=================================================================== Provided by: Goblyn and Key 2 Anime Note: They are crappy but better then nothing. If you can improve them and/or fill in blanks email me at goblyn@lycosmail.com Episodes #91-94 =================================================================== Episode #91 The other man (the one with the map), appeared at the door and started chanting. All the mask men left and Kenshin could move again. Kenshin asks who he is. The man replies that he is here to save their town. The man and the other go back to the dojo and he explains what is happening. There is the wind clan(good) and the water clan(bad). He is the last member of the wind clan. There are certain points in Japan, that when connected, can emit enough power to destory all of Japan. They are trying to form the star formation so they can control the world.(big surprize there). A Chief of Police shows up with some watermelon and hears the story too. The man said the reason he saved them was because he wanted the kenshin-gumi's help to defeat the Water clan. The Chief of Police decides to goto the dojo to hear the story. In the mean while, the head police guy is confused and working on the case of all the mysteryous bad things that are happening. He plans on going after the Water Clan but the government has other plans for him. The Government orders that he takes his men and work on another case. The Chief of Police goes to the head police guy and tells him to goto the dojo to hear the whole story. He agrees to go (relectanly). He hears the story and after it is over the bad water clan guys show up. Sano, the good guy (from the wind clan) and Kenshin go out to fight them. Sano is pissed and beats them up but they just come back. The Wind clan guy tells him to hit them in the armpit because that is there weak point. Sano does and they start going down. Kenshin starts to attack but is frozen by the ruler, the same that froze him before. The wind clan guy says not to look at the ruler but it is to late. Kenshin starts seeing ghost of all the people he has kills, and they are yelling at him. Kaoru screams for him to snap out of it. Kenshin does but before he does Kaoru attacks the water clan guy and she gets hit with a poison dart thing. The guy starts laughing saying they can't bet them. Kenshin attacks. First it looks like nothing happens but them you see that kenshin cut the little (ruler) trace stick in half. Lets just say messing with Kaoru is not the right person to mess with when Kenshin is concerned. The water clan guy escapes with other members but before they go the head guy says no matter she will be dead soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #92 Kaoru is put in bed. The Wind Clan guy takes a look at Kaoru and says the Water Clan guy has used an ancient type of spell/attack. (sorry don't remember what it is called) It has been forbidden to use. He says that he can do nothing to save her. Kenshin asks if there is a cure and he saves yes, one, the water from a special well. Kenshin and the Wind Clan guy heads off to get the water. Sano and Katsu (remember Sano's friend from episodes 23 and 24) go to start destoring the points that the Water Clan have already gotten. The wind clan guy go to some people working on a new railroad and starts talking with them. He says that a lot of Chinese men are working on the tracks. He says that it is being paid for by a company that is owned by a man (the man that kept offering to buy the buildings), and he has a partern (the man that is the head of the water clan). Sano and Katsu are in town getting ready to destory a statue that is being put on a site that is one of the star points. Katsu distracts them and Sano goes and destorys the statue with one punch. The wind clan guy is at the railroad site taking note. He notes that where they are digging is near a site of one of the points. A guard comes and chases him away. The wind clan guy and Kenshin are traveling toward the well to get the water. The wind clan guy tells Kenshin that he had a girl once, but he was so busy training in his arts, that the girl finally left him. (hint hint to kenshin) The arrive at the railroad construction site. The well is deep inside the tunnel, but the entrance is heavily guarded. Kenshin and The water clan guy charge. They are out running the guys, but there are booby traps inside the tunnel. Kenshin uses his sword and destorys the traps. Finally they arrive at the well. The guards are coming. To get the water they have make an opening in the wall. When they make a hole however the power (the one that killed all the people in the past) was released. Kenshin fights off the guards as the water clan guy start chanting in hope to stop the power. The guards are defeated/run away as the power comes forward. The water clan guy is unable to stop it. The wind clan guy is too weak to run back out of the tunnel to escape the power. He tells Kenshin to take the water flask and escape. Kenshin carries the wind clan guy out of the tunnel. They barely escape. Kenshin gives him some of the water to heal him. He drinks some but says to save the rest for Kaoru. The bad business man and the water clan guy are talking in a building. The business man tells the other guy about how one of the statue was destoryed. Then they talk about the power being released. And about how a government building is going to be exploded. Somewhere else a government building explodes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #93 I don't have a summary for this episode. If you or anyone you known can provide one, please email me at goblyn@lycosmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #94 I don't have a summary for this episode. If you or anyone you known can provide one, please email me at goblyn@lycosmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #95 This episode never aired, but it was put out for sell. As I understand it, this episode showed what happened between Kenshin and Kaoru. I would like to think that reason it didn't air was because they decided not to end the anime here but are planning to make more Kenshin episodes. ===================================================================== Note: Feel free to redistribute this but do not edit it and give credit to Key 2 Anime [http://www.key2anime.com] =====================================================================