1.HEAD: 1.Scalp(Symptoms) 1.Agitation 2.Anxiety 3.Apathy 4.Bald spots (hair) 5.Blackouts (memory time loss) 6.Bleeding 7.Brittle hair 8.Broken bone (single fracture) 9.Broken bones (multiple fractures) 10.Bruising or discoloration 11.Coma 12.Compulsive behavior 13.Confusion 14.Craving alcohol 15.Craving to eat ice, dirt or paper 16.Crawling sensation 17.Delusions 18.Depressed mood 19.Difficult to wake from sleep 20.Difficulty concentrating 21.Difficulty falling asleep 22.Difficulty finding words 23.Difficulty learning new things 24.Difficulty sleeping 25.Difficulty solving problems 26.Difficulty staying asleep 27.Difficulty staying awake during day 28.Disorientation 29.Dizziness 30.Drainage or pus 31.Drowsiness 32.Early morning waking 33.Easily distracted 34.Emotional detachment 35.Fainting 36.Fear of air 37.Fear of gaining weight 38.Fear of water 39.Feeling of being detached from reality 40.Feeling smothered 41.Feeling something moving on scalp 42.Fever 43.Fits of rage 44.Flashbacks 45.Food cravings 46.Forgetfulness 47.Frightening dreams 48.Frightening thoughts 49.Hair loss 50.Hallucinations 51.Headache 52.Headache (worst ever) 53.Hearing voices 54.Impaired color vision 55.Impaired judgement 56.Impaired social skills 57.Impulsive behavior 58.Inappropriate behavior 59.Itching or burning 60.Lack of emotion 61.Lack of motivation 62.Lack of pleasure 63.Lightheadedness 64.Loss of consciousness 65.Lump or bulge 66.Memory problems 67.Mood swings 68.Multiple bruises of different ages 69.Numbness or tingling 70.Paranoid behavior 71.Personality changes 72.Poor concentration 73.Pulling out hair 74.Punching or kicking in sleep 75.Repeats phrases 76.Repetitive behaviors 77.Restless (tossing and turning) sleep 78.Sadness 79.Scratching 80.Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs) 81.Sense of impending doom 82.Skin irritation 83.Sleep walking 84.Slow thinking 85.Spinning sensation 86.Swelling 87.Tenderness to touch 88.Unusual behavior 89.Visible bugs or parasites 90.Visible deformity 91.Warm to touch 92.White specks on scalp or hair 2.Eye(Symptoms) 1.Blank stare 2.Bleeding 3.Bleeding in eye 4.Blind spot in vision 5.Blindness 6.Blinking eyes 7.Blurred vision 8.Broken bone (single fracture) 9.Bruising or discoloration 10.Bulging eyes 11.Change in vision 12.Cloudy vision 13.Decreased night vision 14.Discharge or mucus in eyes 15.Distortion of part of visual field 16.Double vision (with one eye covered) 17.Double vision (without one eye covered) 18.Drainage or pus 19.Drooping eyelid 20.Dry eyes 21.Enlarged (dilated) pupils 22.Eye crusting with sleep 23.Eye irritation 24.Eyelashes falling out 25.Eyelid redness 26.Eyes do not track together 27.Eyes rolling back 28.Flickering lights in vision 29.Flickering uncolored zig-zag line in vision 30.Floating spots or strings in vision 31.Frequent changes in eye glass prescription 32.Frequent squinting 33.Gritty or scratchy eyes 34.Holding objects closer to read 35.Holding objects further away to read 36.Itching or burning 37.Jerking eye movements 38.Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional) 39.Loss of side vision 40.Lump or bulge 41.Multiple bruises of different ages 42.Nasal symptoms and one red eye 43.Need brighter light to read 44.Numbness or tingling 45.Pain or discomfort 46.Pain when moving eyes 47.Painful red lump on eyelid 48.Partial vision loss 49.Puffy eyelids 50.Pulling out eyelashes 51.Red (bloodshot) eyes 52.Red eye (single) 53.Red spots inside lower eyelid 54.Scaley skin on eyelids 55.See letters, numbers or musical notes as colors 56.Sensation of something in eye 57.Sensitive to light 58.Shadow over part of vision 59.Small (constricted) pupils 60.Sore or burning eyes 61.Squinting eyes 62.Sudden flash of