Author’s Note:  All righty then… when we last left our heroes, there was slashy goodness.  Well, guess what?  Here’s more!  I promise that I’m moving the plot along; just be patient.  We’re gonna eventually get to the real reason for this story.  Can’t a girl take the scenic route while she’s at it?  ::rolls eyes::  Sheesh.  People can be so impatient.  ::grins facetiously::  Aww, you guys know I love ya.  Anyway…

Please don’t ask to know what the actual cards were that Wanda draws in her reading for Pie-Pie.  I did the reading at the time, but I left out what the cards were for artistic flow, and right now, I couldn’t remember them all if I tried.  Just be assured that I didn’t pull that reading out of thin air and enjoy the story.


This story takes place after “Day of Reckoning”.  It is erotica, and therefore is not for the eyes of those under 18 or easily offended by sexual situations, homo- or hetero-.  X-men:  Evolution is the property of the WB, Marvel comics, and several people that I’m probably forgetting.  You can’t sue me!  I don’t have any money anyway, so it wouldn’t do you any good. :-P  There are also random songfic elements to this story; the songs used (plus a few others for good measure) are listed below and belong to their respective artists and recording companies.  If you do not have these songs or have never heard them, AudioGalaxy is a free peer-to-peer mp3 site where they can likely be downloaded.  I especially recommend the songs by Anathema, Godgory, Linkin’ Park, Depeche Mode, Poe and Nickelback as theme music for Wanda.

Comments, questions, and favorable reviews are encouraged.  Criticisms that are phrased civilly will be taken under advisement.  Flames will be fueled with napalm and returned, causing the offending keyboard to melt internally and be unable to manufacture any further unchivalrous nonsense.  You have been warned.


Recommended Musical Accompaniment:  Play the Game- Motorhead
                                                                                It Doesn’t Even Matter- Linkin’ Park
                                                                                Angry Johnny- Poe
                                                                                Blasphemous Rumors- Depeche Mode
                                                                                Dogma- KMFDM
                                                                                How You Remind Me- Nickelback
                                                                                Torpedoes- MDFMK
                                                                                Empty- Anathema
                                                                                Conspiracy of Silence- Godgory
                                                                                Last Note of Freedom- David Coverdale
                                                                                Nothing Else Matters- Metallica
                                                                                Can I Touch You… There- Michael Bolton
                                                                                To The Moon and Back- Savage Garden

Aftermath:  Chapter Five
By Lady Eternal


                Kurt woke that morning to the scent of breakfast and a gorgeous man.  Lance had obviously woken early and gone to the kitchen to prepare a tray for two, complete with juice, toaster pastries, and oranges.  It was a very sweet, intimate thing to do, and Kurt blushed as Lance gathered him close for a warm kiss.  “Morning.”

                “Guten morgen,” Kurt murmured.  “You brought breakfast.”

                “I figured you’d be hungry,” Lance replied, settling Kurt into his lap and the tray into Kurt’s.  “You got quite a workout last night.”  Kurt’s blush turned brighter, earning a warm chuckle from Lance.  “God, you’re beautiful when you blush.”

                Slowly, Kurt’s gaze turned up to Lance’s face.  There was such… innocence in that expression that Lance felt a surge of compassion and guilt.  No one had ever cuddled him and told him how lovely he was, how exquisitely soft his fur felt against their skin; the beautiful German boy had no idea how perfect he really was… and the first person to tell him so was only doing it because his other lover had pissed him off.

                In that moment, as Kurt’s pale eyes searched Lance’s darker ones for sincerity, Lance wanted to stay here forever.  To nestle with his fluffy blue elf and be warm and safe and tell him over and over how cherished and lovely and worthwhile he truly was.  A thousand images flashed through his mind:  moments of quiet domesticity, of hearth and home, maybe… maybe even adopting another unwanted child, raising it with more love and tenderness than he’d ever been shown…  Much as it scared the Hell out of him, a part of Lance desperately wanted that future… wanted it enough to say ‘yes’.

                “Yes what?”

