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Treatment may take some time. New warts may appear before clearance commences.

What are Genital Warts?

Medical Advice

Psychological reactions to Genital Warts

Genital Warts are of concern to women because of a link between some types of warts and cervical cancer.  Women with vulval warts are advised to have an annual cervical smear for cancer.

What are Genital Warts?

Genital warts affect both men and women and appear on or around the vulva, vagina, anus, cervix, penis, scrotum, groin or thigh.

They are usually spread through skin-to-skin contact during sex.

Genital warts are easily transmitted. Long term association with an infected partner is not necessary for transmission.

The warts can look like small raised bumps or have a soft, cauliflower-like appearance and can appear singly or in-groups. They are usually painless but accompanying symptoms can include itching, burning and tenderness.

The human papilloma virus (HPV) causes genital warts. This microscopic virus has to multiply and grow before warts can be seen therefore many genital warts especially those that are flat, can only be seen under a magnifier.

Someone can obviously carry the virus that causes genital warts for several years before visible warts appear.

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Medical Advice

 Diet may play a part and patients should be advised to maintain an adequate intake of vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid.

Smoking increases the risk of developing genital warts by a factor of 4.  

Aldara has just been released by its discoverer, 3M Pharmaceuticals, and is only available on a doctor’s prescription. It is a relatively pain-free, effective treatment for genital warts.

Aldara cream is a new non-invasive treatment for genital warts that patients can apply themselves at home. Aldara cream contains imiquimod, an immune response modifier, and is the first therapy that by stimulating the body’s production of its own interferon to fight the viral infection and achieves a high rate of wart clearance and low rate of recurrence.

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Psychological reactions to Genital Warts

The main problem for people lies in dealing emotionally with a genital warts diagnosis. Often warts sufferers become anxious or depressed and one must consider psychological reactions such as problems people may have with sexuality, shame, embarrassment and self-blame because there is a social stigma attached to having a sexually transmitted disease and people think that those who contract them are promiscuous.  

The emotional problems that people have with genital warts are very similar to those people with herpes experience, it is therefore important people receive the proper information at the time of diagnosis therefore avoiding the psychosexual disquiet that harms some patients.

Sexual Health services should also have the means and resources to provide the partner with the information and support they require because a diagnosis of genital warts can often cause problems in the relationship, with accusations of blame and suspicion that one of them has been unfaithful.

It must be explained that it is possible for someone in a stable relationship to have developed warts as a result of a sexual encounter that happened long before they met their current partner.

If a person who has been recently diagnosed with HPV has been in a relationship for more than three months and they have not used condoms regularly, the other partner has most likely been infected.

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