Author’s Note:  Finally!!!!! We finally get to the slashy goodness.  I know this is the part you’ve all been waiting for, but I’m going to warn you, it’s not going to stop here.  My fics tend to become epic on me if I’m not careful, and I think this one is going to do just that.  Anyway, I’m really hoping I don’t get killed for this one.  ::hides behind Lord R, who brandishes a sword at all those who threaten Lady Eternal with sharp pointy things::  My stories tend to write themselves; I just hit the keys.  FYI:  I know that there have been several indications in the series that some of the characters share rooms.  For the purposes of this story, we’re going to take some artistic license and ignore that idea, mostly because I already had half of this story written on the assumption that they had separate rooms by the time I discovered that they might not.  ;-D  Whoops!  I warned you in the beginning that there’d be stuff wrong with this story.


This story takes place after “Day of Reckoning”.  It is erotica, and therefore is not for the eyes of those under 18 or easily offended by sexual situations, homo- or hetero-.  X-men:  Evolution is the property of the WB, Marvel comics, and several people that I’m probably forgetting.  You can’t sue me!  I don’t have any money anyway, so it wouldn’t do you any good. :-P  There are also random songfic elements to this story; the songs used (plus a few others for good measure) are listed below and belong to their respective artists and recording companies.  If you do not have these songs or have never heard them, AudioGalaxy is a free peer-to-peer mp3 site where they can likely be downloaded.  I especially recommend the songs by Anathema, Godgory, Linkin’ Park, Depeche Mode, Poe and Nickelback as theme music for Wanda.

Comments, questions, and favorable reviews are encouraged.  Criticisms that are phrased civilly will be taken under advisement.  Flames will be fueled with napalm and returned, causing the offending keyboard to melt internally and be unable to manufacture any further unchivalrous nonsense.  You have been warned.


Recommended Musical Accompaniment:  Play the Game- Motorhead
                                                                                It Doesn’t Even Matter- Linkin’ Park
                                                                                Angry Johnny- Poe
                                                                                Blasphemous Rumors- Depeche Mode
                                                                                Dogma- KMFDM
                                                                                How You Remind Me- Nickelback
                                                                                Torpedoes- MDFMK
                                                                                Empty- Anathema
                                                                                Conspiracy of Silence- Godgory
                                                                                Last Note of Freedom- David Coverdale
                                                                                Nothing Else Matters- Metallica
                                                                                Can I Touch You… There- Michael Bolton
                                                                                To The Moon and Back- Savage Garden

Aftermath:  Chapter Four
By Lady Eternal



                A few hours later, Pietro was repeating everything he had told his sister to the inner circle of mutants.  It hurt to see Lance glowering at him almost as much as the fact that Wanda sat beside him, still and disapproving.  The speedster had never seen either of them so angry with him.  It’s not like it was my fault.  Dad made me do it!

                I warn you, Brother:  don’t try that excuse with me.  You had no choice but to obey him when we were children.  That, I forgave you long ago.  But you made a conscious choice to collaborate with him now, after I was returned to you… a circumstance that you also did nothing about.  You will not earn forgiveness for either of those transgressions by claiming to have been bullied.  Now answer Cyclops’ question.

                Cowed by his sister’s rebuke, Pietro answered the older mutant almost meekly.  “No, I didn’t see the Professor there.  Trask kept everyone in separate cells, but they were all in the same place.”

                “Then how did you escape?” Jean asked.

                “And alone?” Todd echoed angrily.

                “Rogue told me to.  We were right next to each other, and she said that since I was the fastest, I stood the best chance of getting out and getting back here.  She… she wanted me to get here and get help.”

                “Is she okay?” Forge asked softly.  “And everybody else?”

                “I think so,” Pietro replied.  “Wolverine was pretty badly hurt before that mess, but he’s okay now.  Trask seems to be concentrating on getting that Sentinel up and running again; it got pretty thoroughly trashed… and I guess he’s making more, too.”

                Everyone’s eyes widened at that.  Storm leaned forward.  “Are you certain of that, Pietro?”

                “That’s what it sounded like.  He kept talking about needing to send them someplace:  Genosha, I think it was.  I don’t know where that is.”

                Storm sat back, feeling the blood drain slowly from her face.  More of those monsters…  “Thank you, Pietro.  We’re going to need you to help map out the interior of that complex, but for now, I think it would be best if we all got something to eat and some rest.”  Without another word, Storm stood and walked out.

