Gregg's Rankings

When the 20th century ended, there were many who came up with their "Best of" lists for 20th century accomplishments; for example, Best Rock Songs of All Time or Greatest Athletes of the Century. Many of these lists, I figured, were somewhat biased in opinion and not really based on merit. So I figured, "Why not create my own lists?" If everyone else can have their opinion, why not me? At least I'll know that these lists, unlike some of them seen a lot in the media, were well thought out, at least in my opinion! Thus, I have compiled some lists featuring the best in several fields during the 20th century. What fields have I picked? Well, I decided to go with what I know best: comedy, sports, and a few other things with which I am very familiar. But rather than labeling these lists "The Best of the 20th Century", I decided to go with the more classy "Best of All Time" label. So sit back, and enjoy the "Best of" lists, courtesy of yours truly.

All of my ranked lists are for 20th century events only unless otherwise stated. Thanks to Jeff Kovatchitch for inspiring me to compile these lists.

The following lists feature deep thought and sophisticated commentary. If this is too much to handle, please go Back now.

All lists are the opinions of the Webmaster alone, unless otherwise noted.

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