The world lies on the brink of destruction...

Only a select few may be able to save it...
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Final Fantasy X is a game of courage, love, and everything you can think about...

Tidus, the star player of the Zanarkand Abes, a famous blitzball team, is a young man unaware of the past that will come to hunt him one day.
His father diappeared on sea, and Tidus believes he's dead. On a beautiful sunny day, Sin comes, and destroys Zanarkand, taking Tidus into the future - a thousand years into the future...
He wakes up in a cold and dark place, only to find fiends - Sinspawn - attacking him. Fighting for his life, he finds a temple. And is rescued by a young Al Bhed, Rikku.
Once again he is taken into the future - only a couple of weeks. And is found by a blitzball team - the Besaid Aurochs.
He falls in love with a young girl from Besaid - Yuna, the summoner. He ends up traveling with her and her guardians, fighting Sin for the sake of Spira..
Almost unaware of the fact that the thing he is fighting is his old man... Sin is his father, Jecht...
He fights to get home... He fights for a better world... He fights because it's his father....
The magical world of Spira is under threat by Sin - an evil entity that unleashes havoc, terror and destruction.

Join Tidus, a heroic blitzball superstar, and Yuna, a courageous girl skilled in the ancient art of summoning, as they embark on an epic quest to defeat Spira's deadliest enemy.

Only the Final Summoning can defeat Sin and bring peace back to Spira.
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