=============================================================== Episode Summaries by Lynne (tougei@hotmail.com) Note from Key 2 Anime: I got these summaries from the RK Archive (http://rka.crosspaths.net/index.html). All these summaries are done by Lynne. If you have any questions of would just like to thank her for her wonderful efforts please email her at tougei@hotmail.com Episodes #50-53 =============================================================== Episode #50 Time To Keep A Promise. Kenshin And Aoshi Battle Once Again! Kenshin faces Aoshi, saying that this 'Aoshi' is not the Shinomori Aoshi he remembers, and is not the man he promised to fight. Kenshin says he did not promise to fight someone who choose to become evil. Aoshi charges, Kenshin throws books at him. Yumi finds a telegraph machine and starts sending messages back to Shishio. Aoshi forces Kenshin to draw his sword to defend himself. Kenshin is down and wounded. Meanwhile, back at the Aoiya, Misao is facing Kamatari, Kaoru and Yahiko are facing Han-ya, and the rest of the Oniwabanshuu are not doing very well against Iwanbo. Aoshi tries to talk Kenshin up! He tells Kenshin to turn over his sakabatou and fight Aoshi the right way. Kenshin asks if there will be anything left for Aoshi after the fight. He then says that he will fulfill his promise and fight Aoshi, because he understands how Aoshi felt about his men. But, Kenshin says, he will fight Aoshi as Himura Kenshin, not as the Hitokiri Battousai. They fight. Aoshi comes very close to slicing Kenshin's throat. Kenshin speaks harshly to Aoshi. He tells Aoshi that he had to choose between life and death when he mastered the succession technique, and he decided he will always choose life. Aoshi has chosen death. Even if he wins the fight with Kenshin, Aoshi plans to kill himself. Kenshin tells Aoshi that Aoshi's body has become strong with the evil, but his mind has become weak. Kenshin's words are getting through to Aoshi........ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #51 Now Is The Time To Awaken... True And Perfect Solution. Kenshin tells Aoshi that with the death of his men, Aoshi's purpose was lost, and that Aoshi blames his men for dying. Aoshi slugs Kenshin. Kenshin says that no matter what Aoshi does to him, it won't bring Aoshi's men back. Aoshi swings his kodachi and Kenshin grabs it with his hand. Kenshin tells Aoshi that Misao leads the Oniwabanshuu now and that she cried for Aoshi. Kenshin tells Aoshi to find the pride he lost and snap out of it! Aoshi knocks Kenshin across the room, but Sano catches him. Aoshi tells Kenshin that he cannot move on until he finishes this fight. Kenshin tells Aoshi he will fight him and promises to do his best. Kenshin does his ougi. Aoshi is down! Yumi has been on the telegraph machine the whole time telling Shishio what has been going on. Sano catches her sending messages and destroys the machine. Aoshi tells Kenshin and Sano to go on ahead, that he will catch up once he recovers. Meanwhile, back at the Aoiya, Kaoru and Misao team up to fight Kamatari. Yahiko takes on Hen-ya, who is feeling pissed off that he has to 'baby-sit.' Using his glider, Hen-ya flies up and tosses a bomb at Yahiko......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #52 Miracle in The Making! The Battle at Aoiya Continues. Yumi is telling Kenshin and Sano about the Juppongatana's secret weapon, which should be arriving at the Aoiya any time. At the Aoiya, Yahiko is not doing very well against Hen-ya. Hen-ya is very light, and with his glider he uses the updraft from his bombs to fly above whomever he is attacking. Yahiko is determined, but is still getting his ass whupped! Then he comes up with a great idea. The next time Hen-ya drops a bomb, Yahiko uses a door like a wing and uses the updraft from the bomb to get above Hen-ya. Yahiko does a good imitation of a Ryu Tsui Sen on the top of Hen-ya's head, and the bird man is down. Yahiko is seriously injured, however, and cannot help Kaoru and Misao in their fight with Kamatari. Kamatari knocks Misao out, then goes after Kaoru. Misao wakes up, and with some great teamwork the girls defeat Kamatari. Iwanbo just sort of bounces off and the Oniwabanshuu celebrate, believing they have won the battle with the Juppongatana. But then Fuji arrives......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode #53 A Giant Versus Superman! Saving Grace atthe Edge of Despair. Fuji is a giant controlled by a little man called Saizsuchi. Saizsuchi gives a demonstration of Fuji's power, but Yahiko says he will not submit, he will fight. Yahiko believes Kenshin will save him. Saizsuchi tells Fuji to kill Yahiko first. As Yahiko stands in front of Fuji screaming Kenshin's name, Fuji's blade comes down and is stopped by Hiko Seijuro. The MAN HIMSELF! Hiko easily tosses off Fuji's blade, thanks Yahiko for screaming so loudly, and says he would have been here sooner if his stupid pupil had given him decent directions. He then throws Yahiko to Kaoru and addresses Fuji. Hiko talks to Fuji as one warrior to another. He complements Fuji's balance and form and criticizes how Fuji strikes. He tells Fuji that though everyone else sees Fuji as a monster, Hiko sees him as an opponent, a budo master. Hiko tells Fuji that Fuji does not need to be controlled by an old man. He tells Fuji to take off his armor, put down the old man, and if he does, a worthy opponent stands before him ready to destroy him. Fuji starts to cry with tears of joy because he is being addressed as a person, not a monster. Fuji does as Hiko requests, Hiko and Fuji fight. Hiko wins with a Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Kuzu Ryu Sen. Yahiko thinks Hiko killed Fuji until Kaoru points out that his sword was turned upside down, like a sakabatou. The Aoiya is again victorious. Hoji reports to Shishio that the Juppongatana have been defeated at the Aoiya. Soujiro tells Shishio and Hoji not to worry, that he, Soujiro will simply be as strong as all 10 of the Juppongatana. Soujiro leaves to ready himself for his fight with Kenshin. Kenshin is at the door leading to Tenken no Soujiro........