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The Night Has Fangs

Deep within the heart of Transylvania, a dark power from the past has resurfaced, and three beautiful young research students are caught in the midst of a supernatural battle for control of the vampire kingdom.

Blood is the tie that binds the good Stefan (Michael Watson) and the evil Radu (Anders Hove), vampire brothers reunited by the death of their father, King Vlad (Angus Scrimm; Phantasm).  Radu creates an army of hellish creatures of the night - subspecies - to help him in his wicked quest.  Stefan has love on his side as Michelle (Laura Tate), one of the students, joins him in the desperate fight to save the kingdom from the terrifying rule of Radu.

Video Bonus! Full Moon's Videozone
A Behind-The-Scenes Video Magazine

Total Running Time Approx. 90 Minutes
Rated: R

Subspecies Soundtrack

Subspecies Comic Book

Subspecies Collector Cards

Subspecies was sequeled by

Subspecies II: Bloodstone

Subspecies III: Bloodlust

Subspecies IV: Bloodstorm
Return to Full Moon Pictures
12" Radu

Unproduced Figure

The Night Has Fangs

From the sucesful & on-going film series "Subspecies".

The definative version of one of Full Moon Fan's favorite character.

Multiples points of articulation, real rooted hair, real cloth clothing including a highly deatailed overcoat.

Also comes with the Bloodstone and the Subspceies action figure.
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