Dream Journal.

I was in Seattle, and tried to help a very old man on a skater to the "Gangsta Side" of the city, which was really stupid. I then used strange GPS directions that went through buildings. One time, I went into a doorway into a combination of a starbucks and a grocery store. I was supposed to enter the grocery store (that I have wandered through in my dreams before) and immediately exit at the other side, which I have done in another dream before as well. I said to myself "haven't seen this gag before." I went to an apartment complex (still on a skateboard) and skated off a 10 foot ledge, and our legs both hurt.

There was a new K.K. Slider song called "I Hate You" which was a math rock song. I wanted to talk to Kazumi Totaka about it.

Canada was replaced by Finland, and I was on the border of Washington in a spot surrounded by wildlife and there was a very long wooden terrace along a building. I walked into Finland without permission from my parents, and ended up in a hospitable lodge still connected to the one in Washington. There were photos of natives on the wall, and there were dispensers for various food items that were free to use.

I saw a card that referred to the super seniors (seniors who get an extra year) at my school and there was a red "no" sign to the left of it.

I was in a complex, which I don't know how to describe. I had scat sex in a room with glass walls, but nobody but the other person was watching. I was accused of doing it, and I saw there was feces everywhere. I pretended to gag to avoid suspicion. I was also playing a red & black game that looked as if it was made by a demo scene or something. It was on a large LED board display, it had a nice soundtrack and aesthetic.

I was in Los Angeles, California in an entirely abandoned neighborhood. In all of the houses I went to, the floors were covered in junk, so I looted clothes from a few houses. One of the houses was half of a gift shop that exited into the city on the other side of the house. I remember it being very sunny outside.

I was at my uncle's new house in Gig Harbor and had some divine being giving me tasks, and the things I needed to interact with glowed in green. I was on a grand adventure to do something, but I don't know what.

I was having a vacation to a resort themed after 1984. When I walked into my room, the previous guests were still in there, and immediately left when they saw me. The left food there and decided to keep it for myself. I was then on a public bus that runs through the resort, looking at the architecture that looks like a mix of the white house and a postmodern mansion. On the bus, I was talking about somebody that didn't like big brother, but was stared at funny, I further explained myself and they stopped staring. I started to lucid dream and started flying into the sky, and looked down on all the lights and the boats on the river.

I was on a road trip to Las Vegas and there were sperm-shaped worms that dug into my skin, they reproduced inside of my skin and I had to pick families of 4 inch long worms out of my skin, and my body was covered in scabs. I felt pain on the bottom of my left foot, and there was a leech on there. I was in a hotel with all these bugs, and the workers had to use sprays to kill these things.

I was on a road trip with my mom and we went toward Canada. I had visions of Google Earth style visuals and map representations in my head. We arrived in Chicago and saw an enormous concrete pipe the size of a 2 story building. I had to do an obstacle course to get there but almost died on the way. I also needed to complete a long jump contest on a long inflatable course. I then found a very small island that was snowy but had sandy beaches.

I saw my old friend Jack Hodges.

I was in a confusing modern celebrity mansion and found a very interesting PDA device that was white, boxy, and 5 inches long, 3 1/2 inches wide, and 3 inches thick. it was full color LCD, but need buttons to function. I time traveled back to the 1800s, and was in a small town somewhere in the rural eastern United States. I complained about how how all haunted mansions were from New Orleans. I saw bronze cone statues move by themselves. I also asked about what woman's head was on the coin currency.

Keemstar blocked me on twitter.

