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Below you will find information on how to get the celestial weapons and the crests and sigils.
To get the celestial weapons you will need the celestial mirror. To get this you must goto the calm lands and ride a chocobo. Do this by going to the begginning or the end of the area and find the person stood stationary (not moving) on a chocobo. Ask to ride 1. If you get it from the person near the begginning you can just head right to find a chcobo feather. Press X and your chcobo will jump to the other ledge. Head towards reniem temple and then turn left. Click on the movie sphere on the floor and then it will talk about racing the chcobo. Go right round to the right side and get on the chcobo. Race to the bottom when you get there if you win you will get the cloudy mirror. To power this mirror up goto macalania forest. Then talk to a woman and her son talk until they dont say anything new (bout 5 times for both of them). Then head to the far right and you will see a man stood there talk to him until he says nothing else. Head back to his wife and he should be with her. If he isnt talk to her then go back to him until he is with her. If he is there they say their son is missing but speak to them until they say nothing else. Then head up the light shiny path until you meet the boy then speak to him until he goes to his parents. From there head up the north path and you will see a plant show it the mirror and it will make it celestial. Whenever you have the celestial weapon crest and sigil go to the plant and it will power your weapon up.
Tidus's Caladbolg: Beat the chocobo trainer in a race, then take the celestial mirror to the northwest part of the calm lands, and go down the hill. There will be a mark on the wall. Use the celestial mirror on it and you'll get it.
Sun Crest: Go to where you fought Yunalesca and there will be a chest containing it. You have to go down the stairs at the back
Sun Sigil: When you race the chocobo, get a time of less than 0:0.0
Yuna's Nirvana: Capture all nine types of fiends in the calm lands. Then use the celestial mirror on the chest
Moon Crest: Find it on Besaid Isle---beach go out to sea and then head left to a little cove
Moon Sigil: Defeat all aeons (including Magus sisters) at Remiem Temple
Aurons Masamune: Take the rusty sword, found on the eastern cliff near the cavern of the stolen fayth, to mushroom rock.It is the part after you have to get off your chcobo. There were two paths, keep going straight and you'll see another left turn. Ride the elevator thing and you'll see a statue of Lord Mi'ihen. Put the rusty sword on the statue and a glyph should appear. Touch it and you'll get it after using the celestial mirror
Mars Crest: Mi'ihen Highroad---Oldroad, South
Mars Sigil: Capture 10 monsters of 10 different species in 10 different areas
Wakka's World Champion: Play blitzball a few times (i had to win 5 league games) and go to the bar. Talk to the woman behind the counter and you'll get it but only if you played blitzball and if you have the Celestial Mirror
Jupiter Crest: Inside one of the Aurochs locker in the Luca locker room.
Jupiter Sigil: Offered as a prize in blitzball after you get all of Wakka's overdrives
Kimarhi's Spirit Lance: pray at three different quactuar stones in thunder plains. Press square in front of a stone that has a quactuar on it but only if its glowing. Then go somewhere near the southern entrance of thunder plains and follow the cactuar ghost. Just follow it and you'll get it.
Saturn Crest: Mt. Gagazet, columns after third Seymour battle.
Saturn Sigil: Capture all blue butterflies without touching any red ones
Lulu's Onion Knight: Go to Baaj Temple and beat Geosgaeno. Then go to the southern part of the circular pool and find a chest
Venus Crest: Farplane at Guadosalem
Venus Sigil: evade 200 consecutive bolts of lightning in thunder plains. Check the chest in front of the travel angency when you do that
Rikku's Godhand: Input GODHAND as a password on the airship and go to Mushroom Rock (may be called different, just go wherever that is new) go to the end of the ravine and use the Celestial Mirror on the chest. There you go
Mercury Crest: In a sand whirlpool in the desert.
Mercury Sigil: Complete the Cactuars mini game (not quactuars) and search the sandstorm area. One of the chests has the Sigil
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