Author’s Note:  Okay, gang, this is where several of you will likely come at me with sharp pointy objects unless I make one thing clear from the outset.  Between the info on Rosiel’s page and my brief observations of Wanda, Pietro, and their interactions, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that Wanda is the dominant twin and Pietro is the submissive.  No, these are not S&M denominations, either:  these are the roles that twins almost invariably fall into.  As such, I write them according to the dynamic between dominant and submissive twins with which I have experience, especially that of Romani twins.  Please don’t yell at me too loudly.  In case nobody can identify it, the song used in this chapter is Empty by Anathema.  We’re dealing with Goths in this story, people; who did you expect me to use?


This story takes place after “Day of Reckoning”.  It is erotica, and therefore is not for the eyes of those under 18 or easily offended by sexual situations, homo- or hetero-.  X-men:  Evolution is the property of the WB, Marvel comics, and several people that I’m probably forgetting.  You can’t sue me!  I don’t have any money anyway, so it wouldn’t do you any good. :-P  There are also random songfic elements to this story; the songs used (plus a few others for good measure) are listed below and belong to their respective artists and recording companies.  If you do not have these songs or have never heard them, AudioGalaxy is a free peer-to-peer mp3 site where they can likely be downloaded.  I especially recommend the songs by Anathema, Godgory, Linkin’ Park, Depeche Mode, Poe and Nickelback as theme music for Wanda.

Comments, questions, and favorable reviews are encouraged.  Criticisms that are phrased civilly will be taken under advisement.  Flames will be fueled with napalm and returned, causing the offending keyboard to melt internally and be unable to manufacture any further unchivalrous nonsense.  You have been warned.


Recommended Musical Accompaniment:  Play the Game- Motorhead
                                                                                                                        It Doesn’t Even Matter- Linkin’ Park
                                                                                                                        Angry Johnny- Poe
                                                                                                                        Blasphemous Rumors- Depeche Mode
                                                                                                                        Dogma- KMFDM
                                                                                                                        How You Remind Me- Nickelback
                                                                                                                        Torpedoes- MDFMK
                                                                                                                        Empty- Anathema
                                                                                                                        Conspiracy of Silence- Godgory
                                                                                                                        Last Note of Freedom- David Coverdale
                                                                                                                        Nothing Else Matters- Metallica
                                                                                                                        Can I Touch You… There- Michael Bolton
                                                                                                                        To The Moon and Back- Savage Garden


Aftermath:  Chapter Three

By Lady Eternal


                        After a moment of open-mouthed shock, Scott turned on his two-way radio.  “Storm?”

                        There was a startled pause.  <<Scott?  How on earth?>>

                        “The Institute…” Scott croaked.  “It’s back.”

                        The words somehow forced action through Lance’s limbs.  He darted towards door; Scott grabbed his wrist.  “Let me in there.”

                        “We have to wait for Storm.”

                        “Let me in!”  Lance picked Scott up by the lapel.  “Wanda’s in there.”

                        “And we don’t know what we’ll find,” Scott replied.  “You can’t rescue someone if you’re out cold.”

                        Lance released Scott, taking a deep breath to steady himself.  For once, Four Eyes is right.

                        Storm rounded the corner then, the others right behind her.  The sight of the Institute doors caused Storm’s heart to skip, her step faltering for a moment before she strode to the door and punched in her access code.

                        The doors slid open with a cool hiss, revealing the pristine metallic walls of the lower levels.  Carefully, Storm led the teens inside, her eyes sweeping their environment for signs of trickery or entrapment.  Jean gasped suddenly and everyone turned.  “What?”

                        “It… it’s real,” Jean whispered.  “I don’t know how, but… it’s real…”  Jean met Scott’s eyes once before she dropped to her knees with a cry, clutching the sides of her head.

                        “Jean!”  Scott was there in a heartbeat, cradling her.  “Jean, what is it?”

                        “No, it’s… it’s okay,” Jean managed, though she made no move to leave Scott’s embrace.  “It’s just… echoes.  A cacophony of phantom memories suddenly rushed in…”  She looked up at Storm.  “Something… powerful happened…”  Suddenly, Jean glanced up as the last echoes faded from her mind.  “Do you guys hear that?”

                        Everyone strained, listening.  “I can’t hear anything,” Kurt replied.  “There is nothing.”

                        Jean shook her head, standing.  “No, I hear it… it’s music…”

                        “Follow it,” Storm instructed calmly.  “We will follow you.”

