=============================================================== Episode Summaries by Lynne (tougei@hotmail.com) Note from Key 2 Anime: I got these summaries from the RK Archive (http://rka.crosspaths.net/index.html). All these summaries are done by Lynne. If you have any questions of would just like to thank her for her wonderful efforts please email her at tougei@hotmail.com Episodes #25-27 =============================================================== Episode #25 Scarlet Pirate! Tear Up Kenshin and Kaoru. The Kenshin-gumi is penniless and hungry. Sano, Yahiko, and Kenshin sign up to help defend a ship against pirates. Once on board, Kenshin finds out that Kaoru also signed on the ship as "COOK" (yeah.....sure!!). Kenshin is worried about Kaoru's safety. The Kai-Ryu pirates are ruthless and no one has ever survived a fight with their leader, Shura. The pirates attack. Kenshin holds his own until he is shot in his left rear shoulder with a poison dart. He still defeats Shura (who happens to be female). One of Shura's men grabs Kaoru. Kenshin pleads with Shura, saying that Kaoru is very important to him and that he has sworn to protect her. Shura frees Kaoru, but Kenshin must take her place.............. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Episode #26 An Incarnation of Thunder Storm! The Mysterious Nobility of the Female Pirate Shura. The Kai-Ryu pirates have set sail with Kenshin as their prisoner. Kenshin recovers from the poison dart, and Shura prevents her pirates from killing him. Kenshin offers Shura the opportunity to take his life because Shura saved the life of Kaoru. The pirates find out that the ship they robbed was transporting opium. One of the rebel pirates, Gin-jo, approaches the ship owner with a proposition. Kaoru, Sano, and Yahiko decide to go rescue Kenshin. They stow away on a ship that is heading to the pirates' island, carrying guns and ammunition. The rebel pirate Gin-jo plans to lead a mutiny against Shura and take over the island. Kenshin is reconciled to dying for his Kaoru. Shura wants to know what kind of woman would make Kenshin so willing to die. The ship Sano, Kaoru, and Yahiko are on arrives at the island and is unloaded. Gin-jo knows that he has stowaways and blows up the ship, then attacks Shura. Shura is shot, Kenshin picks her up and jumps off a cliff with her into a waterfall...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #27 Ferocious Fighting Island! Scarlet Pirate. Kenshin operates on Shura and takes the bullet out of her leg. Sano, Kaoru, and Yahiko survive the blown up ship. Shura wakes up and finds out Gin-jo is behind the mutiny. She goes after him, she screws up, Kenshin rescues her. One of the pirates sets a bomb off and the whole island blows up. Kenshin walks out of the flames carrying Shura and finds Sano, Kaoru, and Yahiko waiting for him.......