Hiya! This is my happy, zany page!!!
I created this page just so any hypocrites can't come along and say it's too depressing!!! If you suffer from a happiness phobia (that God I didn't use any pink!!!) then please avert you eyes and exit this page by clicking the big escape button at the bottom!!!
If at any point you feel nausius, derranged or generally scared because of the vibrant and disturbing colour shown on this page, thank whatever (if any) diety you believe in that my whole site isn't like this!!! If, however, you start to like it... please leave and never come back, you scary, scary person!!!
Here's a list of all 'good' things in life (trust me, I struggled):
1. in summer you don't freeze to death
2. in winter you don't burn
3. if you've missed your train be hppy- it could've crashed
4. if your train crashed be happy you weren't late (to hospital)
5. if your boyfriend/girlfriend dumps you then you can get revenge
6. if your revenge plan fails at least you tried
7. if people laugh at you at least you're not boring
8. if you're boring at least people don't laugh at you
9. if you're a schitophrenic loner, at least the voices in your head will comfort you (like they do for me)
10. you can leave this page now!!!
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