                        Jean walked through the lower levels, reaching the elevator.  Only peripherally was she aware of the other mutants following her, so completely focused was she on finding the source of the music in her mind.

                        Empty vessel under the sun
                        Wipe the dust from my face
                        Another morning
                        Black Sunday coming down again
                        Coming down again

                        Empty vessel, empty veins
                        Empty bottles wish for rain
                        In pain again
                        I wash the blood off my face,
                        The pus from my brain
                        In pain again
                        But I feel like pain again


                        “Does she even know she’s singing it?” Kitty asked Storm quietly.

                        “Likely not,” Storm replied.  “If whatever recreated the Institute is causing the music Jean is hearing, it is probably trying to communicate.  Since only Jean is able to actually receive its attempts, it may well be speaking through her so that the rest of us will hear its message.”

                        “Can someone really do that?”

                        “A powerful enough telepath can.  The Professor can and has, though only in the most dire of situations.”

                        I’m lookin’ over my shoulder
                        ‘Cause millions will whisper
                        I’m killin’ myself again
                        Maybe I’m dyin’ fast
                        Because nothing ever lasts

                        I remember a night from my past
                        When I was stabbed in the back
                        And it’s all coming back
                        ‘Cause I feel like pain again

                        I abhor you
                        I condemn you
                        ‘Cause this pain will never end
                        You got away without a scratch
                        And now you’re walking on a rocky path
                        I have to laugh
                        But you’d better watch your back

                        Todd glanced up at Lance.  “I heard this before, yo.”

                        “Me, too.”

                        Forge was about to ask where when the elevator doors slid open.  Jean stepped out, guided only by the music growing louder in her mind.  Knowing only that Jean knew their destination, the group stepped out onto the girls’ dormitory floor.  Turning the knob on the door to Rogue’s room, Jean pushed it open with a light touch.  There, on the bed where Rogue had slept until just yesterday, lay Wanda.

                        This pathetic opposition
                        They’re the cause of my condition
                        I’ll be coming back for them
                        I’ve a solution for this sad situation
                        Nothing left
                        But to kill myself again
                        (‘Cause I’m so empty)

                        Like a marionette cut from its strings, the powerful Goth lay in a crumpled heap.  Todd leaped forward, reaching the bed only a half step before Storm.  “She ain’t breathin’,” Todd reported gravely.

                        “Storm, it’s her.  It’s her I’m hearing,” Jean asserted, her complexion pale from the implications of that statement.

                        “That is one of her favorite songs,” Lance confirmed.  At Kitty’s questioning expression, Lance shrugged.  “She plays it a lot, anyway.”

                        Storm quickly assessed the situation.  She’d seen demonstrations of Wanda’s abilities before, but not even the Professor could have guessed at this.  One thing was certain:  the girl radiated power, but she was barely able to keep her own heart beating.  Charles, where are you when we need you?  You would understand such magicks.  “Kurt, Kitty:  go down to the med lab and bring up one of the portable vital monitors, an IV setup, and a catheter.  Jean, Amara, get me cool water and cloths.  Forge, you check the computer systems; Scott, take the younger students and bring our camp inside.  Lance, what do you have of Wanda’s from the manor?”

                        “Everything; she didn’t bring a whole lot with her from that mental ward.”

                        “Good; bring everything here.  Todd, I’ll need you to stay with her when I go to move the aircraft.”

                        “Storm, what is going on?” Kurt asked.

                        Storm brushed the hair from Wanda’s face with a gentle breeze, looking up to gaze at her charges.  “Somehow, Wanda rebuilt the Institute.”  The impact of that statement was visible.  Storm had to wait a moment before telling them the rest.  “She barely has enough vital energy left to keep her heart beating.”

                        A heartbeat later, the teens were racing to obey Storm’s commands.



                        Pietro huddled in a corner, waiting his chance.  Trask hadn’t found him yet, but he was looking.  One Mach 3 sprint and Pietro would be out, away from Trask’s men and able to rejoin Wanda and Lance.


                        There.  The opening.  Pietro braced and then ran faster than he ever had, desperate to escape…

                        Brother, have you forgotten my voice after all this time?

                        Finally free, Pietro paused for breath.  No sign of pursuit.  Of course, he was halfway out of Bayville already.

                        It matters not, Brother.  Soon, you will never have to wonder at my voice again.

                        Damn it, Wanda; I was busy!  I got out of that lab.  I’m coming home.