lights 63.Sunken eyes 64.Swelling 65.Tearing in one eye 66.Tenderness to touch 67.Tilts head to look at something 68.Trouble distinguishing color shades 69.Unable to blink or close eyelid 70.Unequal pupils (size) 71.Visible deformity 72.Vision fading of colors 73.Visual halos around lights 74.Warm to touch 75.Watery eyes 76.Yellow eyes 3.Nose(Symptoms) 1.Bruising or discoloration 2.Decreased smell 3.Difficulty breathing through nose 4.Drainage or pus 5.Itching or burning 6.Lump or bulge 7.Multiple bruises of different ages 8.Nasal congestion 9.Nasal symptoms and one red eye 10.Noisy breathing 11.Nosebleed 12.Numbness or tingling 13.Pain or discomfort 14.Runny nose 15.Sneezing 16.Strange smell or taste 17.Swelling 18.Tenderness to touch 19.Visible deformity 20.Warm to touch 4.Face(Symptoms) 1.Abnormally round face 2.Blank stare 3.Bleeding 4.Broken bone (single fracture) 5.Broken bones (multiple fractures) 6.Bruising or discoloration 7.Drainage or pus 8.Drooping of one side of face 9.Enlarged or swollen glands 10.Lump or bulge 11.Multiple bruises of different ages 12.Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) 13.Muscle twitching (painless) 14.Numbness or tingling 15.Pain or discomfort 16.Pulling out beard 17.Swelling 18.Tenderness to touch 19.Unusual facial expression 20.Visible deformity 21.Warm to touch 5.Mouth(Symptoms) 1.Bad breath 2.Bad taste in mouth 3.Belching 4.Bitter almond odor on breath 5.Bleeding 6.Bleeding gums 7.Bruising or discoloration 8.Coated or furry tongue 9.Cough 10.Cracks at corner of mouth 11.Damaged teeth enamel 12.Decreased appetite 13.Decreased taste 14.Difficulty opening mouth 15.Difficulty swallowing 16.Difficulty talking 17.Drainage or pus 18.Drinking excessive fluids 19.Drooling 20.Dry mouth 21.Excessive mouth watering 22.Frequent chewing 23.Fruity odor on breath 24.Grinding teeth 25.Grooved tongue 26.Gum sores 27.Hoarse voice 28.Increased speech volume 29.Increased talkativeness 30.Increased thirst 31.Involuntary movements (picking, lip smacking etc.) 32.Itching or burning 33.Jaw locking 34.Loss of voice 35.Lump or bulge 36.Metallic taste in mouth 37.Mouth sores 38.Muffled voice 39.Multiple bruises of different ages 40.Noisy breathing 41.Numbness or tingling 42.Pain or discomfort 43.Rapid speech 44.Red (strawberry) tongue 45.Red gums 46.Red spots 47.Regurgitation of food or liquid 48.Shortness of breath 49.Slurred speech 50.Smooth tongue 51.Snoring 52.Sore tongue 53.Soreness or burning inside of mouth 54.Spots on throat 55.Spots on tonsils 56.Strange smell or taste 57.Swelling 58.Swollen gums 59.Swollen lips 60.Swollen tongue 61.Swollen tonsils 62.Taste of acid in mouth 63.Taste words when they are heard 64.Teeth do not fit like they used to 65.Tenderness to touch 66.Thick saliva or mucus 67.Unable to open mouth (jaw) 68.Uncontrollable verbal outbursts 69.Unusual taste in mouth 70.Upset stomach 71.Warm to touch 72.White patches inside mouth 73.White patches on tongue 6.Jaw(Symptoms) 1.Bleeding 2.Broken bone (single fracture) 3.Broken bones (multiple fractures) 4.Bruising or discoloration 5.Clicking or popping sound from jaw 6.Difficulty opening mouth 7.Drainage or pus 8.Enlarged or swollen glands 9.Jaw locking 10.Lump or bulge 11.Multiple bruises of different ages 12.Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) 13.Numbness or tingling 14.Pain or discomfort 15.Pulling out beard 16.Stiffness or decreased movement 17.Swelling 18.Tender glands 19.Tenderness to touch 20.Unable to open mouth (jaw) 21.Visible deformity 22.Warm to touch 7.Ear(Symptoms) 1.Bleeding 2.Bruising or discoloration 3.Drainage or pus 4.Ear ache 5.Hearing loss 6.Itching or burning 7.Lump or bulge 8.Multiple bruises of different ages 9.Numbness or tingling