# Customize the prompt # The ! will display the command number in the prompt #PS1='[!] $ ' # The $PWD will display the present working directory in the prompt #PS1='[!] $PWD $ ' # The hostname will display the system name in the prompt # PS1="[`hostname`] $ " # Bessere Loesung index=$(expr $index + 1) PS1="$index + $(whoami) +"' $PWD $ ' # Define some aliases # alias ls="ls -ACF" # alias history="fc -l" #provided by default # alias h="fc -l" # alias r="fc -e - " #provided by default alias mroe=more alias who=who|sort alias del="rm -i" alias dir="ls -aF" alias usercount='who|cut -d" " -f1|sort -u|wc -l' # alias usercount="who|cut -d" " -f1|sort -u|wc -l" geht nicht!! alias killme="kill -9 $(ps -ef|grep $(whoami)|sort -k2n|head -1|cut -c9-15)" # Set up the shell environment: set -o markdirs # All directory names resulting from filename # generation will have a trailing / appended. set -o monitor # Jobs will send messages to screen when complete. set +u # Ignore unset parameters during variable substitution. set -o viraw # kein Return nach Ctrl-d