You know You’ve been Watching Too Much Evangelion When...



...You know that Shinji Ikari means Hatred of the Truth in Japanese.

...You know what Gendo says to Ritsuko before he shoots her ("Watashi ai anata"= "I love you")


...You’re disappointed when the school guidance counselor says your not cut out for NERV employment.


...You watch Trainspotting and Eva 0:13 in the same session, run to the front door, throw it open and scream: "CHOOSE LIFE!"


...No, mom, you're not supposed to say 'Ohh, hi honey.' Here's how it works: I say "I'm home" and you reply "Welcome home."


...You sit in your chair with nothing to do and you say "I never thought that doing nothing could be this exahusting"


...To ask for an impossible favor you offer a steak dinner.


...You notice that Yebisu beer is 100% alcohol.


...In the Playstation game "Rival Schools" you always Use akira as your back up character, because of her team up move.


...You know the Names of all the NERV techs.


......You send Evangelion postcards to everyone even though they don't know what Evangelion is.


......In ADV.(which stand for advisement in school)you think of Evangelion and ADVision.


......In Social Studies class your teacher say to makeup an island.You name your island Eva and put the capitol Tokyo-3.


......You start acting like you favorite Eva character.


.......You noticed Neon the beanie baby seahorse keep reminding you of NEON Genesis Evangelion.


...Your friends go to Japan and you throw a fit when they don't bring you anything back that has to do w/ eva.


...You get a Renault Alpine and try to park like Misato...and succeed


...You take time to read this unbelievably long list (both pages).


...You say, "It's hot" and your friend replies, "Yes."


...You know you watch too much EVA when you start to bathe more frequently because it cleans the mind and soul.


...Half a maple leaf with the words "God's in his heaven, All's Right with the World" appears in your dreams


...You arrest your son when he doesn't come out of the car, and tell him that it is against the law to use the car in a personal vendetta.


...Your computer opens with Thesis of a Cruel Angel and closes with "Fly Me to the Moon"


...You cradle an injured girl, close your eyes and mumble "I mustn't run away" over and over.


...You keep on having flashbacks of yourself crying at age three when your mother disappears.


...When you wake up in a hospital, the first thing you think of is a giant eye


...You get fired from your job as a street painter when you start painting the streets with signs to warn motorists there is an EVA plug ahead.


...You know the subtle differences between the translation of the Japanese version and the dubbed version.


...You saw Kaoru in Slayers Try.


...You didn’t see Kaoru in Slayers Try because You were too busy watching Eva.


...You see a window overlooking a large room and you avoid it because you're afraid that Unit 00 will go berserk and try to smash it.


...You blame passengers for creating "thought noise" when your car won't start.


You get in your friend's new Volkswagen and you begin thinking "bratwurst, strudel..." and other German words so you don't mess up their synchronization.


...Your brother wants to name his daughter Angel and you say you'll name yours Eva, and can't wait to see them fight. an awkward situation, you say nothing and stand perfectly still for an entire minute.


...You just start singing "Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling dooooown"


...You walk by Japanese people talking to each other, and look around for the subtitles.


...When asked to point Tokyo out on a map, you ask "1, 2, or 3?"


...You arrive to the conclusion that Rei is not mentally insane.


...You have an band, and then you realize that Evangelion has inspired you in most of the lyrics of the tracks.


...Or you do your own version of “Fly Me To The Moon.” (we did a Punk version. Riff 13)


... You try to work out, genetically, if a 1/4 Japanese girl could have red hair and blue eyes


...You wish you could replace a V8 engine with an S2 engine


...Real girls start to look less attractive


...You start seeing lines, zig-zags, and other thickly drawn shapes in black on a white background in your dreams.


...Every time you dream, Shinji's voice repeats, "Enemy. Enemy. Enemy! ENEMY!”


...You're pissed that your city doesn't have buildings that rise up out of the ground like Tokyo-3 does.


...You make a large hand-shaped indentation in you lawn and tell people that you narrowly missed being crushed by a falling Unit 01 because you were between two of its fingers.


...You don't pay your power bill because you think that "all the power in Japan is yours".


...You slap anyone who hates their hard-to-know, emotionless father.


...You go to driver training, and when the instructor asks the class to explain why it's unsafe to pick up hitch-hikers, you scream, "You can't allow unauthorized personnel into the entry plug!"


