Chapter 4: It's Not Easy Being Green

A/N: Chunks here! Finally cut back on the 'shrooms, but I seem to have misplaced Zippy. Oh well, I'm sure she'll turn up soon. Anywho, I think I've done most of my homework for this fic, being looking up most of the characters, how the show was made, why characters were put in, what makes them tick, and whatnot. I've come to the conclusion that NO ONE can say that our interpretation of JL is wrong because, well . . . there is no actual set form. It changes, or is left ambiguous enough to allow for loopholes. So, if we say that Bruce Wayne's eyes are blue, then they're blue. If we say that Flash doesn't get out of his costume much, then he doesn't get out of his costume much. If we say something, then that's the way it is, okay? Okay. Sweet.

(Sorry for being serious all of a sudden, I guess I'm just a bit bipolar.)

Oh yeah! We don't own Justice League or any of the characters or the other random shit we've put in here. If we did, we'd certainly have better things to do than ponder the possible relationship trauma that could ensue on that little Watchtower satellite. But then, where would all the fun be?

Ed: Fun! Fun! Who sees the fun?

Chunks: er, right.

Ein: >squeak<

It is hard to believe that humans are supposed to be the most intelligent beings on this planet.

Albeit, most the creatures I know personally that take up residence here aren't originally from Earth, but that still does not change the fact that they are living here. Other species' idiosyncrasies tend to rub off on one who has stayed in contact for an extended period of time.

I'm overjoyed that none of it has rubbed off on me.

I scrape up my winnings from my previous games with Hawkgirl and Green Lantern. Hawkgirl was quite upset that I had stripped her wallet of all contents during my winning streak, and Lantern not much less so. However, I had assured them multiple times that according to the rules on the back of the deck, the use of telepathy to win was not prohibited. It did little to lighten their moods. Hawkgirl has now gone to bed in a bit of a huff, and Lantern has remained silent, still staring at the only dollar he has managed to secure.

Well, it wasn't my fault they wanted to play poker.

Not that I will use any of the money. I will simply redistribute it when the previous owners show themselves worthy enough to have it. Until then, it will remain in my secret storage facility in my room.

I pick up the last of the money, just barely able to hold the spilling bills in my arms, more than a little curious as to why Green Lantern hasn't gone to bed yet. As I stand up with my winnings, I query, "Don't humans need at least eight hours of sleep?"

It takes a while for Lantern to respond. When he does, he snaps up as though he had been asleep with his eyes open. "I'm sorry, what did you say again?"

"It is late," I say patiently. "You should sleep."

He looks down, a defeated look in his eyes. "What's the point?" he sighs.

I fail to comprehend. "I fail to comprehend. Why do you ask that?"

His green eyes swivel in my direction. "Every time I sleep, I dream about her."

"Who?" I almost ask, but his thoughts betray him and I know. "Hawkgirl?"

He does not answer that. The lone bill in his hands floats to the ground as he holds his head in his hands. Slumping his shoulders slightly, he closes his eyes and continues as though I hadn't asked at all.

"I know I'm not supposed to think this way, especially since we're only supposed to have a business relationship, but . . . I just can't help it. When we fight evil together, it's like music in motion, but whenever we talk, we just end up arguing. Sometimes I wonder how I could ever allow myself to fall in love, especially with her. I've been trained not to all my life. I'm a soldier, someone who isn't supposed to think on a personal level. I'm supposed to think on a practical level. But . . . every time she looks at me, everything else just seems so unimportant. It's getting harder and harder for me to stay alert when we fight our enemies, and sometimes I'm afraid . . . afraid that she'll be my undoing." He looks up at me. "J'Onn, I'm just not sure about anything anymore."

I look at him for a long time before answering, "Perhaps you are already undone."

He lets out a bitter laugh. "Yeah, maybe. And then last night . . . She . . . Oh never mind. But she really confused me. I don't know if she feels the way I do."

"Have you talked to her about any of this?" I ask him.

Lantern sighs again. "No."

I shift my winnings in my arms while he looks out the large window on the other side of the room. There is an uncomfortable silence as the stars outside wink in and out of our sight. Green Lantern makes no sign that he is thinking about explaining any more on his feelings than he already has, so I conclude that he has finished his half of the conversation. I assume that he would like to be left alone and begin walking to the exit, but think better of it and turn speak from the doorway.

