrae.  I have been in bed for 4 days.  I have not touched the computer.  My neighbor has been helping me and another neighbor (Lenny, the Virgin) is walking my dogs, which he has been doing for the past several months. I refused any other help, thinking I did not need it.  (SMART!! RIGHT??) .

My daughter will be arriving Sunday night at 11:00 pm.  Unfortunately, she will also be leaving the following Sunday.  SHE has a situation with my granddaughter, who is expecting a premature birth any minute. I suppose I should be grateful for anything I can get.  I just wanted to apprise you all what is happening.  I think I may be home on Monday. In any case (and this is the RIGHT number, for a change, the general information number for the hospital is (212) 870-9000.  I do not know when the cardiac catheterization will take place, nor do I know when they will operate on my spine, but it should be within one or two days of the catheterization.  WISH ME LUCK!
Love, Carol
Julio 10, 2002 - Jorge Polo le escribe a la familia:
Queridos familiares y amigos:
Esta nota es para informarles que a Carol le van a hacer cirugia de espalda en los proximos dias.  Ella ha venido con dolores de espalda agravados por artritis en esa region, por lo cual los medicos han dictaminado que necesita una operacion mayor de la columna.  Sin embargo, los analisis previos a la operacion indican que tiene un bloqueo de consideracion en una de las arterias coronarias, y por esto los medicos van primero a introducir un "stent" para asegurar el exito de la intervencion.  Lo mas probable es que el stent lo introduzcan hoy miercoles, y que la operacion de la espalda  siga en uno o dos dias mas.  Ella esta en estos momentos en el Beth Israel Hospital en Nueva York, en el cuarto 1109.  Alicia ha viajado a Nueva York para acompanarla en estos momentos dificiles.  El telefono directo en el cuarto de Carol es: 1-212-870-9309.
Roguemos por el exito completo de las intervenciones, y por una recuperacion rapida y sin complicaciones.
Carinos, Jorge Polo
Dear family and friends:
This note is to inform you that Carol will undergo back surgery within the next few days.  She has been having back pains, aggravated by arthritis in the region, which have led the doctors to determine that she requires major back surgery.  However, during the routine analyses prior to the surgery, a major blockage has been found in one of the coronary arteries.  Because of this, the doctors will introduce a "stent" to ensure a successful outcome of the back surgery.  It is likely that the stent will be introduced
today, Wednesday, and that the back surgery will follow within one or two days.  She is at the Beth Israel Hospital in New York, in room 1109.  Alicia has traveled to New York to be with her in these difficult moments.  The direct phone line to Carol's room is: 1-212-870-9309.
Let's all pray for the complete success of her medical interventions, and for a speedy recovery without problems.
Regards, Jorge Polo
Julio 18, 2002- Queridos familiares y amigos:  Ya operaron a Carol, y los medicos estan satisfechos del resultado de la operacion.  La cirugia la hicieron unicamente por la espalda, con una incision pequena.  No requirienron tampoco hacer nada con el corazon o sea que la cosa resulto ser mas sencilla de lo que estaban pensando ellos mismos.  Seguira en el hospital unos dias mas recuperandose.  En este
momento no tiene servicio telefonico en el cuarto, tal vez para lograr una recuperacion ininterrumpida.  En caso de obtener mayor informacion, se las pasaremos.  Esta en el mismo hospital inicial, pues no la tuvieron que trasladas al segundo hospital que fue mencionado anteriormente.  Jaime Alberto la acompana ahora. Carinos, Jorge Polo
Dear family and friends: Carol's operation is now history, and the doctors are pleased with the outcome of the surgery.  A small incision was made only on her back.  The  stent on the heart was not required as necessary so it was not done, so things came out even simpler than even the doctors themselves had originally thought.  She will remain in the hospital a few more days, under recovery.  At this moment, she does not have a telephone in her room, possibly to ensure an uninterrupted recovery.  If and when we receive more information, we will pass it along to you.  She is in the same original hospital, since her transfer to the other hospital was not necessary. Jaime Alberto is keeping her company now.
Regards, Jorge Polo

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