                Lance started; he’s spoken the thought aloud.  Kurt was looking at him in confusion.  And then he suddenly realized how crazy it would sound:  professing his sudden, undying love for the adorable elf after one night of sex.  Incredibly passionate, intoxicatingly satisfying sex, true; but Kurt would never believe it.  Swiftly, Lance shoved the tantalizing fantasies away.  “Yes, you are beautiful, Kurt,” Lance recovered, as if that had been his meaning all along.  Taking up an orange, he peeled it quickly and held a section to Kurt’s lips.  “But… breakfast should get eaten, before it gets ignored.”

                Kurt blushed again, accepting the morsel from Lance’s fingers.  Allowing himself a playful urge, he snagged one of Lance’s fingers and suckled gently, swirling his tongue around the tip.  Lance groaned, ducking his head to lick to curve of that delicately pointed ear.  Kurt shivered as Lance swiftly moved the tray before Kurt’s sudden erection could upset it.  Ah-ha… an elfin hot spot.  Lance curled the lobe into his mouth like plucking a berry from the stem.  Kurt shivered.  “What… what about breakfast?”

                “Devil breakfast,” Lance murmured hotly.  His tongue traced the shell of Kurt’s ear, drawing a long, low moan from the elf.  “This is more important.”

                With a pleasant tremble, Kurt melted in Lance’s arms in hearty agreement.


                Several hours later, Lance was emerging from the showers when he noticed Summers in the hall by Lance’s dorm.  The redhead was standing there with his arms crossed, obviously waiting for someone.  Taking a deep breath, Lance walked over to his room.  “You waitin’ for me?”

                “Yeah, I am.”  Standing up away from the wall, he reached up and nudged his glasses down just far enough to blast Lance across the hall.  Lance gasped for breath as he hit the ground, rolling out into Scott’s legs as Scott advanced on him and knocking the redhead to the floor.  All at once, Scott disregarded his mutant powers and simply attacked, wrestling with the brunette mutant out of a purely selfish need to release his rage.

                Their fight was far from quiet; they quickly drew the others into the hall, where the younger mutants stared at them in shock.  Wanda and Pietro were among the last to arrive, Pietro nearly trampling people on his way through the crowd.  But before even the speed demon could intervene, a thunderclap rolled through the hall as the two elder mutants were tossed apart by a sudden arc of lightening.  Lance cursed in surprise as Scott choked on the stench of ozone, each dragging himself up the wall in an effort to reorient himself.

                Storm strode through the crowd looking as angry as her name, her hair and fingertips crackling from the residual static electricity of raising the lightening.  For a moment, she simply looked from one boy to the other, her face a mask of fury.  She then turned her head just slightly to address the others.  “Go downstairs, all of you.”  When the younger mutants hesitated, startled by Storm’s rage, she barked an additional:  Go!

                The others scattered like mice, leaving their leaders to face Storm’s anger.  When they were gone, Storm rounded on the two boys.  “Idiots!  Have you no sense at all?  Or are you determined to knock it from each other’s heads?”

                Scott struggled to stand, but Storm knocked him off-balance with a gust of wind.  “Storm-”

                “I don’t want to hear it!” Storm cut in, incensed.  “You, of all people, Scott:  the professor would be ashamed of you.  These kinds of petty squabbles are uncalled for during times of such crisis, and unbecoming of he who would be a leader of men.  You ought to be ashamed of yourself, putting your personal issues above the lives and safety of those who follow you.

                “And as for you, Lance, you’ve done absolutely nothing to alleviate this untenable situation.  Did you honestly think that seducing Kurt, no matter what your motives, would have no effect on his compatriots?  And don’t look so surprised; there may be more people living under this roof than there were in the manor where Mystique housed you and your friends, but it remains just as impossible to keep secrets for long, especially when absences at the breakfast table are so easily noted.

                “Now, as if the two of you weren’t already aware, we have lives to save:  lives of our friends and companions.  There will be no more squabbling, no more outbursts of temper, no more pointless spitting contests.  The two of you will find a way to work together, or neither one of you will be in charge of anything but cleaning out the lavatories for a full year.  Is that clearly understood?”

