=============================================================== Episode Summaries by Lynne (tougei@hotmail.com) Note from Key 2 Anime: I got these summaries from the RK Archive (http://rka.crosspaths.net/index.html). All these summaries are done by Lynne. If you have any questions of would just like to thank her for her wonderful efforts please email her at tougei@hotmail.com Episodes #22-24 =============================================================== Episode #22 First Time! Crazy, Insane Steam Engine Train Trip. September 5. Kaoru purchases train tickets and takes the Kenshin-gumi on a trip from Shinbashi, Tokyo to Yokohama. Sano is terrified of trains. Someone is transporting a lot of money on the train. Someone else wants to steal the money. Yahiko discovers the plot. Kenshin rescues Yahiko, then Kenshin falls off the train. The train is stopped by the pirates. Here comes Kenshin on SUPER HORSE!! SUPER HORSE hurdles down steep cliffs, leaps effortless through the air from rocking boat, to rocking boat, to train track. Then SUPER HORSE miraculously disappears! The Kenshin-gumi triumph over pirates and continue on the train to Yokohama. Kenshin is given a monetary award for saving the money, and Kaoru uses the award money to get a group picture taken. Sano is terrified of having his picture taken. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #23 Betrayed by Sanosuke?! Greetings of Fate. Sanosuke is out in the market purchasing a drawing for Tae-san and Tsubame-chan, as a favor. At the shop where Sano is purchasing the drawings, he spots a drawing of his dead boss, Sagara. He notes the artist's signature and asks the shop owner where he can find 'Tsukioka', the artist. The shop keeper tells Sano that the artist lives in an apartment in the next town. Sano knocks on the door of Tsukioka-san's apartment....no answer...he pounds and hollers "Sekihou Tai Tsukioka Katsuhiro". Katsu, Sano's old friend from the Sekihou Tai, opens the door. Katsu has been making bombs and planning the demise of the Meiji government for the past 10 years. Sano does not necessarily agree with Katsu's philosophy, but he understands it. A group of fake Sekihou Tai have been robbing and killing people, and leaving boss Sagara's picture at the scene of the crime. First Katsu investigates, then Sano investigates thinking it is Katsu. Sano finds out that the fake Sekihou Tai's are really members of the Shiranui Yakuza (he beats up one of the members to obtain this info). He breaks into a meeting and finds that the leader is Shindo Tatewaki, the man responsible for killing Sanosuke's Sekihou Tai boss, Sagara. There is a fight, Katsu arrives to assist Sano. Sano and Katsu obviously enjoy fighting together again. When the fight is over, before they part company, Sano tells Katsu that he wants to join him in his battle to topple the Meiji government........ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #24 Midnight Fight! Sanosuke Versus Kenshin Again! Sanosuke gives a party for Kenshin and company. He (actually Katsu) is even going to pay for it. Unbeknownst to all, however, it is a farewell party from Sano to his friends. It's a terrific party! Everyone gets drunk and stupid! After everyone is asleep (or at least appear to be asleep), Sano sneaks out with Katsu. Before he leaves, however, Sano quietly whispers he is sorry for deceiving everyone, especially Kenshin. Kenshin was not asleep. Katsu and Sano go to the State Department and Central Administration Center for the Meiji government. Katsu sets off some bombs, they jump the fence and are about to storm the building when Kenshin intercepts them. Sano attacks Kenshin. Kenshin avoids the blows, but eventually has to draw his sakabatou and take Sano out. Katsu tries unsuccessfully to use bombs against Kenshin. Sano gets back up. Kenshin puts him out again, wraps his arms around him and whispers he is sorry, then turns Sano's almost unconscious body over to Katsu for medical attention. The next morning Sano wakes up and rushes out to find Katsu burying his bombs by the river. Katsu retires from drawing pictures and starts an anti-government newsletter.