Alien Arsenal

What They Discover...Could Destroy The World

  When two teenage misfits, Ralph and Baxter - accidentally discover a bizarre vault of alien weaponry and body armor in the basement of their high school - they harness the power to transform from super geeks... to superheroes.

  Unfortunately, their discovery signals the arsenal's alien owners who have returned to Earth to reclaim the deadly cache... and destroy the Planet!

Running Time Approx. 90 Min.

Alien Death Machine

Its engine roars with a deafening thunder.

The sleek, dark profile cuts through the night like a sword through flesh.  Devoid of human emotion, it lives to kill.  It has torn into our dimension from the Hell of another world.  An alien being with a mission to destroy the one person on earth that prevents its immortality.

There is no place to hide - when the Murdercycle has its sights set on you.

Running Time Approx. 90 Minutes
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