                Lance wanted to argue, to snap that Storm had no authority to either order him around or punish him, but the weather witch looked a little too intimidating at the moment.  The rock tumbler wasn’t fool enough to tempt her rage just now, and he was sick to death of Summers’ high-and-mighty attitude anyway.  Nodding silently, he watched as Scott also grudgingly agreed, hauling himself off the floor and stalking away.  Cautiously, Lance also stood.  “I’m not going to apologize for anything I’ve done,” he told Storm stubbornly.  “Your boy needs to learn to accept that the entire world isn’t going to live by his supposedly superior moral code.”

                Storm turned her pale blue eyes on Lance, and the rock tumbler fought off the urge to squirm under their steady gaze.  “He will learn, eventually,” she replied.  “And I’d be very disappointed in you if you did apologize.  You’re far from a cruel young man, Mr. Alvers.  Angry, yes; but not cruel.”

                Taking a deep breath, Lance walked past her into his room, closing the door and locking it against the world.


                In another part of the mansion, Wanda was curling her brother against her chest, stroking his snowy hair as he wept against her.  He’d stayed just long enough to find out why Lance and Scott had been fighting, and the reason had broken his heart.  He’d lost Lance.  The one person who’d ever taken care of him the way that his sister had when they were children, and he’d lost him to an X-jerk.  A furry blue bitch of an X-geek.  Oh, God… God, I wanna die…

                It’s all right, Brother, Wanda soothed.  You’re going to be all right.  You don’t know what happened between them; it might have been casual-

                Lance doesn’t have casual sex anymore!  Not since we… oh, God, Sister… he told me he loved me… he told me he loved me and I couldn’t say it back and now he’s left me…

                Why didn’t you say it back, Brother?  If you love him so, why couldn’t you say it?

                Because… I haven’t said it since Father sent you away…

                Though it was a sobering thought, Wanda couldn’t help smiling just a little at that.  Pietro truly had not forgotten what they had meant to one another.  He had simply survived, but what their father had forced him to sacrifice so that he might had left scars just as deep as her own.  There was certain symmetry to that.  Kissing him softly on the forehead, Wanda wiped the tears from her brother’s azure eyes.  It will be all right, Brother.  I promise.  Why don’t I read the cards for you; tell you what they see?  Would that help?

                You… you can read the cards?

                Agatha taught me; she thought it best, considering the domain of my powers.  Come on; blow your nose and wipe your eyes while I get my deck.

                Pietro complied, his still watery eyes watching his sister’s every move while she opened her closet and reached into the pocket of a cloak she found there.  Rather than a cape like their father’s, Wanda’s cloak was hooded and black as night, brushing the floor even from the hook in the closet door.  Settling herself onto the floor, Wanda unwrapped her cards from their cloth and spread the silk out.  When Pietro seated himself across from her, she handed her brother the cards.  “Shuffle them three times in your right hand, three times in your left, and three times in your right again; but don’t bridge them.  Concentrate on the question you wish answered as you do so, and then give them back to me.”  Pietro complied with his signature swiftness, handing the cards back to Wanda before the last card had even settled into its place in the deck.  Wanda chuckled to herself, then repeated the procedure, thinking on the question that she knew he wanted answered:  would he and Lance ever be happy again?

                Turning over nine cards in quick succession, Wanda’s mind quickly turned over the meanings as she scanned them.  You found a new home, a place of refuge, and it was there that you met someone with a love of romance, a person who is strong of will and wants hearth and home.  They wanted to reach towards a happy life and inspired you to want the same; they gave you stability.  But despite the progress you were making together, you grew impatient, feeling the weight of those dreams resting too heavily on your shoulders; in spite of the goal that was nearer than you thought, you abandoned it and your dreams.  Now, in the aftermath of the upheaval that abandonment caused, you and your lover will learn to cope with the consequences one day at a time.  Things will never be the same between you, but you will be at a new home and the current trouble will subside.  The end of the road will be the happy home that you both want.

                But what about the furry blue bitch?  Pietro asked, startled by how accurate Wanda’s reading had been.