                        Then you will be in time to bury me.

                        WHAT!!!  Wanda, what do you mean?

                        I restored the X-men’s Institute by folding time-space.  It was all I could think of to truly have a chance to save you.  Once again, you will live at my expense.

                        Wanda, no!  Please don’t die.  There must be something.

                        There is, but it would require your help.  You have never aided me when I needed it most.  You were too busy licking Father’s boots.  I was a plaything, something to be enjoyed when times were good and set aside when I was not convenient.  I thought that we might once again be as we were as children, but now I see that you have simply outgrown your old toy.  It is for the best that I leave now, my Brother, and no longer intrude myself upon someone who has no use for me.

                        I’ll do it!  Anything!  Please, just don’t die, Wanda.

                        Then open to me, my brother.  Open your mind and heart to me as you have not since that day.

                        Pietro ran with all his strength, flinging open the twin bond frantically.  Sister… Sister, I’m coming.



                        Wanda had been asleep for two days.  Storm had assigned the older mutants to watch her vitals in shifts, praying that she would waken.  There were many questions which required answering, including why she had been found in Rogue’s room.  But Storm was not a medical doctor, nor a spirit healer.  Aside from keeping nutrients flowing into her body with the IV, Storm knew of nothing that might help the girl recover.

                        Meanwhile, with the Institute once again whole and operational, there was a rescue operation to mount.  Scott and Lance bickered over strategy, possibilities of reconnaissance, who should even be on the strike team.  Storm was growing tired of their squabbling, but she knew of nothing that could halt them short of information.  Charles would say that this will, eventually, prove to be a learning experience for Scott about leadership and effective teamwork… if we can ever get him past this territory-marking nonsense.  Lance would likely make an even better leader than Scott, except he’s embroiled in the same contest.  If they don’t work this out soon, I’m going to strangle both of them.

                        Into their stalled attempts at organization blasted Pietro.  In his effort to reach his twin, Quicksilver simply ran up the side of the mansion and through the open window.  Tumbling past a startled Kurt into Rogue’s bed and curling Wanda close, the snowy-haired youth burst into tears, desperately afraid that he was too late.  Kurt was about to pull Pietro off Wanda, calling to Storm on his communicator as he rose, when he stopped in his tracks.

                        There was no real change.  Just Pietro curled around Wanda with his head tucked submissively under her chin, weeping as a litany of apologies tumbled from his tongue.  But slowly, as though moving through wet cement, Wanda’s arms lifted to embrace her brother.

                        Storm came through the door a moment later.  It took her half a second to realize what had happened, and she breathed a sigh of relief.  “It will be all right, Kurt.  Just stay with them.”

                        “But, he was with Magneto,” Kurt protested.

                        Storm measured the twins up once more.  “Not anymore,” she declared softly.  “Just stay until she wakes, Kurt, and let them be.  I’ll explain later.”

                        Kurt shrugged as Storm left, muttering in German as he sat back down.


                        Jasmine and roses.  Such delicate scents for such resilient beauty.  Wanda opened her eyes slowly, drinking in the feel of the room and her brother sleeping in her arms.  He had cried himself to sleep in his upset, clinging to Wanda as he had when they were children and something had frightened him.  Wanda smiled at that.  Faced with the ultimate separation, Pietro had come to heel.  It was a good sign:  Magneto had not broken her influence over him completely.  Once Pietro understood his place, she intended to deal with their father permanently.  Glancing around, she caught sight of Kurt, now appearing normal, seated by the window and reading.  “Hello, again,” she murmured.

                        Kurt looked up.  “Oh, you are awake.  Good.  Are you feeling better?”

                        “Yes.”  Wanda stroked Pietro’s hair, quieting his shifting at hearing her voice.  “He has come back to me.”

                        Kurt’s brow furrowed in confusion, but he reserved his questions for later.  “Do you want anything?”

                        “Tea, if you have any.  Something to soothe my nerves.”

                        “Ja.”  Kurt turned on his com-link.  “Storm:  she’s awake, and she wants some hot tea.”

                        <<I’ll be right up, Kurt.>>

                        Wanda’s eyes flickered around the room.  “Where am I?”

                        “You’re in Rogue’s room,” Kurt supplied.  “We found you here.”

                        Wanda nodded.  “Yes… is there any word?”

                        “None.  We don’t know enough about that place Trask has, or if everybody’s still there.  Scott and Lance just bicker like hausfraus, and Jean is wearing herself out on Cerebro.  Nobody knows if they are even still alive.”