...Whenever you kiss your boyfriend, you hold his nose because "it tickles my face" then run off to the bathroom and start gargling madly.


...You tell people that your computer was programmed using your mother's personality, and it was divided into: Your mother as a woman, your mother as a parent/mother, and your mother as a scientist.


...You know almost all of the lines word perfect and when you watch an episode you can speak along with it.


...You make up an EVA drinking game


...After you watch something you say "That was nothing compared to Evangelion."


...You take a psychology coarse just so you can better understand the mental conditions of all the characters of Evangelion.


...You learn to read Japanese just so you can play the Evangelion card game, or read the imported manga you just bought.


...You talk to someone for the first time and talk to them about Eva even though the don’t even know what anime is.


You sign everyones yearbook " Gods in his heaven all’s right with the world"


...You actually know that Robert Browning wrote that.


...You decide to learn Japanese just so you can view the series in its unabridged, undubbed, unsubbed glory.


...When a girl complains she's on her period and you say "So? That shouldn't affect your synch ratio."


...You think about EVA more than you think of your Girlfriend/boyfriend.


...You want to get the same walkman as Shinji.


...You have dreams with subtitles.


...When in a sticky situation you say " I mustn't runaway ... I mustn't runaway" over and over


...You’re doing a writing sample for school, you write one including every Eva character you can fit, and Tokyo-3. Your teacher thinks it's highly original. You think it's hilarious.


...You convert your basement into an underground shelter just in case an Angel attacks.


...You realize that your friend CJ's name's closest translation in Japanese is Shinji.


...You scour the nation's school uniform stores searching for Rei/Asuka's dress.


...You take offense when your beloved calls you angel.


...Your boyfriend tells you he's getting a second job, and you shoot him.


...You buy a Frank Sinatra CD just so you have another version of "Fly Me To The Moon".


...You spend more money on Eva merchandise than on food.


...Someone asks you to send them a .wav file for them to identify you by, and you send Asuka shouting, "Are you an idiot?!"


...You give someone a lecture on tenshi vs. shito and they say "Enough, I've already heard it!"


...You cried when you finished the last Eva movie.


...You have ICQed people out of the blue because their nicknames were Eva-related.


...You brag to your friends that you match more items on this list than they do.


...You plan on getting having a baby in 2000/01 so that they'll be old enough to be pilots, then kill yourself so they'll be "motherless children.”


...You do your final paper in English class on Eva.


...Your friends who have never seen the series start making up symptoms after watching you talk about Eva


...You do your psychology thesis on the psychological themes in Evangelion.


...You legally change your name to one of the Eva characters


...You realize that you'll be 29 and your best friend will be 30 in the year 2015. (Misato and Ritsuko)


...You realize that for every character in Evangelion you have a friend similar to him/her.


...You actually noticed it when, in Genesis 0:1, the roof of Misato's car was dented and two seconds later it was perfectly flat.


...You noticed when Ritsuko's earrings weren't attached to her ears.


...You noticed Misato's earring change in Genesis 0:1 from suns to pearls, plus, she never wears the sun earrings again.


...You find it kind of funny that this page is on Angelfire.


 ...You make a costume and dress up as you’re favorite Eva character.


...You go to Project A-kon X, and pester Tiffany Grant to give you a sound byte for your Too Much Eva page.


...Your father hires you to work at his orginazation because he has a use for you.


...You Make A Club Called Seele.


...You start using NGE characters/situations anytime you are asked to make comparisons in a Literature class.


...The only discs that seem to be in your CD player are Eva soundtracks, and you have a 6 disc changer.


...You tell your (Female) classmates that they would make great mothers.


...You sell pictures of a cute classmate to other students.


...Your E-Mail has a user name related to Evangelion.


...You only visit pages about Evangelion.


...You have the scripts of the 26 chapters.


...You have the scripts of the 2 movies.


...You never get tired of visiting pages like this.


...When you nitpick the series to create your own symptoms.


...When angels don't seem heavenly anymore.


...For fun you debate weather End of Evangelion's ending was death or rebirth.


...After discussing above topic, people e-mail you and tell you how depressing you are.


...You believe that your AT Field will protect you from anything.


.... you find this website so funny because you can relate with every SINGLE thing (man, ain't that scary!)


.... your emotional outbursts include the words "antabaka", "bakat nanikateneyo" and "kirai!" without you even noticing.


.... you actually time if it really takes less than 20 seconds for Asuka to destroy each of the Eva series.