                Wanda collected her cards, then quickly shuffled them again, dealing out only three this time.  A fourth card slipped from her deck, crossing the final card.  For a moment, Wanda reached out to remove it, but then simply set her deck aside, realizing its purpose.  Though there has been a betrayal, it has forced a necessary change in the path you and your lover were taking.  A poorly made decision will force someone into a situation of spiritual devastation, leaving them with nowhere to go for warmth or caring and little confidence or hope after so many misfortunes.


                Wanda picked up her cards again, shuffling swiftly.  She already had a good idea of whom, but she needed Pietro to believe.  Quickly, she dealt one final card.  A free spirit, crushed under the weight of forced convention.  A rebellious, ebullient nonconformist who loves life and living, but whose spark is ruthlessly smothered.

                For a long moment, Pietro gazed between his sister and the card she had cast down between them.  He wanted to believe the card was talking about him, that the poor decision would be Lance remaining with Mystique’s misbegotten son.  But a little voice in Pietro’s mind told him that it was Kurt who would be left out in the cold eventually, abandoned to his feelings of worthlessness and hideousness.  Much as he hated the elf just now, Pietro couldn’t bring himself to wish such a fate on the boy.  Not even his father was so callous and hateful as to want someone resigned to an existence without love or companionship.

                What should I do?  His voice was a tiny whisper in her mind.

                That, I can’t tell you.  You have to decide for yourself, Brother.  I will tell you one thing, though:  I wouldn’t try anything just now.  Until Lance comes to you, it wouldn’t be a good idea to try and talk with him.  Once we get the others back, he might settle down enough for you two to talk.

                If you say so, Sister.  Abruptly, Pietro slipped around the silk cloth and tucked himself into her arms, tucking his head beneath her chin.  I do love you, Sister.  I never stopped loving you.

                And I love you, my Brother, Wanda assured him softly.  Curled up with him like this, Wanda could almost say she was at peace… almost.  I love you, too.


                It was past dinner by the time Kurt returned.  Also distressed by the fight, especially since he considered himself to be the cause, the German boy had teleported out to the Bay for some time alone.  Hungry and depressed, Kurt simply teleported himself into the kitchen, hoping that he could find something to quell the gnaw in his stomach, even though nothing seemed instantly appetizing thanks to the hole in his heart.

                The door opened, and Kurt let himself swing out of the freezer long enough to see Pietro walking through.  For a moment, Kurt and Pietro just stared at one another, both acutely aware of their rivalry… and that the blue elf hanging from the lamp had a container of chocolate ice cream in his hands that would be a chocolate puddle if one of them didn’t move in short order.  Finally, Pietro forced himself to move.  Walking to the cupboard, he removed two bowls.  “Got any toppings for that stuff?”

                “Ja,” Kurt replied, still a bit hesitant as he arched back and set the ice cream on the counter.  “Whipped cream und strawberries und syrup… und I’m pretty sure we have walnuts.”

                Pietro shook his head.  “That prof of yours really does spoil you guys, ya know?”

                “We’re lucky,” Kurt replied from within the refrigerator as he rummaged for the Cool-Whip.

                “Yeah.  Your mom-”

                The Cool-Whip hit Pietro in the chest as Kurt slammed the refrigerator door and flipped down.  Those pale eyes snapped with rage, his tail swishing furiously as he rounded on Pietro.  “Mystique is not my mother!  Anyone who could do this to their child isn’t fit to have any.  My mother lives on a farm outside Munich.”

                Pietro was startled by the venom in Kurt’s tone.  It reminded him of Wanda’s rage towards their father.  Setting the Cool-Whip on the table, Pietro turned back for the spoons.  “She still gave birth to you.  She’s gotta love you a little.  How could she not love her own child?”

                “I do not know, and I do not want to,” Kurt replied.  “Why you want to find out the same about Magneto, I’ll never understand.”

                “My father does love me,” Pietro countered.

                “But not your sister?”

                “He’s fighting a war.  He knows what mankind is capable of doing to those who can’t or won’t fight back, especially children.”