I was driving down the road on a road trip with my family. We stopped at a large hotel in the country. The hotel looked like it was combined with a casino. Everything was made of burgundy wood and there were a lot of neon lights. Our room looked like a sleeping room in a cruise ship, and the rooms were organized on an octagonal mezzanine above the casino. I was then in a small city that was lawless and in complete anarchy. I was once walking down a narrow dirt path surrounded by wooden fences, and it was hot and dry. I was then attacked by a wild boar, and I asked the group ahead of me for help, but they ignored me. I was then in a narrow bar with a high ceiling. There was a lot of wood, but it was a lighter shade of brown than the hotel. I looked at the cabinet full of drinking glasses and the prices on them ranged from $80 to $200. I asked for a beer, and they gave me one despite being not old enough to legally drink. The beer was slightly bitter, and it cost $16. My mom watched me and she didn't care that much. I kept the beer bottle and smashed it on a nearby concrete pathway in a grassy park area in the middle of some buildings. I was hoping for attention but nobody cared. I felt like I was in the town for several days, and I ended up at a gas station at night, trying to find a place to rest. I then was driving back to the hotel, and find out the hotel was ran by a drag queen, and his face was on a digital billboard on the highway. It was raining on the way back to the hotel. There apparently was a party going on, for some reason, but nothing was actually happening. I then saw in the third person a child's room being shot through the walls with a mini-gun. I also heard children screaming, and it was painful to experience.

I broke a molar tooth. It was very sensitive and I didn't want a dick inside of my mouth.

I was on the verge of tears listening to some music.

I was trying to find a source for a radio bump that had something about milkshakes. Later I found myself in an incredibly hot Brutalist sauna with Buddhist monks in it. The floor was made entirely of molten tar. I was confused on how the monks were able to sit bare-assed on the concrete bricks when it's so hot. There was an area outside the sauna that was an even deeper tar pit. I told some tourists that if you sink to where the tar goes halfway up your shins, you'll be stuck and die. I also had a part where I was ascending in an enormous chamber made of intricate webbed patterns of Minecraft obsidian blocks. It's way too intricate and complex to describe in words. It had a lot of shades of purple and black, and there was an effect of low draw distance, just like the actual Minecraft. I later saw a combination of a fish and a camera, and I was pondering whether it was alive or not. It like biting on cloth with its metal "beak" and putting it in the small water puddle i found it in the tar didn't result in a noticeable change.

I was in a video game that reminded me of GTA IV. I was in a large low-poly city and convinced a woman to climb to the top of a building, and later I found her dead on the pavement below. I thought that was funny. Later in the dream I was sprinting in an inhuman speed down a series of corridors and bursting through doors underground. I managed to come across some sewer pipes and the end of my run, and there was an amused sewer worker looking at me. I tried going up the smaller pipe, but it was blocked off. I went down the larger one, and went down a slippery slope into a sewer system. It got deeper and darker, and I got an awful feeling that I'll never see the light of day again. I immediately quit the game that was reality.

I was using the Nintendo 3DS 3D feature, I felt my eyes crossing.

I was online on v4c and my Gachimuchi parody was playing. Everyone in the chatroom was laughing at me.

I was in a large city and it was sorta decrepit. The members of Death Grips made a reference to an abandoned hotel in the city I was in, so I went over there to have a look. There was an electric fence blocking off inside a tight alley where i needed to go, with barbed wire on the top. There was a large tear on the bottom of the chain link fence. There also was a passive aggressive handwritten sign on the fence that the electric fence was deactivated and called you an idiot if you somehow electrocute yourself with it. I tried to climb under, but I felt jolts of electricity shocking me; however, it felt painless. I managed to slip through into a hole in the wall. I was in a laundry room and there were multiple bootleg CDs in paper sleeves on one of the washers. I read one of them and it said it was a Death Grips demo from 2050, another from 2040. I immediately thought these were fake and tossed them aside. I saw another one that said it was from around 2002 or 2003 or so, and it said it was a Death Grips live recording. I kept this one with me.

I was back in Palm Springs where my mom owns a house. I was walking around the area and I explained to someone I could possibly walk to Disneyland (actually false.) I then went into a theme park where I saw Tom Jenkinson and Richard D. James managing a ride. Richard was dressed in a clown outfit. I later saw Richard that day and I screamed at him like a One Direction fan, and he jokingly ran away in fear. I said "Hi" to him and he said "hi" back, and I felt good about it. I later thought to myself "that was just a dream, that sucks" while I was still dreaming.