Professor Obren Popovic Memorial Issue
of the Archives of Gastroenterohepatology

Professor Obren S. Popovic
(1934 - 1999)
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the
Archives of Gastroenterohepatology
from 1982 to 1998

 The most respectable and internationally recognised Serbian gastroenterologist, Professor Obren S. Popovic, was a person of non-ephemeral achievements. His scientific work has been frequently quoted both in international journals, as well as in most distinguished textbooks of clinical gastroenterology worldwide. The discovery of Obren Popovic - that bile acid malabsorption may occur due to atrophy of the terminal ileum - was not only the first ever description of this novel pathological entity, but also the first significant entry of Serbian gastroenterology in the world of clinical and gastroenterological science.
 Being the founding and long-time scientific editor of Archives of Gastroenterohepatology, Obren Popovic favoured seriousness, systematism and rational scientific approach in Yugoslav medical practice and publicity. Professor Popovic's broad knowledge of basic and clinical gastroenterology, and his fine skills to apply this in everyday practice and teaching, resulted in his well-established reputation of the most respected teacher, distinguished gastroenterologist, and a dear friend. His permanent demands on professional self-acknowledgement exerted great influence on his co-workers, friends, fellows, and general medical audience.
 Professor Obren Popovic, his scientific work and his clinical and academic achievements will be remembered by generations of students, trainees, colleagues and patients. To his patients and to their successful treatment all his work was fully dedicated.

Professor Vojislav N. Perišic

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