Giant Creepy Crawlers

Mattel issued a second Creepy Crawlers set in 1965, this one giant bugs. This set had one huge bug covering the whole mold instead of 4 or so bugs per mold. I just bought this set recently. It came with all of the molds and the box, but no directions.

Giant Creepy Crawler Molds Description of the Molds:
1) Ant
2) Snake
3) Mite
4) Scorpion
5) Spider
6) Cockroach
7) Bee
8) Misquito
9) Crab
Giant Creepy Crawler Molds

Giant Creepy Crawlers Set Giant Creepy Crawlers
Giant Creepy Crawlers Set Giant Creepy Crawlers

Giant Creepy Crawlers Box
Giant Creepy Crawlers Box

Giant Creepies Size Comparison
Giant Creepy Creations Creepy Vs. Giant Creepy

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