                Slowly, the others followed suit, chilled to the bone by Storm’s behavior.  This was bad.  They knew it was.  And they still didn’t know where Professor Xavier was.  Jean slipped under Scott’s arm as he walked out, trying to comfort him.  Pietro gazed almost pleadingly at Lance.  “Lance?”

                “Shut up, Pietro.”  Lance tried to walk past him, desperately trying to contain his fury.

                “Lance, please…”

                The rock-tumbler stopped in front of him, his back resolutely turned.  “You don’t wanna push this right now, Pietro.  You really don’t.  You betrayed us.  If it weren’t for you, Rogue and Fred wouldn’t be in trouble, and we wouldn’t have to team up with the X-men to rescue anybody.  You really, really don’t wanna push me right now.”

                Pietro recoiled, cut to the quick by Lance’s harsh rejection of his appeals.  The hand he was reaching out towards Lance’s shoulder dropped, and Pietro let Lance walk out.  Miserably, he turned to Wanda.  “I really messed up, didn’t I?”

                “He will forgive you when he forgives himself,” Wanda replied.  “You betrayed us, but he left the others behind.  Being the eldest, he feels responsible.”  She held his eyes with a piercing stare.  “I know what that feels like.”

                “Sister, I didn’t have a choice…”

                “Yes, you did, Brother.”  Her eyes never left her brother’s, her quiet expression carved in stone.  “You had a choice between Magneto and me.”

                The softly spoken words hit Pietro like a slap to the face.  Though he desperately willed it not to happen, the speedster’s face crumpled like old newspaper, a stifled sob escaping his throat.  The weight of the ramifications of his allegiance with Magneto dragged on him until he sank against the wall, once again crying like a child.

                Wanda watched as reality finally caught up with her submissive.  Without moving an inch, she took in the sight of her brother’s realization of just how many relationships he had damaged because of his obedience to his father.  Go to our room, she finally commanded.  I will bring you something to eat, but I don’t think it would be a good idea for you and Lance to be in the same room any more than necessary right now.

                I love him, Sister… what am I going to do?

                Whatever penance is required of you, Brother, by Lance and I and anyone else who decides to exact it from you rather than forgive and forget… and I think you will find that an extremely unlikely possibility.  Now go; I will join you for dinner soon.

                Too hurt by and frightened of losing those he loved best to run, Pietro pushed himself away from the wall and walked up to the dorm room that had been set up for he and his sister, his eyes red with tears and his steps as leaden as his heart.

                When he was on his way to the dormitory floor, Wanda walked out of the briefing room and caught an elevator to the dining hall.  She wished that she didn’t have to rebuke Pietro so harshly, but it was time that her submissive learned the consequences of allegiance to their father.  But other thoughts plagued her mind as well:  tremors against her soul that she had felt ever since restoring the Institute.  {Agatha?}

                Chai?  Are you all right?

                I’m not sure.  I’ve been feeling the strangest flutters against my soul… there are things I don’t understand.

                What reaction do you have to these flutters?

                It’s like… like something is trying to get my attention, though I when I look around, I see nothing.

                Perhaps you are looking in the wrong places, chai.  Keep your eyes and senses open.  It will come to you in time.

                I know.  Are you well?

                I am, though Raven is sorely displeased at the rebellion of her young recruits.  She has been like a madwoman, given to rages that sack the house.  I think that moving my caravan away from the manor was for the best.

                You are wandering, then?

                I am near enough that if necessary you could come to me.  I have seen many changes in your life and those of your compatriots in the cards, and I do not think it would be wise to wander until you are beyond them.

                The cards… my deck!  The boys wouldn’t have known where it was when they went to retrieve my things.  It’s still at the house!

                Never fear, chai.  I already removed your deck from the manor.  You will find it safely tucked away in your new home.

                Thank you, Agatha.

                You’re welcome, child.  I will be near if you need me.

                Taking a deep breath, Wanda stepped off the elevator as the doors slid open, reassured that things were still within the realm of her control.


                After dinner, Lance headed down to the danger room rather than to his new dorm.  Pietro’s reappearance had upset the rock-tumbler’s equilibrium even more than the idea of teaming up with Summers.  His initial relief was nothing compared to the hurt and anger that welled up within him barely a heartbeat later.  Pietro had been a willing participant in that scenario; he had chosen of his own volition to spy for his father, to help arrange the presence of the Brotherhood as well as the X-men in that supply yard… the idea rose up and choked Lance, cutting off his breath and bringing tears to his eyes.  Goddammit to Hell… for all I know, he was pretending the whole fucking time… did he ever give a damn about us?  About… me?  No.  No, I’m not gonna think like this.  I’m not gonna go down that road.  I’m just gonna go beat the Hell outta some machines that aren’t programmed to blast me out of existence.