                        Stroking her twin’s snowy hair again, Wanda’s expression remained as inscrutable as ever.  “One of us does.”

                        Kurt’s eyes followed hers, resting on the napping Quicksilver.  Gott im Himmel… he was there… he knows if the others are all right, where they were being held… we might save them yet…

                        The door opened, and Storm stepped into the room, a silver tray in her hands.  Wanda smiled in relief when she saw the wisps of steam curling from the spout, the delicate china cup seated lightly upon a matching saucer, the creamer and sugar bowl set on the remaining corners of the tray.  Shifting up in the bed, Wanda jostled Pietro, who woke with a grumble.  “Wake up, brother.  My tea has arrived, and I can’t drink it on my back.”

                        Fortunately, Storm was wise enough to hold onto the tea tray.  The moment his sister’s words penetrated his consciousness, Pietro’s eyes flew open and Wanda was being clutched about the middle while he once again rattled off a series of tongue-tying apologies and pleas for absolution.  Of course, only Wanda understood what was flying off her brother’s tongue, for the lightening-quick words were also being directed at the valley between Wanda’s breasts.  It mattered little.  Wanda chuckled softly, stroking her brother’s hair again.  “Brother, it’s all right.  I’m in one piece… though none of this would have happened had you not betrayed me to Magneto.”  When Pietro flinched, Wanda made a soft chiding sound and urged him up.  “Now let me drink my tea.  We have much to do and little time.”  Taking the tray with a gracious smile from Storm, Wanda swiftly poured the steaming water over the tea bag.  The scent was light, soothing.  “Sassafras; excellent.”  Ignoring the cream and sugar, she allowed her tea to steep.

                        Storm gauged the Goth carefully.  Her attitude was civil, genteel… completely out of character with the enraged and powerful mutant they had first encountered, as well as the withdrawn and inscrutable young woman that had joined them a few days ago.  “Are you feeling better?” Storm asked carefully.

                        “I am, now that my brother has returned to me,” Wanda replied.  She sipped at her tea with an elegant grace.  “But that’s not what you really want to know.  You want to know why I am not the raging psychotic that you knew me to be.”

                        For a moment, Storm blinked.  Was the girl telepathic as well?  “It is a valid question.”

                        “And easily read on your face,” Wanda replied.  “I have no reason to direct my rage against anyone but the party responsible for forcing my brother and I apart, now that my brother understands where he belongs.  Magneto alone will bear the full brunt of my wrath.”

                        “Then you did restore the Institute.”

                        Wanda nodded.  “I simply created a ripple in space-time, which caused the fabric of reality to fold against itself.  That allowed a copy of the Institute from the recent past to slip through and enter this part of reality.  It’s… very subjective; I really don’t understand all of what’s involved.”

                        “How did you do it, then?” Kurt asked.

                        “I just… did.”  Wanda shrugged, sipping at her tea as her eyes took in the room around her.  “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I think it would be appropriate for my brother and I to move into a different room.  We have much to discuss…”  She glanced pointedly at Pietro, who flinched in misery.  “… and probably should not take up permanent residence in Rogue’s room while doing so.”

                        Storm nodded.  “Of course.”  After a moment’s hesitation, she asked, “How did you end up in Rogue’s room?”

                        “That, I truly don’t know the answer to.  I passed out from the exhaustion once the Institute slid into place; the last thing I remember before waking up here was making sure that the fabric was smooth once again and releasing it.”

                        Her answer disturbed Storm somehow; there was something here that she wasn’t seeing.  Still, if Wanda didn’t know, or didn’t want to share, Storm saw no reason to anger the Goth by pressing the matter.  Standing, she gestured to Kurt.  “Come, we should select a room for the twins.”  Turning back, Storm gave Wanda a motherly smile.  “I’m glad you’re all right, dear, and thank you.”

                        “You’re welcome,” Wanda replied.  She waited until the door was closed, then fixed Pietro with a steely gaze.  “Now then, Brother:  you’re going to tell me exactly what that madman is doing, in the minutest detail you can recall, and if you leave anything out, I will make certain you don’t move for a month.”

                        Pietro looked up at his sister in hurt astonishment.  “Sister…”

                        “You are far from redeeming yourself, Brother.  Start talking, now.”



A/N:  Never fear; Pietro is here!  But things can only get more interesting with Speedy in the picture… and we still have a rescue to mount.  Stay tuned!

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