.... you hold group discussions to determine the true interpretation of the End of Evangelion.


.... in these group discussions, you can never never EVER agree


..... these cartoon characters are more real to you than any person you will ever meet


...You play Rock/Paper/Scissors with your roommate to divide up the chores.


...You understand exactly what is happening at any given point in the series. Even during the psycho-babble!


...You tell your unenlightened friends about Evangelion all the time, even though they have no idea what your talking about.


...You name your children after the pilots.


...You refer to your basement/wine cellar as terminal dogma


...You buy a purple car, just so you can get personalized number plates that say "eva01"


...Volcanoes erupt, and you tell your friends that an angel has awoke inside the magma.


...You think its normal to have dreams about Eva characters, especially blue haired, red eyed ones...


...You refer to humans as "lilim's", cause you like the idea of being "devil spawn", the sons/daughters of lilith


...You have a dream about piloting you own Evangelion.


...You go into a jewelry store and get upset because You can't find a cross like Misato's.


...You try to mix your own LCL in Chemistry Class.


...After reading a list like this you realize that more than half of them describe you...........and you're damn proud of it (I am)


...You insist on bringing a video camera to school and taping everything in sight.


...You are in withdrawal because you do not have access to new NGE material.


...The millennium bug seems unimportant.


...You are currently moving to the center of the continent to keep away from the impending doom that second impact will have on the coast.


...You have visited over 20 NGE sites in the last week!


...You notice that halfway through the series Misato switches from Yebisu Beer to Boa Beer.


... your best pick-up line is "do you want to become one with me?"


...You have tried to use "Do you want to become one with me?" as a pick up line.


... you stare at a complete stranger, thinking 'wow, he/she looks just like (fill in character of choice)'


... you try to figure out the Tree of Life and why the hell it's on Gendo's ceiling.


...You start to hate your father. Immensely.

...You check this webpage to see what symptoms you haven't come down with yet.


...You start to fantasize about Asuka coming into your room, falling asleep beside you.


...You can listen to 'Fly me to the Moon' for, oh, say a billion times and not get sick of it.(of course it helps when there's 20 different versions of the song.)


...The world as we know it is about to end and you pick up a six-pack-a-Yebisu beer and go back to watching NGE.


...You write an email to Riff 13 to tell him about your symptoms of watching too much NGE.


...You cried when you saw the scene where Ritsuko destroyed the dummy plug.


...You whacked anyone who even dared to say anything bad about EVA.


...You go to the supermarket to look for Yebisu beer.


...You start to clasp your hands together and rest your head on them like how Gendo does it.


...You run to the kitchen, grab something hot and burn your hands. Then you can tell people about how you risked your life to save Rei's.


...You don't wear your be drug-free button out of respect for Misato.


...Two words: Instant food.


...You automatically refer to your car as Unit 01.


...You have trouble sincronizing with your car.


...Having a penguin as a pet doesn't seem that weird to you anymore.


...You think "God's in his heaven. All's right with the world." makes sense.


...You actually understand what I'm talking about.


...You dye your hair blue for no apparent reason


...You know all the characters' birthdays.


...You start calling your dog Pen-Pen and wonder why he doesn't like his new fridge


...You would do absolutely anything for that Nerv jacket.


...You do Misato's "oookay?? Oooookay." thing.


...You think of Shinji every time you say "Yes, ma'am"


...You're lying in your bed and you can't help but say "Another unfamiliar ceiling"


...Your teacher assigns you a research paper on your favorite city. You turn in a full report on Tokyo-3.


...Beer. Beer is good. 50 Gallons of it.


...Nothing draws attention like evasive action.




...You Convert to Christianity because of Eva.

...This web page is an accurate reflection of your life.


...You go scuba diving in a swimming pool.


...You believe in A.D.V.'s slogan For Eva "Gospel for the New Century. The End Of Man."


...Nothing on this list seems that unusual to you.


...You learn German just so you can understand what Asuka is saying. (this seems to be a common symptom.)




...You see the sun breaking through a batch of storm clouds and you avoid it at all costs so the Angel can't unravel your mind.


...You make a Too Much Eva page. (sigh)


...You look at the dates on Yui's grave and get the chills because the birth year is way too close to yours (if not the same).


...Your electric razor comes unplugged and you wonder why it stops because the internal battery should have 5 min. of power.