                For a moment, Kurt measured Pietro.  His programmed, almost scripted responses when it came to his father were telling.  No wonder Wanda hates Magneto so very much.  “I find it hard to admire a man who loves his children so much that he puts the uncooperative one in a mental ward and leaves the cooperative one to live in squalor while he goes off and tries to start a revolution by attacking those he’s supposedly championing.”

                The point hit home.  Hard.  Pietro dashed over to the cupboards again, searching for potential toppings.  “The ice cream’s melting.”

                Kurt sighed.  “Ja; let’s eat.  Parents aren’t worth ignoring chocolate ice cream, good or bad.”

                Unable to help himself, Pietro laughed.

                The kitchen quickly resembled a Dairy Queen as Pietro and Kurt set about indulging their wounded spirits.  Kurt couldn’t help noticing how femme Pietro really was; it was easy to understand why Lance would eventually return to the snowy-haired gypsy’s bed.  Why wouldn’t he?  I know he loves Pietro, and how could Pietro not love him?  He’s so…

                “Thinking about Lance?” Pietro guessed softly.

                “What?”  Kurt stumbled, flushed softly, and stared at Pietro.  “Why would you think that?”

                “Because I can’t think of any other subject that could make someone stare at a spoonful of chocolate ice cream like they don’t see it.”  He smirked knowingly as Kurt blushed and swiftly ate it.  He could just imagine the things Lance had done to Kurt; the brunette was incredibly talented in the bedroom… and on the kitchen table… and the couch… God, I miss him.

                Kurt watched Pietro’s smirk fade and felt a rush of guilt.  He knew perfectly well how Lance felt about Pietro, and it was obvious that Pietro felt the same.  And Pietro was so femme… so dainty… Kurt felt like a stuffed animal being compared to a porcelain doll.  How could Lance not choose Pietro over him?  “Pietro…”

                “Don’t, Kurt,” Pietro interrupted.  “It’s… it’s not your fault, and it’s not Lance’s.  It’s been coming for a while now; I just figured it would be Kitty.  Lance was really infatuated with her for a while there.  He and I’ve been great physically, and I really do love him, but… he’s so… intense.  It spooked me a little.”

                “Tell me about it,” Kurt agreed.  Lance had been absolutely implacable, not that Kurt had wanted him to stop…

                Pietro chuckled softly.  “Sounds like he’s in one of his insatiable moods.  They’re fun, especially since he loves to cuddle when he finally gets tired.”  For a moment, Pietro hesitated, almost unable to say when he’d just decided he needed to say.  “Listen, Kurt… I… it’s gonna work out, okay?  Wanda says everything’s gonna be fine, and I believe her.  Just… just take care of him right now for me?  He, um… he really needs somebody to love him right now.”

                Kurt was floored.  Pietro couldn’t mean what he’d said.  It would kill the boy to see he and Lance together.  But he was obviously sincere.  The pain of his own words shone almost as bright as the love and understanding and compassion.  Kurt couldn’t say anything; words seemed vulgar.  He simply nodded, looking away as Pietro attacked his ice cream, then dashed around to make another bowl.  He really is beautiful, Kurt mused silently.  And not nearly as spoiled and selfish as one would think from how he acts.  It would be so easy to love them both…  When Pietro sat back down, Kurt watched him for a moment.  The boy was faster than the eye could follow; it was the only way he could have escaped Trask’s underground bunker.  And if he knew how to get out…  “Did you help Storm map out Trask’s bunker yet?”

                “Yeah.  She and that Forge guy had me describe it to them in the lab.  I got a pretty good look at the place while I was trying to find the exits.”

                “So you could get back in pretty easily?  You know your way around?”

                “Definitely.”  Pietro suddenly realized that Kurt had a plan.  “What are you thinking?”

                “If you can get me inside two miles from their cells, I can get them out.”  Kurt’s smile was confident.

                “Even Rogue?”

                “Even if she and I touched skin to skin, she could use my powers to teleport us out.”

                Pietro smirked deviously.  “Well then… that sounds like a plan.”

                Kurt grinned back, pointing at Pietro with the spoon curled into his tail.  “Ice cream is brain food; didn’t you know?”



A/N:  Coming soon… Kurt and Pietro team up.  Are you scared yet?  ;-P

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