                The sounds coming from behind the doors told Lance that someone else was experiencing a similar need for a workout.  Not really caring whether or not he had company, Lance opened the doors anyway, ready for whatever might come at him as he walked in.

                He wasn’t prepared for a ball of blue fur to come barreling at him in an attempt to escape a long-armed claw.  The flying body hit him full-force, throwing him back through the doors.  Grabbing for anything solid, Lance only managed to get a hold of a furry blue body as he tumbled backwards, bringing his accidental attacker along for the ride.  A male voice sputtered German curses as they rolled, and Lance just started laughing.  He couldn’t help himself.  He’d come down here for a workout, and wound up with an armful of fuzzy blue elf.  What a day.  “You okay, Kurt?”

                “Ja, I’m okay,” Kurt replied, shaking his head to clear the tumbling sensation.  Orienting himself, he realized that he and Lance were sprawled out on the floor, his body draped over Lance’s the long way.  It was a situation he wasn’t sure he wanted to be in; as many assurances that Storm had given them that the time for strife between the Brotherhood and the X-men was over, at least temporarily, Kurt wasn’t sure he wanted to subject himself to any cruel taunts or off comments about his true appearance.  Not only that, but the Brotherhood was, or at least had been, his birth mother’s personal little militia.  Kurt didn’t like the idea of being compared in any way with the woman who had given birth to him and then turned him over to Magneto for genetic experimentation.  “Sorry.”

                “Nah, it was my fault; I shoulda just waited until the program stopped before I walked in.”  Lance smiled softly, his arms still loosely wrapped around Kurt’s body.  The position was comfortable, and Lance liked being comfortable… it hadn’t happened very often in his young life…  “Needed to blow off some steam?”

                “Sort of.”  Kurt shifted just a little; the long, solid frame of the man beneath him had definitely not escaped his attention, but he didn’t want Lance to know about that.  It’s bad enough that he knows that I’m Mystique’s freakish bastard son; I don’t want him finding out I’m bi, too!  “You looked pretty mad at Pietro in the briefing room.”

                “The kid almost got the lot of us killed,” Lance replied, a bit of anger creeping into his tone.  “I can usually forgive the stupid shit people do; I’m no angel, either.  Pie crossed a line… at his usual speed, too.  I’m not ready to forgive that just because he says he’s sorry.”  Absently, Lance stroked a hand down Kurt’s back.  The younger boy’s lithe frame felt good in his arms… vibrant… I could use the sex more than I could use a workout… but is he…?

                Kurt watched the play of emotions across Lance’s face, noticing every flicker of those soft brown eyes.  The strong, masculine body beneath him was beckoning, and that mop of brown hair was positively begging to be brushed from Lance’s brow.  Without stopping to think about it, Kurt followed his impulse, lifting one furry hand to brush the hair from Lance’s face.

                The gesture was almost softer than the fur that caressed Lance’s forehead.  It hearkened back to a memory of elementary science class:  the teacher passing a swatch of rabbit fur around as part of a static electricity demonstration.  This fur was just as soft to the touch, plush and full and warm… Lance couldn’t help himself.  It had been too much in too short a time without any sort of real emotional release.  Lacing a hand into that navy blue hair, Lance pulled Kurt’s mouth down to his for a passionate kiss.

                A moment of surprise swiftly melted under Lance’s heat.  Kurt’s body sighed into his, his tail curling around Lance’s ankle as his hands slipped up into that soft sable hair.  Lance felt his acceptance and pulled him tighter, his hands cradling Kurt’s sleek, lithe body close to his.  Even the fur on Kurt’s face was silky smooth beneath Lance’s fingers; Lance sighed in delight as his tongue dipped into the honeyed cave of Kurt’s mouth, just grazing the points of Kurt’s canines.  He smelled like fresh peaches…  “Damn, you smell good,” Lance whispered softly.

                “Do you have any idea how much conditioner this fur needs?” Kurt replied, playfully nipping at Lance’s lower lip.  “But I thought you were interested in Pietro.”