...You design all of your Mechs in "Armored Core" to look like the Evas.


...You grow watermelons.


...You go to the UN to apply for a position in Nerv.


...You spell "nerve" as "nerv."


...You think you're best friend is an Angel because he acts like Kaoru.


...You plan to go to the Ross Ice Shelf on Sept. 12-15 to witness Second Impact.


...You want to make hundreds of blue haired female clones.


...You have fantasies about Rei, Asuka, Misato, Ritsuko, Maya, or all of the above.


...You start a small Eva following at your workplace.


...You start picking out the cast to the live-action "Neon Genesis Evangelion" series.


...The thought of Church frightens you simply because they talk about Angels.


...You would pick Rei (or any Eva female) over you current girlfriend.


...You start asking pet shops what their prices are on penguins.


...You write "EVA" on everything you own.


...You have a female friend with short hair and you ask her to dye her hair blue and get red contacts.


...You wonder where you'll be and what you'll be doing in the year 2015.


...When your teacher asks you to explain thermal expansion you ask one of the girls in the class to warm her breasts with her hands, and then ask someone else in the class if he thinks her breasts will get larger or smaller.


...You put a small motor on your switchblade so you can have your own Prog. Knife.




...You know who Mana Kirishima is.


...Your father tells you to kill your best friend. Twice.


...You refer to Eva as the German Heroin of anime.


...You refer to your room as Central Dogma.


...You want to trade places with Shinji.


...You play with Eva toys and have them do battle with legos.


...You get a Nerv tattoo




...You get a fake Nerv ID card.

...You have a small Eva following building at your school


...'Thesis of a Cruel Angel' is your song of the day, and it's playing through your head in both English and Japanese.


...You start muttering nonsensical Eva-related things in a social situation.


...You have a shrine dedicated to Rei, Kaoru, Kaoru and Shinji together, and the entire cast.


...Eva posters decorate your room.


...Your birthday and Christmas wish-lists are more than 90% Eva-related.


...Your computer software has a bug in it, so you initiate the self-destruct sequence on your computer so that the two can "co-exist"


...You hop into a friends car and fear that it might reject you. 


...You embezzle millions of dollars from schools and non-profit communities so you too can have an Eva.


...After a trip to Japan, you're crushed because you never found Tokyo 3


...A German transfer student comes to live with you, and you question her about her previous piloting experiences


...You don't know who was the famous general in the war of 1812, but you know all the details of Eva 04, which wasn't even completed


...You noticed that in episode 12, Misato's eyes are one shade lighter than they normally are.


...You check episode 12 after reading the previous line to see if it's really true.


...You have a physical and psychological addiction to Evangelion


...You have enough Evangelion images to wallpaper your neighborhood


...You still get tense wondering what will happen next, even though you have seen the episode six dozen times


...You seen every episode at least five hundred times, and it still hasn't worn thin on you


...It never dawns on you that others don't care about Evangelion


...When you're feeling down, you ride the subway from dawn till dusk.


...You're doing all you can to prepare for second impact in 2000.


...People forget you exist because all you do is watch Evangelion


...You fill your car with water and try to breathe through it while you drive.


...You have a favorite version of "Fly Me To The Moon."


...You walk out of the room in the middle of a conversation with out saying a word.


...Your head hurts.


...You think the Maji are a computer system.


...You're Waiting to hear news reports about a comet smashing into Antarctica. (Second Impact.)


...You own all 26 episodes plus both movies.


...You think it's a good idea to watch the entire series in one sitting.


...You own more than one Evangelion CD.


...You have a friend who looks exactly like your mother.


...You think that the conspiracy in The X-Files is no big deal.


...You have a pet penguin.


...You believe that Angels are evil.


...You've read the Dead Sea Scrolls just because of Eva.


...You press a button on your left wrist to tighten your plug suit, and realize that you just reset your watch.


...You forget that there is such a thing as an American cartoon.


...You understand what Shinji is going through.


...You greet your friends with "I am the (your name here) that exists in your mind."


...Your fiends return your greeting with "And this is the (friend's name here) that exists in your mind."


...You refer to yourself and your siblings as 1st child, 2nd child, 3rd child, ext.


...You use Twister mats to syncronise your movements with others.


...You and a friend of the opposite sex dress exactly alike.


...You think of Eva whenever you hear Handel's Messiah.


...You have a dream about having a conversation with yourself on a train car.



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