"She doesn't like people keeping secrets from her."

He does not respond, but the look in his eyes seems to say that he will think about it.

I do not dwell on it. I know that Green Lantern is perfectly capable of making his own decisions. I proceed to walk down the corridor, passing by many open doors that lead to League bedrooms or studies, and almost any other type of room imaginable. One in particular catches my eye, most likely because it is occupied, though the resident does not sleep.

Diana stands there, staring out the window. Though I am not exceptionally attuned to typical Earthling emotions, I cannot help but feel a little of the sadness her form radiates. It is a sadness I know all too well: that of being alone.

She certainly has fallen hard for Batman.

Of course, she would be shocked if she found out that I knew about that. Most of my colleagues don't realize that I know almost everything that goes down on this satellite. The fact that I have telepathy and can phase out and about as I please comes in handy when I wish to observe. It is not that I like to spy on them . . . far from it. I am simply just fascinated by the social aspect of this planet and the social aspect of this select group even more so.

I continue walking, knowing that Diana will be here tomorrow and will most likely want to talk about it then and not now. Finally reaching my room, I step in as the door opens with a slight >whoosh< I set tonight's winnings on a table to be sorted in alphabetical order according to previous owner. I decide I would rather do that tomorrow, seeing as someone has to be watching the monitors at this moment, and as far as I know, the others have no intention of doing that.

Exiting my room and heading toward the control panel to monitor any would- be disasters, I nearly barrel into the form of Hawkgirl, who, for some reason has decided that she won't be sleeping tonight after all.

"I'm sorry," I apologize, helping her regain her balance.

"It's all right," she says in a strangely subdued voice.

"What's wrong?" I ask, concerned. Hawkgirl isn't normally nearly as docile.

"Nothing. I just need to get out for a few hours. Do some thinking."

"About what?"

She looks away from me, self-consciously crossing her arms over her chest. "A lot of things." Turning her head back in my direction she continues, "I'll be back tomorrow."

With that, she walks out to the hangar.

This is a mystery I must try to solve tomorrow. I can't believe I could have missed this. I must be losing my touch to not see something wrong with Hawkgirl today. Ah well . . . at least it will give me something interesting to think about as I watch the monitors.

This is a strange place, The Watchtower. It allows me to see what few others can. I see the humanity of these six, considered by many to be "above" the human race. I see the problems that they face, the ones that the rest of the human race never even knows about. I see the way they must always hide things, from their friends, from their families, from themselves. But only rarely can they hide things from me. The Red Planet has given her children more natural abilities than the Blue Planet has given hers. Sometimes, I long for my own people, to be understood again, instead of being an enigma. It is no matter, as I will always strive to help my new companions, no matter how strangely they may act.

Earthlings are fast becoming my favourite race of aliens.

<End chapter 4>

A/N: Zippy's back! Sorry this one is so short. Chunks and I thought it might be nice to hear J'Onn's side of the story, seeing as he would probably know just about everything going on. Just so everyone knows, we view him almost like a Spock/Piccolo type character. Logical, somewhat stern, but with a true desire to help people. Also, both guys are a bit confused by their friends, but they still accept and support them.

So . . . next time, we might even find out who slept with Hawkgirl! What was with her "painful memories" thing, anyways? What did she do that confused Green Lantern so much? Does the Bat miss Diana as much as she misses him? REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you happen to be a person who likes DBZ, read the other stories by me and Chunks (chunks is scolding me for bad grammar, but oh well). PLEASE!!!!! Check Chunks' profile for more good authors and stories. Mine too. If you like Batman/Wonder Woman stories, I just read an AWESOME one. I don't remember the exact title, but I think it was something like, "In Darkest Night" by Meljean Brook, or similar to that. REVIEW THOSE PEOPLE TOO, IF YOU READ MORE STORIES!!!!!! Everybody loves reviews. Feel free to recommend other people in your reviews, if you think they are good (or if you just want to share your story with the world). We also accept any and all suggestions from our readers.

DC beats Marvel.

Ein: >squeak< >squeak<

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