There are at least three other Balch families that we have not positively connected to our Maryland Balch line.  These are as follows:


Family 1:


   JohnRBalch-SophiaStone.htm  (John R. Balch (b.1810, d.1892) Kentucky and Tennessee. 


We find this John Balch in the Sumner County, Tennessee area with his marriage to Sophia Stone in January of 1833.  Note that a

Family Tree Maker file shows John born in Green River, Kentucky in 1810.  We do not have the original source for this record.


Click on the above link to see this family record and my notes about a possible connection to our Maryland Balch line.  (Could be interesting reading.)



Family 2:


John Balch and Nancy Bassham of Tennessee.  (Included in RELATIONS database)


This family tree is included in the RELATIONS database and can be traced all the way from John and Nancy down through the Warrens, the Kelsoes, the McConnels, and Whiteheads, to the

marriage of Michael Lynn Whitehead to Cynthia Carrol Balch, thus connecting our two Balch lines.  Note however that we have not connected the John Balch, root person in this line to our Balch line from Maryland.  However, there is speculation that

he could be one and the same as the son of Thomas Balch, son of John Balch of North Carolina.  This John is mentioned in his grandfather's (John Balch) will as the young son of Thomas, to receive one old gray mare, of which the boy was so fond.  John Balch, Thomas Balch in the Maryland line.   The Thomas Balch family vanishes in about 1800 after a dispute with his brother William over the father's (John) property.  This dispute is noted in the affadavits to the will, of which I have a full copy.




Family 3:


   JohannAdamBolich.htm  This is the Bolich - Bolick - Bolch - Balch family line:


Tree files and information is not included in either of our two databases since this family is unrelated to our Balch families.  However, a narrative printout of the data can be viewed by clicking on the link above.


Our extensive research indicates that this line has it's beginning with the two brothers, Johann Adam Bolich and Andreas Bolich, of German descent, who arrived on the passenger ship Neptune at the port of Philadelphia in 1753.  The derivation of the name Bolich was understood to be "Bolch" and thus recorded in the ships manifest.  The name 'Bolch" was used extensively by family members, however, there is some indication that some members from one of the brothers did use the name Bolich.  The name Balch was first used by the family during the 1850's when two of the brothers moved to live over in east Tennessee.  Joseph Bolch and his brother Hiram Bolch are said to have moved from the Lincoln and Catawba county area of NC over to Cocke County Tennessee sometime between 1850 - 1860.  It was that the Balch name was well known, and through miss-spelling and mis-pronounciation, some of the family members took up the spelling as BALCH. as can be seen by the narrative report from my research, there is a long line of BALCH descendants from these German immigrants.



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