Transport Captain
The Slippery Mynock
Fandar is like the rest of his race, very personable. Although not everyone he encounters would agree that he is nice to have around. He isn't unpleasant and he is even good looking, for a Chadra-Fan, but he has a very exuberant personality. His personality is what pushes most away, most seem to get annoyed after a while, especially when they are in a bad mood and he apparently isn't, as he rarely is. He always has a grin on his face and will be the first to buy a nice stranger a drink. Once he makes friends, he isn't easily dissuaded. He will stick to them like a mynock on a Star Destroyer. At times, he doesn't know when to shut up and if a smooth talker comes by, they can easily use this to their advantage.

He generally goes fairly unnoticed, mainly due to the fact that when your 2 meters tall, you fairly notice a 1 meter tall rodent, which probably isn't larger than your favorite pet or youngest sibling. He loves to sit in cantinas and chatter at the various coming and going patrons. Due to his time there, he has learned a few different card and dice games and has taken to gambling on occasion. People are always more receptive to his chatter when they are winning his money, so he doesn't mind if he wins or loses as long as he has someone that at least acts interested in his discussion.

Rarely will you see him out of his flight suit and without his headset. He carries all of his trinkets with him in its many deep pockets. You'll never see him without his toolkit at hand or without his modified Luxan Penetrator at his side.

He became a transport pilot in order to meet new and interesting people to talk to. He inherited a family ship when his father died, the Slippery Mynock, an Old Republic CT-200 transport. He general sticks to the Southwest quadrant of the galaxy, going from Sullust to Iktotch and down to Ryloth. It is easily identifiable by the two thin, parallel blue stripes down the top, port side. He has made some slight modifications to his ship to help protect it against the piracy that has become more prevalent since the Battle of Endor. Once during his early days as a trader, his ship was boarded by Imperial troopers. Ever since that day, he has had a fear of the Empire and he can be fairly jumpy when he catches a large white object moving out of the corner of his eye.
Fandar built the three droids that crew the Slippery Mynock; he is actually very adept at droid construction. Leerin, the ship's engineer, was his first droid he ever completed. He later built Emthree as a gunner and Tee-Es as a copilot. He treats the droids as his friends, and would never wipe any of their memories. Because of his friendship, and the lack of memory wipes, the droids have developed various quirks and personalities over the years he has had them. He has programmed the droids with the various languages of the native species that inhabit the worlds along his usual trade route.
LE Series Protocol Droid
M-3PO Series Protocol Droid
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