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Join the Club...

When Maddy (Debbie Rochon) goes to a party with her new boyfriend, Shawn (Danny Wolske), she only wants to meet his friends and have a good time.  They tell her about their "Murder Club" and invite her to join.  Confused but intrigued, Maddy really wants to be part of the group.  Before she can join though, The "Muder Club" members are being killed off, one by one.

Who can be trusted?

Can the killer be stopped? 

Or will they all

Devin Hamilton and Dennis Petersen directs from Hamilton's script.  Julie Strain co-stars along with Brinke Stevens and Troma's Lloyd Kaufman as Maddy's parents.

Rated R for Strong Violence / Gore, Sexuality and Language

Feature Running Time Approx. 82 Minutes

The Special Edition D.V.D. Includes

16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen

Deleted Scenes

Extended Scenes

Cast & Crew Biographies

Danny Wolske

Ronnie Gene Blevins

Laura Nativo

Debbie Rochon

Allen Nabors

Dennis Petersen

Devin Hamilton

Actor Auditions

Rehearsal Footage


Easter Eggs
Return to Full Moon
Brinke Stevens & Debbie Rochon
After the filming of Bleed, actress Brinke Stevens auctioned off the dress she worn in the film on e-Bay.

During the filming of her death scene Penthouse Pet of the Year actress Julie Strain asked if the film had enough nudity and suggested she do the sceen topless.

The writer / director Devon Hamilton originally wrote the film under the title
The Murder Club.
During the production of the film Hamilton changed the title to
Make' Em Bleed, which as later simplifed to Bleed.
Debbie Rochon on Maddy

A lot of people liked Jane from American Nightmare but Maddy is not Jane and has a completely different back history.  I have no interest characters when they are not in fact the same character.  I think creating something different is doing the project more justice than becoming an actor that repeats performances.  They have somethings in common like they are both loners and outcasts but they also have many differences.  I created Jane to take out her frustrations on the world, blaming everyone else for her misery, where as Maddy has a hard time living with HERSELF over what she has done in her past.  This aspect makes her a little more of a victim character, along with unstable emotionally.  I find some people like the psycho crazy woman and are turned off by the confused 'little girl' type of character.  It's a matter of taste.  Just FYI, I have had people ask me to do roles that are 'exactly' Jane and I have turned them down.  If they are LIKE her that's a different story.  A good friend of mine said 'expect people to compare everything you do to the over-the-top psycho character you did in American Nightmare.  I find he is right.  When the time is right I will indeed do it again, but it doesn't do BLEED any justice to not come up with a new original character, how I saw Maddy.  Whether I was 'good' or 'bad', I attempted to create something original.
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