First Aid for adventure tour bikes

Do A First Aid Course!. At the course tell them your planed activities and ask them for a recommendation of what to take. Remember to tell them how long help may take to get to you, for EPIRB responses in OZ this could be 2 hours for them to find you. Once found it may then take longer to obtain correct help. They may tell you to do additional courses! The "Remote Area First Aid Course" may be the one you are looking for.
The table below is one persons idea, fell free to add and subtract, it is your kit after all.
The most important thing is a CLEAR CLAM MIND.

Item NameDescriptionQualityUsePrice Guide
Gloves Latex 2 Pairs Clean hands! $1
First Aid Booklet Guide Document One Instructions $5
Scissors Sharpe n Smooth points 1 Pair Cutting cloth... $5
Forceps pliers 1 Pair clean handling $5
Eye Bath shaped plastic dish 1 Washing Eye $1
Saline Solution Sterile Liquid 2 off 10ml Eye wash $1
Eye Pad Sterile 2 off Eye cover $1
Betadine Antiseptic Liquid 15ml Infection Reduction $5
Adhesive Tape fastener 1 roll 2.5cm by 5m Secure bandages $6
Swab Surgical wipes At Least 4 Wound Cleaning $1
Cotton Balls Sterile 5 balls Antiseptic Application $1
Conforming Bandage NON STICK! 2 by 5cm 2 by 10cm Wound Cover $3
Band aid Strips NON STICK! 1 packet Wound Cover $3
Crep Bandage elastic 1 long roll 100mm restrictive bandage $5
Bandage NON STICK! cover 3 7.5 by 10 cm Wound Cover $1
Face Shield Mouth cover 2 Recitation $10
Emergency Blanket Plastic Reflective 1 Cover and signal $3

You can use a T shirt for a dressing, cuts weight and size. Don't worry too much about infection, save life first! You can use sticks, tree branches, rolled up paper for a splint, but an air splint is more comfortable if you have to transport (they don't take much room deflated, just watch for punctures).
My thoughts on the above. I prefer an antiseptic liquid but there is a spray pack too. The problem with the liquids is that they will leak away if the tube is punctured, the cream will still be around even if punctured. The first aid booklet can be a good reminder. The face mask is to stop the transfer of blood if you need to give mouth to mouth on a wounded person. I carry a few pairs of the latex gloves, good for fixing a flat and then going on to dinner, or inside WET leather gloves to keep the die off.
Expiry dates on the items should be used as a guide. Chemical compositions deteriorate with time and heat, some medicines given enough time become toxic! Replace anything suspect, it is your life after all.
I do hope none of us have to use any of the above for the intended purpose.
Some other good ideas -

The rescue information package should contain a form to fill out and send on to the rescue people. They want information on number of people in party, how many injured, extent of injuries, location, current supplies and immediate needs.
The above are my essentials for dealing with emergencies.

The Following are for minor things.
Item NameDescriptionQualityUsePrice Guide
Panadol capsials 10 Pain relief $5
Stingose Cream One tube Sting and burn treatment $8
BFI powder Antiseptic powder 15ml Puff Pack Infection Control $5
Vicene Eye Liquid 1 tube Eye irritation treatment $5
? Gastric tablets 10 Anti runs! $5
? Tooth ache tablets 10 Tooth ache relief $5
Deep Heat Heat Rub 1 Tube Strain relief $5

I like to have an antiseptic powder as this dries the wound and helps form a scab, especially in the tropics. You may like to include other things and remove some of mine. Fair enough it is your kit! For example if going to Karahua River you might like to include Salt to remove Leeches. Further north Vinigar for Box Jelly Fish...
While not first aid, sun lotion and insect repelants should be brought along.
Bring a 'shit kit' for remote trips (toilet paper, matches [to burn the paper], digging implement, and liquid soap).
Those with more room (or paranoia) can carry more stuff, eg air splints are small light but do mean more comfort if the person has to be transported.
Indeed if you have a 4WD then the RFDS kit with an RFDS radio is the way to go. Help is only a radio call away and they know what is in your kit!
Here are some other sites with information -

OZ First Aid and Rescue Links

You can e-mail me at Yahoo with any comments.
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