                “Not as interested as I am in you right now.”  Careful not to roll over Kurt’s tail, Lance changed their positions, giving him better access to those soft lips and that svelte frame.  Kurt arched into his hands as he stroked the length of that glorious body, and Lance was caught by the sudden, undeniable urge to take him right then and there, forgoing any attempt at foreplay… His hands went to the zipper of that suit and he barely remembered that they weren’t exactly in private.  “We’re… likely to attract an audience down here,” Lance managed, his lips brushing over Kurt’s as he formed the words.

                “If you say so,” Kurt replied, nipping at Lance’s lip again.  “Your room or mine?”

                “Yours; we’ll just have to remember to lock the door.”

                “Not a problem.”  Kurt wrapped his entire body around Lance’s long, hard frame and kissed him openly.  He then teleported to his room, just inside the closed door.

                If Lance had noticed the ride they’d just taken, it was peripherally at best.  Kurt’s open mouth beneath his, his legs locked tightly around Lance’s waist drove Lance half mad.  Fumbling wildly, Lance reached up and locked the door even as his other hand found the zipper to Kurt’s battle-spandex.  Kurt was just as eager as he, those furry fingers pulling at Lance’s clothes.  He managed to get Lance’s shirt off before Lance simply picked him off the floor and stood, pressing him up against the wall in an effort to peel the spandex away and still use both hands to drive Kurt wild.  No sooner had Lance shucked the suit away than his fingers were sunk to the knuckles in Kurt’s fur, massaging the flesh beneath and stroking in ways that had Kurt purring in ecstasy…  It was endearing and erotic; Lance had never known anyone who could literally purr before…  The furry blue elf was anchored tightly against his body, and Lance quickly carried him to bed.

                The elf liked being comfy, too; Lance could tell that from the nest of overstuffed pillows and warm quilts that graced the bed.  Lance lowered him into the nest tenderly, watching those pale eyes watching him as he cast aside his own unwanted clothing.  The hungry, passionate expression was so tempting… Lance slid into the nest beside him, curling Kurt close to his body and kissing him again.  Kurt melted into his embrace, eagerly responding to those beguiling lips.  Lance was obviously experienced; for one white-hot second, Kurt was wildly jealous of Pietro and Tabitha… but it didn’t matter when Lance began stroking his body again, his fingers combing through Kurt’s soft fur and igniting a thousand tiny fires in his blood.  He arched up into Lance’s hands, needing Lance closer, needing more… it was so likely that this would never happen to him again after tonight…

                And Lance was determined to take forever in this one night.  With devastating expertise and heart-stopping tenderness, Lance explored every inch of Kurt’s body, finding just the right places to stroke, to scratch, to poke his nose into the fur and nibble the sensitive skin beneath… Lance drank in the sight of him, the scent of peaches and femme in that soft fur.  The fluffy texture of it was a caress against his skin, especially when Kurt writhed and twisted beneath him, pressing their hips together… Lance groaned as Kurt’s long, only slightly furry erection rubbed against his own, sending sizzling tremors through his entire body.  Capturing Kurt’s lips once again, Lance’s hands gripped Kurt’s ass tightly, massaging the taut globes and the muscles between them.  Kurt moaned and trembled in Lance’s arms, needing Lance so desperately… just once, he wanted this…

                Lance was still kissing him as he slipped inside, still massaging even as he sank inch by inch into that incredibly tight warmth.  Kurt gasped, clutching even as he tried to relax, to open more for Lance… it was wonderfully foreign, a welcome intrusion… and Lance just kept right on kissing him, distracting him as he sank to the hilt…

                Fully seated, Lance had to pause for breath.  Kurt’s grip on him was unbelievably tight, impossibly deep; it was all Lance could do to give the adorable elf a moment to adjust rather than simply pound endlessly into him.  Kurt’s fingers were digging into Lance’s back, his legs locked tightly around his waist, his tail curled around his leg, stroking along the sensitive skin of Lance’s ankle.  Lance shivered, bringing a gasp from Kurt as the tremble followed the length of Lance’s erection inside him.  For long, heady moments, Kurt clung to Lance’s solid frame, desperately trying to commit to memory this feeling of wholeness, of tender fullness… of being wanted

                Finally, Lance dipped his head, just brushing his lips over Kurt’s in a light, questioning caress.  Kurt’s lips reached for his eagerly, brushing against his just before he captured Lance’s lower lip in his teeth and tugged playfully.  Lance sealed his mouth against Kurt’s, coaxing his lip from those sharp teeth.  “You okay?” he murmured.

