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Full Moon Cards Presents

Puppet Master III

Limited Edition Movie Collector Cards
Five Card Pack

Text From The Cards

Puppet Master III

For decades, Andre Toulon only used his puppets to entertain children.  But over that time, his German home changed from an entertainer's paradise into the Nazis' twisted domain.  These evil rulers viewed his shows as subversive, and toulon's mysteriouly animated dolls as the key to creating an army of undead soldiers.  The Gestapo breaks into the Puppet Master's theater for his life-giving formula, and kills his wife when she resists their thievery.  Toulon manages to escape the Nazis, and darkens his puppets' spirits while hiding in the ruins of Berlin, studying his foes and plotting their destruction.  Soon the playthings begin to cut a bloody swathe through the Third Reich, fulfilling their master's lust for revenge.


Height: 2'4", Weight: 7 Pounds, Weapons: Six Minature Colt '45s
Habits: Pulls down his bandanna before blasting away.

Andre Toulon was a fan of Hollywood westerms, their six-shooting gunslingers embodying his rebellious spirit against the Nazis.  The Puppet Master designed his tribute with six arms, and a red bandanna to hide the doll's viciously smiling face.  Each one of Six-Shooter's black gloves carries a functioning pistols; his trigger fingers go from blowing apart wooden Hitlers to annihilating real stormtroopers.  Six-Shooter's multiple arms also let him scale up buildings, the better to gun down toulon's fascist foes.


Height: 1'9", Weight: 4 Pounds, Weapons: A razor-sharp knife and hook.
Former Identity: Doctor Hess

Revenge fuels the Puppet Master's deadliest creation, a skull-faced slasher modeled after the Gestapo chief who shot Toulon's wife.  This evil likeness is instilled with the life essence of Doctor Hess, a German scientist murdered by the Nazis before he could learn Toulon's secrets.  Now wearing a black trenchcoat and a fedora, Blade uses his glistening knife and piercing hook to rend flesh and extract brain tissue.  Blade's bloodthirstiness is only matched by his cunning, as he leads the troupe on their deadliest mission.

Jester & Pinhead

Heights: 1'8" (Jester) 1'7' (Pinhead), Weights: 1 1/2 Pounds (Jester) 2 Pounds (Pinhead)
Weapons: Hip Knife (Jester) Hammering Fists (Pinhead)
Former Identities: Hurd Kaiserman (Jester) Herman Straus (Pinhead)

Jester's emotions are reflected with a twirl of his multi-paneled face, either revealing a dealy smile or a mournful frown.  Once a joke-loving bookkeeper, Jester now slashes at his victims' feet and sits in a tiny throne, feeding off the Puppet Master's tormented emotions.

Toulon creates another spirit of vengence from Herman Strass, a truck driver shot for smuggling food to the Warsaw Ghetto.  Now the Nazi victim occupies the indestructible, and almost brainless form of Pinhead.  Even if his shrunken features are knocked off, the puppet is sure to rise and unleash devastating punches, crushing necks with a vice-like grip.  This brutish loyalty makes Pinhead one of Toulon's most valuable weapons against the Third Reich.

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