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Bad Channels

Collector's Series 36

Terror is taking over the air-waves... or is it?  Dan O'Dare is up to his old tricks again.  This guy is really nuts!  He's claiming that a bulbous alien has ransacked his station and is forcing him to play records.  Why is the alien doing this?  Certainly not to pursue the American dream.  He's interested in some other assets of this country, those of the faminine variety.  Yup, this alien wants babes, lots of 'em.  he tunes in while they're listening to the radio, locks onto them, does some electro stuff, shrinks them down to a few inches tall, and puts them in glass jars.  Pretty bizarre, huh?


Collector's Series 37

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 207 lbs.

Weapons: Green slime, electro phaser, glass jars, and shrinking machine.

Cosmo wasn't very popular on his own planet, he's a little shorter and lumpier than most aliens.  Consequently, he spent a lot of time playing with the specimen set his bizarre uncle gave him.  Cosmo ran around collecting everthing, then joined forces with Lump to shrink babes where ever they may be found.

Collector's Series 38

Height: 3'2"

Weight: 50 lbs.

Weapons: Electrical and scientific ability.

Lump is a superior member of the Fretei race, the inferior species on Cosmo's home planet.  He's a scientist and electronics whiz who conducted the first shrinking experiments with Cosmo.  As they progressed Cosmo decided to work with Lump's brain.  It has been shrunk and enlarged 5 times with no adverse side effect.  Lump retained enough brain capacity to build a protective dome for himself.  He is unswerving in his loyalty to Cosmo, even though Cosmo gets all the galactic babes.

Bottled Babes
Collector's Series 39

Life at the bottom of a jar is a bummer.  If only these ladies hadn't let themselves lose control, their outlook might be brighter.  But what could they do?  They were powerless against the onslaught of that rad music, and the mind-numming devies Cosmo barraged them with.  Cosmo's power works on women of all types, with these babes he's got the best of the U.S..  Now they're facing a lifetime of wearing Barbi's fun fashions.  For slick chicks like these, that's a fate worse than death.

Bands From Beyond
Collector's Series 40

Cosmo's not just into capturing girls, he's into bands too.  Everyone knows the ability bands have to attract chicks, and Cosmo knows how to tap into that power.  Cosmo searches the solar system for bands raw enough to complete his dire plans.  He lures the bands by offering them the chance of a lifetime, an opportunity to make a video in an exotic setting with bodacious babes.  They can't refuse.  Literally.  The band's don't really mind, it's probably the only gig they'll get in this galaxy, anyway.

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