                “Why you think I would not be?”  Kurt smiled softly up at Lance.  “This is the first time we haven’t been trying to hurt one another.”

                The truth of those words struck a powerful chord in the rock-tumbler.  Why were we really fighting one another, anyway?  I might have thought the X-geeks were stupid, but I never actually wanted to do more than kick Summers around a couple of times.  What am I doing fighting Mysti’s war?  Or Magneto’s?  Why are they fighting Xavier’s?  It doesn’t make any sense… but this makes sense.  Right here, right now, life makes sense.

                The expression in Lance’s eyes was so strange that for a moment, Kurt thought he might have said something wrong.  That frightening misconception was shattered as Lance curled his strong arms around Kurt’s slender body and kissed him so openly and so honestly that Kurt almost cried for the love it seemed to confer… and then Lance slowly stroked inside him.

                Kurt gasped and arched into Lance, his fingers tightening into Lance’s shoulders.  Lance groaned softly as Kurt’s tail twitched against his ankle, the hot, tight depth of Kurt’s body clutching at him.  It was pure bliss… nothing else mattered… just the sweet, loving stroke of one body into another… one body sheathing the other… Kurt wanted to sob for the joy of it… for once in his life not being defined by this damnable blue fur…  “More, Lance… please…”

                “How much more, Kurt?” Lance teased.  His whole body was shaking; he was trying not to shake the building down around their ears…

                Swiftly, Kurt leaned up and caught Lance’s earlobe between his lips.  The whole bed shuddered as Lance nearly lost all restraint.  “Rock my world,” Kurt whispered huskily.

                The elf almost got more than he bargained for.  Lance let go, focusing entirely upon driving deep and hard and strong into Kurt’s ass.  Determined not to hurt the younger boy, Lance turned every iota of expertise he’d gleaned from his previous liaisons to Kurt’s advantage, caressing and nibbling and suckling until Kurt thrashed and bucked wildly beneath him, grinding his hips against Lance’s, taking him deeper than even Lance thought he could go… Lance absorbed every gasp, every cry, every moan of ecstasy into his soul, needing the release, the affection, the absolution…

                Kurt’s ass clamped down on him as he drove Kurt over the edge and Lance couldn’t hold on.  Only vaguely did he feel the bed vibrating beneath them as he erupted inside Kurt, clinging to the younger mutant just as hard as Kurt clung to him.

                For long moments, neither seemed able to move.  Neither really wanted to.  Kurt was soaking up the affection like a thirsty sponge, and Lance wasn’t about to let go of Kurt after an orgasm like that.  He didn’t even want to open his eyes.  After all, the furry elf was snuggling into him like a contented kitten, that soft-furred tail still wrapped around Lance’s ankle.  Lance was feeling fairly content himself; in fact, he hadn’t felt this peaceful with any lover he’d ever taken…

                Except Pietro.

                Guilt rushed over Lance, washing away much of the euphoric tenderness he’d been feeling.  It was one thing to have strayed from Pietro’s bed; Lance knew that Pietro would eventually forgive him.  But Lance could easily tell that Kurt had been a virgin, and not just in the gay sense, either.  Much as Lance didn’t want to part with the adorable cuddly elf just now, he still loved Pietro; still wanted to eventually get back together with the snowy-haired speedster.  That wasn’t fair to Kurt, far less fair than a brief infidelity was to Pietro… especially when Lance knew the odds of anyone getting past Kurt’s less-than-normal appearance as he just had.

                Kurt knew what Lance was thinking about.  He could feel it in his lover’s body.  It didn’t matter; he’d already accepted the reality of the situation.  Lance opened his mouth and Kurt cut him off with a shake of the head.  “Nein.”


                Soft fingers covered the rock tumbler’s lips.  “Nein, mein liebe.  Talking is for later.”  Before Lance could respond, Kurt leaned up and kissed him gently.

                This really isn’t fair… Lance thought to himself.  He deserves someone who’ll love him forever… someone who’ll never get enough of stroking his soft fur, kissing those sweet lips… just tonight isn’t enough… but just for tonight, I’m all he has.  Abandoning all thoughts of justice, Lance deepened the contact between them.  “Beautiful…” he murmured, just before he lost himself once again in the sweet, hot depths of Kurt’s passion.


A/N:  Um… hi!  ::hides from all Lance/Kitty and Pietrance fans::  Don’t hurt me!  It’s okay, I promise!  I honestly do have a plan!  Just be gentle; I’m feeling very fragile today.  :-}

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