Die You Zombie Bastards !
Is the feature debut from filmmakers Caleb Emerson, and Haig Demarjian.
I caught up with the boys to find out more about
Die You Zombie Bastards, and the trilogy of short films that inspired this epic.
Hi guys, you've had considerable success with The Red's Breakfast shorts being picked up for release by Troma, and you're currently working on your first feature length film entitled Die You Zombie Bastards. Can you tell us a little about this project?
Yes. Red's Breakfast 2: Dawn of the Red" is currently available on VHS and DVD from Troma on a collection called The Best Of Tromadance along with some great short films by other young filmmakers from around the world. Troma is going to be releasing The Red's Breakfast Experience ( a trilogy of Red films along with interviews with the cast & crew) sometime soon (go to www.troma.com and send them an e-mail saying that you want it).
This all started in 1995 when I was at college at The Rhode Island school of design with my friend Tim Gerstmar. I had to do a little project for a video class, so we invented this character (who was basically a cross between me, Tim, and a serial killer)and named him 'Red' (after some graffiti on the wall of the basement we were shooting in) and had him wake up, pull a girl out of his closet,cut her open and eat her guts....
Red's Breakfast. It was only 4 or 5 minutes long. But Tim and I had fun and wanted to keep going with it.
So then came
Red's Breakfast 2: Dawn of the Red (1997) which is about 14 minutes long, and has Red finding a girlfriend who is also a deranged killer (a little bit of art immitating life, as that was when I first met my girlfriend of 6 years) and then the following year Red's Breakfast 3: Die You Zombie Bastards! which is a short (25 minutes or so) version of the film we are doing now, Die You Zombie Bastards!.
There are several scenes in
Die You Zombie Bastards! that are being directly re-made from the Red shorts. I think DYZB! is just the film I have been wanting to make all along, and now that we have the means it is the final product of years of me and Tim screwing around with this character in short films and videos, just on a much bigger scale. Here's a quick plot synopsis:
Red & Violet: a blissfully happy couple (now married) who happen to be loveable serial killers. On the other side of the world we have Baron Nefarious: a Mad Scientist (for lack of a better description) who has built a machine called the Zombotron which he uses to turn people into mindless zombie slaves and wants to...of course...take over the world. One thing leads to another, and he kidnaps Violet to make her his bride, which sends Red on a crazy road trip around the globe to find her. He visits various characters (including One Man Band Rockabilly Legend Hasil Adkins!) who give him bits of information & weoponry to help him on his journey.
I was raised on horror films, and most of my favorite movies would fall into that category. But
DYZB! isn't really a horror film at all. It's a character based road movie/comedy FOR people who love horror films. Scaring people isn't really what's in me as an artist. But virtually all of the elements in this film are elements from horror/exploitation movies. There's a lot of blood, there's a lot of nudity, there's zombies, etc. Anyone who's into horror movies & has a sense of humour will dig this movie. It's kind of like maybe....Bad Taste meets Cabin Boy (with a little John Waters, Jerry Lewis, Russ Meyer, and Clash of the Titans for good measure).
Troma seems to be more interested in The Red's Breakfast Experience than they usually are in films they pick up for distribution. Do they see Red as a possible franchise character along the lines of The Toxic Avenger, or Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. ?
They do? Honestly, I have no idea what Troma's plans for the Red trilogy are. I made sure to retain ownership of the character of Red (because we are independantly producing Die You Zombie Bastards! , which has characters and storylines directly from the shorts). All I can say is that they liked part 2 enough to put it on the Tromadance tape and DVD, and have expressed that they want to release the trilogy possibly along with a collection of shorts from another filmmaker. We'll see what happens.
I can't dare say what Troma might be thinking about the Red character other than they like the trilogy enough to want it. I know that Hizzoner Lloyd Kaufman positively adores Caleb (the guy tried to ADOPT him. Or is that ABDUCT him?). Lloyd has actually been heard giving this advice/warning to young filmmakers: "Don't go out there and try to make the next Star Wars.....try to make the next Red's Breakfast.
That's a pretty high compliment. Not to mention that Lloyd is BEGGING for a part in
DYZB!..... and there's nothing we'd like more than the worlds Greatest Champion of Independant Cinema in our movie. And boy do we have a part for him! All of this is very hush-hush, top secret and all that. This is actually more than Lloyds lawyers want us to say at this point.
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Haig Demarjian with rockabilly icon Hasil Adkins.
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