Two Fathers.

Author: Erika

Email: [email protected]


Fandom: Smallville

Disc: Smallville belongs to WB, Superman and all its characters belong to DC Comics, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

Rating: PG.

Beta: Jose.



The year 2010. Metropolis Mount Sinai Hospital. Eleven thirty at night.

Even from this distance, Clark could hear and see a new life being welcomed into this turbulent world.

Clark stood on the roof top, a block away from the hospital. He used his X-ray vision to bear witness to the events happening inside. A new Luthor being born and appropriately named Julian after Lex's younger brother who had died years ago. Julian, after Julius Cesar, who had ruled Rome with an iron hand. Julian, who would one day inherit his father's kingdom.

Clark took everything in, memorizing the look on Lex's face as he was handed his son. The look of wonder. No mask in place.

Clark clenched his fist, willing himself to keep his eyes open. He needed to see this, to accept the fact Lex had moved on. Built a life, created a life, all without Clark's help, guidance or love.

In the end, Lex hadn't needed saving. Lex had saved himself.

With child in hand, Lex walked toward the window as though knowing Clark was out there, watching him, observing this.

Clark stepped back, allowing the shadows to reclaim him, forgetting for a moment that at this distance he was safe from Lex's detection.

The child again cried out.

Lex looked down at the precious bundle in his arms. He walked away from the window, forgetting Clark, dismissing him from his mind.

Proudly, he presented his son to his wife.


Lois Lane, reporter.



Author's Notes:

Livia issued a challenge to write a Smallville story based on a title of an X-File episode. I picked the title Two Fathers, which referred to the characters Cancer Man (father of Jeffery Spender) and William Mulder (father of Fox Mulder).

Other stories based on the challenge can be found here:




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